Your SQL skills are welcomed throughout GRDB. Yet writing raw SQL presents commonplace challenges. For example, you want to make sure your queries don't break whenever the database schema changes as you ship new versions of your application. When you inject user values in the database, you have to use statement arguments, and it is easy to make a mistake in the process.
The query below exemplifies this situation. It even contains a bug that is not quite easy to spot:
try db.execute(
sql: """
UPDATE student
SET firstName = ?, lastName = ?, department = ?, birthDate = ?,
registrationDate = ?, mainTeacherId = ?
WHERE id = ?
arguments: [firstName, lastName, department, birthDate,
registrationDate, mainTeacherId])
SQL Interpolation is an answer to these troubles. It is available in Swift 5.
- Introduction
- SQLLiteral
- SQL Interpolation and the Query Interface
- SQL Interpolation and Record Protocols
- SQL Interpolation Reference
SQL Interpolation lets you embed values in your SQL queries by wrapping them inside \(
and )
let name: String = ...
let id: Int64 = ...
try db.execute(literal: "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)")
SQL interpolation looks and feel just like regular String interpolation:
let name = "World"
print("Hello \(name)!") // prints "Hello World!"
The difference is that it generates valid SQL which does not suffer from syntax errors or SQL injection. For example, you do not need to validate input or process single quotes:
// Executes `UPDATE player SET name = 'O''Brien' WHERE id = 42`
let name = "O'Brien"
let id = 42
try db.execute(literal: "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)")
Under the hood, SQL interpolation generates a plain SQL string. It runs exactly as below:
try db.execute(sql: "UPDATE player SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", arguments: [name, id])
Plain SQL strings are indeed still available, and SQL interpolation only kicks in when you ask for it. There is a simple rule to remember:
For plain SQL strings, use the
argument label:try db.execute(sql: "UPDATE player SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", arguments: [name, id])
For SQL interpolation, use the
argument label:try db.execute(literal: "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)")
SQLLiteral is the type that looks like a plain String, but profits from SQL interpolation:
let query: SQLLiteral = "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)"
try db.execute(literal: query)
SQLLiteral is not a Swift String. You can not use the execute(literal:)
method with a String argument:
// Compiler error:
// Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'SQLLiteral'
let query = "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)" // a String
try db.execute(literal: query)
SQLLiteral can build your queries step by step, with regular operators and methods:
// +, +=, append
var query: SQLLiteral = "UPDATE player "
query += "SET name = \(name) "
query.append(literal: "WHERE id = \(id)")
// joined(), joined(separator:)
let components: [SQLLiteral] = [
"UPDATE player",
"SET name = \(name)",
"WHERE id = \(id)"
let query = components.joined(separator: " ")
Extract the plain SQL string from a literal:
let query: SQLLiteral = "UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id)"
print(query.sql) // prints "UPDATE player SET name = ? WHERE id = ?"
print(query.arguments) // prints ["O'Brien", 42]
Build a literal from a plain SQL string:
let query = SQLLiteral(
sql: "UPDATE player SET name = ? WHERE id = ?",
arguments: [name, id])
SQLLiteral can embed any value, as we have seen above, but not only. Please keep on reading the next chapter, or jump directly to the SQL Interpolation Reference.
SQL Interpolation and SQLLiteral let you embed raw SQL snippets in query interface requests.
For example:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = 'O''Brien'
let request = Player.filter(literal: "name = \("O'Brien")")
You can also build literal expressions from other expressions. For example, let's call the DATE
SQLite function on a query interface column:
// SELECT * FROM "player" WHERE DATE("createdAt") = '2020-01-23'
let createdAt = Column("createdAt")
let creationDay = SQLLiteral("DATE(\(createdAt))").sqlExpression
let request = Player.filter(creationDay == "2020-01-23")
Such literal expressions can be returned by Swift functions:
func date(_ value: SQLExpressible) -> SQLExpression {
// SELECT * FROM "player" WHERE DATE("createdAt") = '2020-01-23'
let createdAt = Column("createdAt")
let request = Player.filter(date(createdAt) == "2020-01-23")
The record protocols extend your application types with database abilities.
A record type knows everything about the schema of its underlying database table. With the TableRecord protocol, the databaseTableName
property contains the table name. With the Decodable protocol, the CodingKeys enum contain the column names. And with FetchableRecord, you can decode raw database rows.
SQL Interpolation puts this knowledge to good use, so that you can build robust queries that consistently use correct table and column names:
struct Player {
var id: Int64
var name: String
var score: Int?
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord {
/// Deletes all player with no score
static func deleteAllWithoutScore(_ db: Database) throws {
try db.execute(literal: "DELETE FROM \(self) WHERE \(CodingKeys.score) IS NULL")
/// The player with a given id
static func filter(id: Int64) -> SQLRequest<Player> {
return "SELECT * FROM \(self) WHERE \( = \(id)"
/// All players with the given ids
static func filter(ids: [Int64]) -> SQLRequest<Player> {
return "SELECT * FROM \(self) WHERE \( IN \(ids)"
/// The maximum score
static func maximumScore() -> SQLRequest<Int> {
return "SELECT MAX(\(CodingKeys.score)) FROM \(self)"
/// All players whose score is the maximum score
static func leaders() -> SQLRequest<Player> {
return """
SELECT * FROM \(self)
WHERE \(CodingKeys.score) = \(maximumScore())
/// A complex request
static func complexRequest() -> SQLRequest<Player> {
let query: SQLLiteral = "SELECT * FROM \(self) "
query += "JOIN \(Team.self) ON ..."
query += "GROUP BY ..."
return SQLRequest(literal: query)
Let's breakdown each one of those methods.
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// Deletes all player with no score static func deleteAllWithoutScore(_ db: Database) throws { try db.execute(literal: "DELETE FROM \(self) WHERE \(CodingKeys.score) IS NULL") } }
try dbQueue.write { db in // DELETE FROM player WHERE score IS NULL try Player.deleteAllWithoutScore(db) }
DELETE FROM \(self) ...
embeds the Player type itself. Since Player adopts the TableRecord protocol, this embedsPlayer.databaseTableName
in the SQL query.... \(CodingKeys.score) IS NULL
embeds CodingKeys.score. This one has been synthesized by the Swift compiler because Player adopts the Decodable protocol. It embeds the column name in the SQL query. -
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// The player with a given id static func filter(id: Int64) -> SQLRequest<Player> { return "SELECT * FROM \(self) WHERE \( = \(id)" } }
let player = try { db in // SELECT * player WHERE id = 42 try Player.filter(id: 42).fetchOne(db) // Player? }
The return type of this method is
. It is one of the GRDB request types. And it profits from SQL interpolation: this is why this method can simply return an "SQL literal"".It embeds
(the Player type which adopts the TableRecord protocol) and\(
(the coding key synthesized by the Decodable protocol), and\(id)
(a value). -
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// All players with the given ids static func filter(ids: [Int64]) -> SQLRequest<Player> { return "SELECT * FROM \(self) WHERE \( IN \(ids)" } }
let players = try { db in // SELECT * player WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3) try Player.filter(ids: [1, 2, 3]).fetchAll(db) // [Player] }
It embeds
, an array of ids. All value sequences are supported (arrays, sets, etc.) Empty sequences are supported as well, with bothIN
SQL operators. -
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// The maximum score static func maximumScore() -> SQLRequest<Int> { return "SELECT MAX(\(CodingKeys.score)) FROM \(self)" } }
let maximumScore = try { db in // SELECT MAX(score) FROM player try Player.maximumScore().fetchOne(db) // Int? }
The result is
, unlike previous requests of typeSQLRequest<Player>
. SQLRequest accepts any fetchable type (database row, simple value, or custom record). -
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// All players whose score is the maximum score static func leaders() -> SQLRequest<Player> { return """ SELECT * FROM \(self) WHERE \(CodingKeys.score) = \(maximumScore()) """ } }
let leaders = try { db in // SELECT * FROM player // WHERE score = (SELECT MAX(score) FROM player) try Player.leaders().fetchAll(db) // [Player] }
This request embeds
, theSQLRequest<Int>
returned by themaximumScore
method. After values, coding keys, and types that adopt the TableRecord protocol, this ends our quick tour of things you can embed between\(
. Check out the SQL Interpolation Reference for the full list of supported interpolations. -
extension Player: Decodable, FetchableRecord, TableRecord { /// A complex request static func complexRequest() -> SQLRequest<Player> { let query: SQLLiteral = "SELECT * FROM \(self) " query += "JOIN \(Team.self) ON ..." query += "GROUP BY ..." return SQLRequest(literal: query) } }
This last request shows how to build an SQLRequest from an SQLLiteral. You will need SQLLiteral when the request can not be expressed in a single "SQL literal".
This chapter lists all kinds of supported interpolations.
Types adopting the TableRecord protocol:
// SELECT * FROM player extension Player: TableRecord { } "SELECT * FROM \(Player.self)" // INSERT INTO player ... let player: Player = ... "INSERT INTO \(tableOf: player) ..."
Expressions and values:
// SELECT name FROM player "SELECT \(Column("name")) FROM player" // SELECT (score + 100) AS points FROM player let bonus = 100 "SELECT \(Column("score") + bonus) AS points FROM player" // SELECT (score + 100) AS points FROM player "SELECT (score + \(bonus)) AS points FROM player"
Coding keys:
// SELECT name FROM player "SELECT \( FROM player"
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3) let ids = [1, 2, 3] "SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN \(ids)"
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name DESC "SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN \(Column("name").desc)"
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score = (SELECT MAX(score) FROM player) let subQuery: SQLRequest<Int> = "SELECT MAX(score) FROM player" "SELECT * FROM player WHERE score = \(subQuery)"
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = 'O''Brien' let condition: SQLLiteral = "name = \("O'Brien")" "SELECT * FROM player WHERE \(literal: condition)"
Plain SQL strings and eventual arguments:
// SELECT * FROM player "SELECT * FROM \(sql: "player")" // SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = 'O''Brien' "SELECT * FROM player WHERE \(sql: "name = ?", arguments: ["O'Brien"])"