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Nich P picnich

Toronto, Canada

Antoine Cantoro antoineCantoro
Front-End Developper at Troa. Keep discovering new things ...

Troa France, Montpellier

Baptiste Bacon baptiste-bacon
Front-end developer

Gamberge Orange

Theo Plawinski theoplawinski
Art Direction, Design and Development. Crafting meaningful and enjoyable digital experiences for brands and individuals.


Romain Breton rohenha
Creative Developer Passionate by Motion Design, Design and Web Development. Front-End Creative developer


Bastien Cornier Bastou
Creative developer at Cher Ami Studio. I make things move on the web while listening to Boards of Canada - Geogaddi. Always.

@cher-ami Lyon

Willy Brauner willybrauner
Doing front-end and open-source for the web. Freelancer, ex lead front @cher-ami.

freelance France