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Victor S. HUANG vicw0ng-hk
Mox @victor-huang-mox | BEng(CompSc) 1st class honours @ HKU

@moxbank by Standard Chartered RAS Gnok Gonh

Alex SZE alex-sze-mox
Hello world!

Mox Bank Hong Kong

Victor S HUANG victor-huang-mox
@vicw0ng-hk @ Mox Bank (@ Security Architecture and Digital Assurance)

Mox Bank HK

Calvin Chung calvin-chung-mox

Mox Bank Limited Hong Kong SAR

Helic Leung helic-mox
Tech Tribe Lead in Cards & Lending & Internal Missions in Mox


Willson Law willson-law-mox
A backend software engineer at Mox!

Hong Kong