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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Circuitry Passion TheElectronicMusicProject
> Engineering 📚 > Electronics 🔌 > Programming 👨🏻‍💻 > Electronic Projects! 💡


Michele Santucci weirdgyn
It's a mess but I did it all by myself!


IRADUKUNDA Allelua Fiacre irfiacre

Rohde-Schwarz Kigali Rwanda

Max FERGER UnePierre
Formerly compiler and compiler-test engineer, a couple of years involved with embedded safety, now with cyber security.

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity Cologne, Germany

Thomas Schauer-Köckeis Gepardgame
Cybersecurity Student


Robin Marlowe robmar-rs

@Rohde-Schwarz München, Bavaria

hooy hooyantsing

PRIMARIUS Beijing, China

Onur AKARSU RiveTroy
Kocaeli University, TR Electronics 'n' Communications Eng. Now, It's smaller. But still the strongest

Istanbul, TR

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nsanzimfura Eric nsanzimfura-eric
Full-stack developer && UI designer.

@rohde-schwarz kigali-Rwanda

Tarun S tarun172
I am Electrical Engineer by profession.

Ottawa, Ontario

Kobe_S westbrookS0

Nanjing University Nanjing, China

DMG201 DGM-201
Always Learning!
Ludorg Ludorg
Serial Coder, Software Developer (C/C++, Java, Python, Rust), Game Lover.

@Thalesgroup Angers (France)