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Ellen Fernandes fernandesellen
Geophysics student with a passion for programming.

@CompGeoLab USP, Universidade of São Paulo

Liam Toney liamtoney
Research Geologist @ USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Golden, Colorado

Mohamed Sobh MooSobh

Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) Hannover, Germany

Brasileiro, formado em Oceanografia pela UERJ em 2019. Criando este repositório para auxiliar outros profissionais na programação.
Tianyu Cui cuitianyu20
Hi, I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Seismology at IGGCAS.

IGGCAS Beijing, China

Vincent Leroy leroyvn
Research software engineer with a background in physics and thermal engineering. Currently working on radiative transfer for Earth observation.

@rayference Brussels, Belgium

Yvan Nollet nollety
Research engineer

Planet Earth



Alejandro © acocac
Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact

The Alan Turing Institute London

Henrique Bueno dos Santos hbueno
Geophysicist and PhD in Petroleum Science and Engineering, researching seismic and potential fields methods.

Campinas, Brazil

Egor Lynov gorynych00
Software Engineer, Backend Developer, Data Engineer


Gabriel Gabriel-Goes
Geosciences undergraduate and focusing my studies on remote sensing techniques.

Geosciences Institute - Sao Paulo University Brazil

Leonardo Uieda leouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand