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William Dugan willidu
Physics student at NTNU with an interest in numerical analysis and space.


Jesse Rodrigo JSSRDRG
Building Hybrid Rocket Engines @daretudelft


Ziyi Liu ziyi20060330

Imperial College London London

Corey Maxwell mxwlc
Undergraduate Electronic and Information Engineering Student.
Jayden MagicArmada
Aerospace engineering student @imperial, fascinated by space and how we can develop next-gen vehicles to explore it's vastness. Also I love cats.

Imperial College London South Kensington, London

Yomna Mohamed YumiA
Engineering Student at Imperial College London, Quantum Machine Learning Enthusiast, Author of ๐Ÿ“– Future Enterprise: Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence

Imperial College London London

benthomas benthvmas

Stealth Startup London, UK

Steven Ye YBX420
Imperial College London Design Engineering Yr 1

Imperial College London London

vish 0xifis
๐Ÿš€ Engineer

Fastmind London

Adam Lawson goshawk22
just some random things I'm working on