All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.0.3-alpha.19 (2019-02-17)
- admin: optimized wysiwyg editor (58fb7af)
0.0.3-alpha.18 (2019-02-15)
- expiry on issued JWT (141c76a)
- admin: fixed broken app (930fdc1)
- core-api: fixed issue with responseCode and no content.hasContent (14964e8)
- plugin-media: disabled resize of gifs (6957ebb)
- plugin-media: disabled resize of gifs (462ca6f)
- admin: added image removal to media (1d54735)
- admin: token refresh keep alive (a7d4dac)
- plugin-media: added imgur and delete functionality (4eca236)
0.0.3-alpha.17 (2019-02-10)
- admin: moved RTEditor from Zen (d91f221)
0.0.3-alpha.16 (2019-02-04)
- admin: added search and search to media grid (4991b8c)
0.0.3-alpha.15 (2019-01-29)
- admin: added public publish access (aa8351f)
- plugin-social-login: added public publish access (3789a8f)
0.0.3-alpha.14 (2019-01-28)
- plugin-social-login: added google and facebook login (a5a4959)
0.0.3-alpha.13 (2019-01-27)
- admin: app selector now working again (cbe23ac)
- admin: user mgmt page (d8b7948)
- origami: remove ts-config dep (2fc1eab)
- plugin-media: handling stream errors for fs (591b946)
- admin: added image loading component (9054511)
- admin: added media modal and page (a54f3dd)
- admin: added user dropdown menu with logout (b931620)
- media: added thumbnail support and media app (319bd3e)
0.0.3-alpha.12 (2019-01-14)
- plugin-sitemap: added public files to sitemap (5a6bceb)
0.0.3-alpha.11 (2018-12-16)
- core-lib: fixing type on pkgjson (b66e172)
0.0.3-alpha.10 (2018-12-16)
- core-server: updated false return on formatter (6aca57d)
- plugin-sitemap: added sitemap plugin (bdaf131)
0.0.3-alpha.9 (2018-12-12)
- plugin-auth: added plugin auth (65762b9)
0.0.3-alpha.8 (2018-12-12)
- cli: readded files in cli npm dist (e052e70)
0.0.3-alpha.7 (2018-12-12)
- cli: fixed broken new command (38cd2c0)
- core-server: fixed content-type on app icons and public (82eb4dd)
0.0.3-alpha.6 (2018-12-11)
- core-lib: fixed bug with type definition files in colors (b07dadb)
- fixed local sourcing in docs (8ecd751)
- added documentation json files (9478f13)
- core-server: changed server.static to use post-render position (3a8153d)
0.0.3-alpha.5 (2018-12-05)
- cli: fixed bug when running with no port configured or default port (a672541)
- core-server: fixes for response format (87c91fc)
- renamed res.local.responseCode to res.local.content.responseCode (db7997e)
- core-server: greatly improved formatting of response and casting (50587d7)
- core-server: status with unknown ln throws ErrorStatusLookup (f3dc0e3)
- origami: added custom errors for no store type or unknown store (89fe722)
- plugin-core-api: added format option in query string (aa2e6b9)
- plugin-default-pages: added unauthorized page and optimised styles (87a88f7)
0.0.3-alpha.4 (2018-12-02)
- core-server: improvements to response return type headers data etc (e9f295a)
- plugin-core-api: allow for no store (38c7ba8)
- plugin-default-pages: added status codes to error pages (d11c4b3)
- plugin-setup: added plugin setup (be746c7)
0.0.3-alpha.3 (2018-11-28)
- cli: show origami version whenever a command is run (a1bba8e)
0.0.3-alpha.2 (2018-11-28)
- core-server: apps were hosting static dirs with incorrect url (b2e5632)
- core-server: fixed bug with pug rendering (bed29cb)
- plugin-default-pages: added plugin default pages (1fa947a)
- added default 500 error page (e850779)
- added verbose debug logging in server route if needed (6591bb1)
0.0.3-alpha.1 (2018-11-26)
- core-lib: fixed issue with requireLib not awaiting (2311f5f)
- plugin-core-api: fixed prefixes on main API endpoints (ea452a2)
- added todo generator with leasot (18ca419)
0.0.3-alpha.0 (2018-11-24)
- cli: adding files into publish (aa556f6)
- core-server: fixing build for linux case sensitivity (8d82903)
- case sensitivity for linux (80433f9)
- case sensitivity for linux (91ba0c2)
- fix for travis private build (1ba5bd6)
- fixing case senstive (9d3bd3f)
- moved cli from origami-dev to origami (0a19e98)
- removing case sensitive file (5e378b8)
- removing case sensitive file (ead3086)
- upgraded media plugin to take any file name in form (d422fb4)
- upgraded server with error bug fix (398eca7)
- added --conventional-commits flags to publish (f36cbae)
- added publish script (24fd218)
- added script to sync versions (414ebbd)
- rewrite to monorepo 🎉 (920a42e)
- syncing versions script now adds in git (4c24030)
- updated to v2 of media plugin (9b91eb7)
- upgraded admin to include rich text editor (98b24df)
- upgraded default-pages plugin with extra logos (2830aac)