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37 repositories
PublicA React form builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on material-ui components, so your application will look beautiful on any device...- The mantine ui kit bindings for react-declarative
- The react-declarative playground
PublicThe shadcn ui kit bindings for react-declarative. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source. Declarative 🎉appwrite-backup-tool
PublicThis backup tool will generate query for each document in AppWrite database and save them as a json files on a hard drive. That means It can handle as much documents as you need. Also there is a script to run AppWrite in Docker on localhost so you can test your backup.electron-bootstrap
PublicA responsive layout for the react-nativereact-declarative-lite
Public- The typedoc website generator for react-declarative
PublicPlaywright end-to-end testbed for react-declarative- A storybook for react-declarative npm package for quick feature observing (compiled)
PublicThe most advanced starter kit for CRM system build with Pocketbase. It includes Kanban board, JSON form layout engine, feature model support, field visibility flags, grid component with fulltext search and modal filters.chatgpt-form-builder
PublicGenerate and preview large React components with ChatGPTchatgpt-binance-ticker
Public- The most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + Firebase. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative style
PublicThe easiest way to setup i18n without changing any existing code. By using JSX runtime this tool will localize third party libraties too- Cryptocurrency ML price prediction. Ready for connection to any crypto exchange to trade with limit orders
PublicThe most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + AppWrite. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative stylecra-template-solidity
PublicA starter kit build especially for rapid smart contract development in Remix IDE. Once you wrote your Solidity smart contract in Remix you could easely deploy it into global testnet or local Ganache blockchain by using a UI. After that simple copy and paste smart contract address into params.ts- The most advanced CRM Boilerplate for React + TypeScript + Mobx. Contains snippets for automatic state management in a declarative style
PublicRoulette UI compatible with ChainLink VRF randomness generator smart contractchess-platform-concept
PublicDApp startup concept. You can combine an AI Chat bot with AI Chess bot so the user won't guess about he is plaing with PC. You can accept bets but AI will always win because It faster and stronger in chessreact-face-kyc
PublicQuite useful react snippet for automatic photo capture with check of correct face position. It uses Haar-cascade in WASM (performant and can be trained instead of programmed)erc20-payment-gateway
PublicPayment gateway for ERC-20 (USDT-like) tokensnft-mint-tool
PublicRemix-IDE deployable ERC721A NFT contract with React frontend. This tool supports multiple mint waves and merkle tree whitelist for a presale- A storybook for react-declarative npm package for quick feature observing