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Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Ayushi Ayushi40804
2nd Year Engineering Student | AI/ML | Cyber


Kutluhan Azaflı kutluhanazafli
He never screams. Even after the dog has its fill and his guts are hanging out, he never screams.


Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

sajal sajalkmr
here for the vibes


Merlin Seela merlinseela

Fraunhofer IPK Germany

Artyom Gevorgyan gevorgyana [email protected] for work related stuff.

Student Ukraine

Anurag Anuragreat
Web Developer | Data Science | Machine Learning


Luca Penasa luca-penasa
Now at INAF-OAPD, previously a postdoctoral researcher at the Geosciences Department, University of Padova and Centre of Studies and Activities for Space CISAS


I write code!


Basil Aljamal baljamal
Control Engineer


Igor K Laymer
Softwre QA Engineer @ nokia. Breaking things is my favorite thing to do. Erlang, TCL and SROS enthusiast. ex. Researcher @uclouvain @LightKone

Nokia Bell NV Belgium

sijin720 taskkk

中国空间技术研究院 北京市海淀区

Rami S. Jaber RamiSJ12
Chief Software Engineer at Data Pirates Agency🔹Open for Remote Jobs and Freelancing.

Data Pirates Agency

Rafael Andrade rafaelafpro
Fullstack Web Developer

Ubá, Minas Gerais

Felipe W. ffwestin

São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Patrick Roncagliolo roncapat
Robotics and Computer Engineer. Space addicted.

Thales Alenia Space Italy Turin (TO), Italy

Mahmoud Saad ZeroX96
Embedded software Engineer


Mohd Noor Aman 0xNoor
Hardware-Tech Enthusiast
Kiran Mishra misskiran
Wanna Build Some Crazy Shit ? I'm interested . Contributor @ GSSoC'24
Ahsan Khan ahsan-khan1999
A passionate software engineer, having 4years of professional experience in Software developement. My expertise are in JS, NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS & Typescript

@Cloudmeshsolutions Bahria Town