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Thomas Brasil thomasbrasil46

João Pessoa, Paraíba Brasil.

Emerson Delatorre fazedordecodigo
Senior Software Engineer

@luizalabs Maricá, RJ, BR

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

<b> Nosce Te Ipsum </b>

Cardo AI Tirane, Albania

Reynaldo Ruiz ReySys

Spectral Byte Mexico

iMay Csharp Repos CarlosNetAcad
I love learn new things and solving issues applying these news knowledge and also share it.

ThinkinCode Atlanta, GA

Baki Akkoca bakiakkoca
.NET Backend Developer
aliakbar an52x3648
C# Programer and teacher Core Developer MS Access Developer

Espair Software Develop iran

Ramesh A ramsoftowncreate
I am a highly motivated and enthusiastic IT professional with over 5 years of experience. My expertise lies in network design, implementation, and maintenance.

Ideassion LLP Chennai

Reynier Lester Claro Escalona. rlclaro
Software Architect and Developer

Woffu Tarragona, España

Valeriy Vartumyan DeoEsor
YANF software engineer. With passion to quality

MAI , @ExByte-Studios Moscow

Gustavo Hurtado Cristia gcristia
💻 Full-Stack Software Engineer

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Luca Petrini LukePet

Olisoft s.r.l. Porto Sant'Elpidio (FM), Marche, Italy

Nikolai W-Maxo
.NET, 1C:Enterprise

Minsk, BY

Jagadeesan jagadeesanmay7
வாழ்க்கையில் எனது நோக்கம் உயிர்வாழ்வது மட்டுமல்ல, செழித்து வளர்வது. (Growing with learning)

Agilysys Technologies India pvt ltd Chennai, TamilNadu, India

Abeda mxabi
Early career mechanical & software engineer. Whether it's a physical garden bed or an application, I want to help build it!

New York, NY

Ivaylo Kostov Ivkoto
Software Developer with .Net and Python

DevOcean Solutions / Moody's Analytics Bulgaria, Sofia

Sidhartha Patnaik sidharthapatnaik
Senior Software Engineer, .NET Developer Application Security

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

John Smith solrevdev
senior full-stack #dotnetcore #aspnetcore #vuejs developer and software engineer, formally head of infrastructure and operations, former full time carer

United Kingdom

Niels Swimberghe Swimburger
Software Engineer @fern-api and a Microsoft MVP in .NET.

@fern-api Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way


Adelaide, South Australia

@LiRa ajlirap
I Love Coding!