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木头981 hehehai
✦ Web Designer & Full-Stack Engineer ✦ Web Sass practitioner, creating value using @figma and @nextjs.
Emmanuel Yeboah noelzappy
No long talk. Just show me the code.

@Built.Africa Ghana

Yehezkiel Dio Sinolungan yehezkieldio
a perpetually tired software enginseer.

Balikpapan, Indonesia

dragondevs dragon-devs
I use a computer ;)


Danilo Nobre danko-nobre
💻 Full-stack, 🎮 Game dev and 🎨 3D Enthusiast. Crafting web & game experiences with a touch of 3D.

Space Wizard Studios Brasília, Brazil

Jamaluddin Rumi jamaluddinrumi

INDOMASCOT Bandung, Indonesia

Gautam Vaishnav Gautamvaishnav-git
Hi visitor, this is Gautam Vaishnav—an Enthusiastic Full-Stack developer. Learning new technologies is my hobby. India

Rizvi mirza-rizvi
What you don't learn, will one day rule over you.
Chris Siku Chrissiku
👋 , Let's connect and explore all the possibilities! ☕ 💻

Software Engineer

Zack Chapple zackarychapple

@ZephyrCloudIO Marietta, Georgia, USA

Ojas Shukla whizzbbig
Creative Developer, Learning WebGL

Kathmandu, Nepal

Botis B0tis
Hi, I develop stuff 😃.


Mateus Durães matt-duraes
Apaixonado por programação em busca de evolução constante para me tornar um desenvolvedor cada dia melhor.

MarktClub Brasília

Sam sambarnades
💻 Web Developer | From Complete Web Developer Bootcamp of Angela Yu | The App Brewery in London.

Sunpike Web Factory Perpignan

Erik worstpractice


Jake Schaffer ImJakeDev
My mission is to create, connect, and inspire technology for changemakers, so they can achieve their vision.

Minneapolis, MN

Patrik Duksin patrikduksin
Software engineer, web3 enthusiast, built pixel-perfect apps in startups with a fast-paced environment

Mexico city

Keyhan Jannat Khah 🦉 keyhanjk
Software Engineer / Architect


Sunny Gandhwani Sunny-unik
👀 Interested in Web Development

Mandsaur, (M.P.), India

other account: @revoreva


Sᴜᴘᴇʀ Lᴇᴇ superpung
Making a world of difference.

Tianjin University Earth

Parth Thakkar parth5757
Python Developer


Ivan Molto ivanmolto
🏗️Buidlbox, Encode Club and ETHGlobal hacker 💚 ex-GitcoinDAO contributor 🌱KERNEL Fellow @gitcoin 📱🍎🤖Built Android and iOS apps +100 million installs


Helena Paixão helenapaixao
Reactjs Developer

Guarapari - ES

siavash rahimi rahimifh
full-stack developer - python - django - js - nextjs ......

sorchi iran

Patrick Arminio patrick91
Working on @strawberry-graphql, a Python library for creating GraphQL APIs 🍓 @pythonitalia // @EuroPython

@fastapi London

Argun yeargun

Learny Turkey, Ankara

Yeswanth yeswanth
Working on contract projects. Open to frontend & backend projects Working on React-Native, ReactJS, GatsbyJS, Apollo


adt AaronDovTurkel
I am a full-stack developer interested in new tech, blockchain, and custom keyboards.

@amzn Teaneck, NJ

Haluk Dogan haluk

Prorize Alpharetta, Georgia

David Basantes DAVIDS2405
Software Developer | Content Creator| Full Stack | Cybersecurity

Sovos Ecuador

Nguyễn Thế Nhật TheNhatAT
Software Engineer

Việt Nam

Cody Fincher cofin

@googlers Dallas, TX

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Sucrose Themoneyhollic
Give me few years I have big plans
Henry Vendittelli hvenry
Software Developer
