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Alex Hedley AlexHedley
Senior Developer from the North East of England

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Joseph Kirkup jlk31

Whickam School England

Dean Kane DeaneTheDev
Java (Oracle Certified Professional) is my specialty but here I will be creating little personal projects with various technologies.
Scott McCarthy idmac75
Hey, my name is Scott McCarthy and i am DevOps Consultant @opencastsoftware

@Opencastsoftware UK

Alfred Mawutor Akligo amakligo
Software Engineer.

Digital Nomad

Will Wetzel WillWetzelCMS
Software Developer - C# and Typescript. Newcastle University Alumni. Working with Trimble.

Trimble Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

Nathan Stephenson NathStevo97
Senior DevOps Consultant | Runner | Gamer | Football Enthusiast

@opencastsoftware Darlington

Amaal Ali amaalali
Mathematical minded. Software Developer. Likes functional programming.