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Amber Lewis Ambi93

Port Macquarie, NSW Australia

Adi Adhjie
Loves to search Secure, Private, Anonymous alts to closed source apps and services. A bit of knowledge in package manager.
Lappies lappiesja
I am a Computer and Electronic Engineer with a passion for firmware development. I enjoy being active and that keeps me going no matter what life throws at me.

Alberta, Canada

Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance.

@Xiaomi Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate, the sneakiness.
Oliver Survivor1905
My vision is augmented.



Pittsburgh, PA

Matsuri signus
A silly dragon working to weave a sovereign web that empowers individuals.
Francois_Audic francoisaudic
Web Developer #A11y #ActuallyAutistic


Telgareith telgareith
> $ mkdir ".log files" When You know it's going to bite you, but you do it anyway.


Jason Davis jasondavis
Web Developer since 2000 using PHP, JavaScript , NodeJS, and related technologies. Currently Really enjoying building desktop GUI software/tools w/ ElectronJS Central FL

Fengchao fcyu
Research Investigator at University of Michigan. Developer of FragPipe, MSFragger, IonQuant, etc.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
⭐ 🐾 vaginessa

Ex St. Pauli Gourmetclub -> @NinjaMiepelz 187 Strassenkatzen

Daivy Daivy03
IT&T Graduate


iNfeKtezZ iamdexter
You are a pirate!
Joel de Bruijn joeldebruijn
Beleidsadviseur Architectuur MBO Raad.

MBO Raad Tilburg

Pablo pcarmonac
Diver & UW Photographer MSD PADI & CMAS 3 Tech Geek Mac User & Linux Fan Python Padawan


eg canering

Tampa, FL