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Deepa Krishnaswamy deepakri201
I'm currently an Instructor in Radiology at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School and completed my PhD at the University of Alberta in 2021.

Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, MA

Chaoguang Gong Ashgon

Harbin Institute of Technology

Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Advaith Veturi Aveturi13
Data Scientist @CUAnschutz working in medical computer vision space
Pawel Renc prenc

Massachusetts General Hospital Boston

Steve McNamara mac-attac
Optometrist and aspiring web developer.

Lafayette, CO

Sebastiano_Vacca_98 Sebarz98
MD | PhD Student

Feinstein Institute for Medical Research New York

Wu Zhuoru WZRJohn
Shenzhen University
Enyu Yuan DOCT-Y
Radiology Ph.D @ West China Hospital, Sichuan, China


Dr. Abder-Rahman Ali abderhasan
Research Fellow @ Center for Ultrasound Research & Translation (CURT)

Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

Tiago Filipe Sousa Gonçalves TiagoFilipeSousaGoncalves
Science lover, geek culture addicted and a "wanna be" musician.


Zekun Jiang JZK00
I mainly focus on AI in Medical Imaging and Biomedical Physics.

West China Biomedical Big Data Center Chengdu City

Leslie ShixuanGu
PhDing @VCG.

Harvard University Cambridge

Felipe Crispim da Rocha Salvagnini Fcsalvagnini
Msc student at Computing institute - UNICAMP. I am a python/c++ developer passionate for the fields of computer vision and machine learning.


jligm-hash jligm-hash
Hi Martian! We will, we will rock you! 👯👯👯

Гонконгский университет науки и технологии [email protected]

Shreyas Bhat Shreyas-Bhat

CS PhD UNC Chapel Hill | @QTIM-Lab | @SforAiDl Chapel Hill