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ADIOS2-Examples gray-scott

This is a 3D 7-point stencil code to simulate the following Gray-Scott reaction diffusion model:

u_t = Du * (u_xx + u_yy + u_zz) - u * v^2 + F * (1 - u)  + noise * randn(-1,1)
v_t = Dv * (v_xx + v_yy + v_zz) + u * v^2 - (F + k) * v

How to run

Make sure MPI and ADIOS2 are installed and that the PYTHONPATH includes the ADIOS2 package. Make sure the adios2-examples/bin installation directory is in the PATH (conda and spack installations should take care of this aspect).

From a scratch directory copy the config files from your installation of adios2-examples:

$ cp -r <adios2-examples-install-prefix>/share/adios2-examples/gray-scott .
$ cd gray-scott
$ mpirun -n 4 adios2-gray-scott settings-files.json
grid:             64x64x64
steps:            1000
plotgap:          10
F:                0.01
k:                0.05
dt:               2
Du:               0.2
Dv:               0.1
noise:            1e-07
output:           gs.bp
adios_config:     adios2.xml
process layout:   2x2x1
local grid size:  32x32x64
Simulation at step 10 writing output step     1
Simulation at step 20 writing output step     2
Simulation at step 30 writing output step     3
Simulation at step 40 writing output step     4

$ bpls -l gs.bp
  double   U     100*{64, 64, 64} = 0.0907758 / 1
  double   V     100*{64, 64, 64} = 0 / 0.674811
  int32_t  step  100*scalar = 10 / 1000

$ python3 -i gs.bp

Analysis example how to run

$ mpirun -n 4 adios2-gray-scott settings-files.json
$ mpirun -n 2 adios2-pdf-calc gs.bp pdf.bp 100
$ bpls -l pdf.bp
  double   U/bins  100*{100} = 0.0907758 / 0.991742
  double   U/pdf   100*{64, 100} = 0 / 4096
  double   V/bins  100*{100} = 0 / 0.668056
  double   V/pdf   100*{64, 100} = 0 / 4096
  int32_t  step    100*scalar = 10 / 1000

$ python3 -i pdf.bp
$ mpirun -n 8 python3 -i pdf.bp -o u
This is a parallel script, each process plots one PDF.
Each process plots the middle slice of their subarray U/pdf[x:y,:]

How to change the parameters

Edit settings.json to change the parameters for the simulation.

Key Description
L Size of global array (L x L x L cube)
Du Diffusion coefficient of U
Dv Diffusion coefficient of V
F Feed rate of U
k Kill rate of V
dt Timestep
steps Total number of steps to simulate
plotgap Number of steps between output
noise Amount of noise to inject
output Output file/stream name
adios_config ADIOS2 XML file name

Decomposition is automatically determined by MPI_Dims_create.


D_u D_v F k Output
0.2 0.1 0.02 0.048
0.2 0.1 0.03 0.0545
0.2 0.1 0.03 0.06
0.2 0.1 0.01 0.05
0.2 0.1 0.02 0.06

In situ pipeline example

In adios2.xml, change all IO groups' engine to SST.

  <engine type="SST"

Launch the pipeline in 4 separate terminals:

$ mpirun -n 4 adios2-gray-scott settings-staging.json
$ mpirun -n 1 adios2-pdf-calc gs.bp pdf.bp 100
$ mpirun -n 1 python3 -i pdf.bp
$ mpirun -n 1 python3 -i gs.bp

MPMD mode run in a single terminal:

$ mpirun -n 4 adios2-gray-scott settings-staging.json : \
         -n 1 adios2-pdf-calc gs.bp pdf.bp 100 :           \
         -n 1 python3 -i pdf.bp :         \
         -n 1 python3 -i gs.bp

In situ batch and interactive visualization with ParaView Catalyst

This requires ADIOS 2.9.0 or later, due to the use of ParaViewADIOSInSituEngine plugin for ADIOS. Internally, this plugin uses the ADIOS inline engine to pass data pointers to ParaView's Fides reader and uses ParaView Catalyst to process a user python script that contains a ParaView pipeline. Fides is a library that provides a schema for reading ADIOS data into visualization services such as ParaView. By integrating it with ParaView Catalyst, it is now possible to perform in situ visualization with ADIOS2-enabled codes without writing adaptors. All that is needed from the user is a simple JSON file describing the data.

simulation/settings-inline.json uses the adios2-inline-plugin.xml configuration file. It sets the engine type to plugin and provides the PluginName and PluginLibrary parameters required when using engine plugins. In addition, you will need to set the environment variable ADIOS2_PLUGIN_PATH to contain the path to the shared library built by ADIOS.

In the catalyst dir, there is a gs-fides.json, which is the data model Fides uses to read the data. The contains the pipeline Catalyst will execute on each step. These files are passed as parameters to the engine plugin (see parameters DataModel and Script in the adios2-inline-plugin.xml file).

Build and Run

This example is built as normal (making sure you are using ADIOS v2.9.0 or later) and does not have build dependencies on ParaView.

This example requires ParaView 5.11, which is currently in release phase. In order to perform in situ visualization, you'll need to build from source. First build the Catalyst stub library.

$ git clone
$ mkdir catalyst-build
$ cd catalyst
$ git checkout v2.0.0-rc3
$ cd ../catalyst-build
$ cmake -GNinja -DCATALYST_USE_MPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/catalyst ../catalyst
$ ninja && ninja install

Now you'll need to build ParaView using the following instructions:

$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir paraview-build
$ cd paraview
$ git checkout v5.11.0-RC2
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ cd ../paraview-build
-DADIOS2_DIR=/path/to/adios2.8.0 -Dcatalyst_DIR=/path/to/catalyst -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../paraview
$ ninja

The ADIOS2 lib directory should contain Set the following env variables.

$ export ADIOS2_PLUGIN_PATH=/path/to/adios2-build/lib
$ export CATALYST_IMPLEMENTATION_PATHS=/path/to/paraview-build/lib/catalyst

To run:

$ mpirun -n 4 build/gray-scott simulation/settings-inline.json

Interactive visualization

Open the ParaView GUI. /path/to/paraview/build/bin/paraview On the Catalyst menu, click Connect. You can leave the default port of 22222. Hit Ok. Then in the Catalyst click Pause Simulation. Now you can run the simulation, same as above. The simulation will start and Catalyst will connect to ParaView. At this point you can click the gray buttons beside the extracts. This will pull the data to ParaView, allowing you to interact with it. When you're ready for the simulation to resume, in the Catalyst menu, click Continue. You will see the visualizations update as the simulation runs. You can make edits to your pipeline and pause/continue the simulation.