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Jeroen Steggink jsteggink
Freelance AI/ML Strategist & Architect

@knowsy-nl Netherlands

Eric EricBioInf

Freie Universität Berlin Berlin

Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

BubblyOrca BubblyOrca
"Every living being has its own methods for sensing and understanding the world."

Rektify AI Austin, Texas

ZY (Jerry) mathsrocks
Less is more.

The NRMA Sydney, Australia

John Jansen johnjansen

Dreamware Auckland, New Zealand

Anca Negoiu anca-negoiu

Primer New York City

Anees yaboyanees
Helps build seamless experiences that integrate into user workflows

Arlington, VA

Andre Aponte norcaldre

Primer Technologies Inc.

Max Dauber MaxDauber
Senior Forward Deployed Engineer at Primer AI, Texas Ex

@PrimerAI San Francisco, CA