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Chadin Chaipornpisuth PingHuskar

Silverlake Axis Bangkok, Thailand

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rattatammanoon Prawasuk topzson
Full Stack Developer & Software Engineer I graduated in computer engineering at Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand.
i14t i14t
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Bangkok, Thailand.

JustADev Devsun-Odds
Just Develop myself.


Accountant graduate aspires to be a software engineer.
Sirapope.c Sirapope

OODS Bangkok, Thailand

Yongyuth "First" Chuankhuntod yothgewalt
🧙‍♂️ A software engineer who loves nature and coffee, passionately.

Software Engineer, @xver-cloud King's Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok

Phanuwat Phoowichai taliw-pnw
Taliw | Orion | ODT | ODDS Product Developer @ ODDS-TEAM Computer Engineering @ KKU

@oddsteam Bangkok

Por purimph
App year @oddsteam [email protected] Tel.095-7405624

Bangkok , Thailand

Apipol Sukgler golfapipol

Viila Technology Tokyo

Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Work from Any Workplace {"Thailand": ["Bangkok", "Surat Thani"]}

Kin6 oddsK29

ODDS Bkk, Thailand

Debugging life and code. Currently fixing bugs in both.


Bordin Intarama tambordini

ODDS Bangkok, Thailand

BungkapTH BungTH
"For a bunch of hairless apes, we've actually managed to invent some pretty incredible things." - Ready player one, Ernest Cline

@oddsteam Bangkok, TH

Rerngrit Rakkanittakorn rerngrit
SM, Go, C#, TS, JS, Java, Blockchain, Web.
Kanyarat kanyahua


Suwan KHP. suwankhp
I'm committed to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, and is always looking for opportunities to learn and grow as a developer.

ODDS| BKK, Thailand

Boom.Phattarapong boomtnt2843
ODDS| Software engineering & Digital Artist

@oddsteam Thailand

Newii Newiihuhu
ODDS| Agile Engineer| Software Engineer

Odd-e thailand Thailand