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File metadata and controls

223 lines (159 loc) · 7.79 KB



Loop is built on Drupal 7 and requires PHP 7.2. See System requirements for Drupal 7 for further details.

See Upgrading OS2Loop for upgrade instructions.

Building the profile

Install drush 8.x and run this command to build the loopdk profile (in the htdocs folder):

drush make htdocs

If you want a developer version with working copies of the Git repositories, run this command instead:

drush make --working-copy htdocs

Installing Loop

After running the make file you can install the site as any other Drupal website, i.e. by using drush site-install loopdk or visiting the website and going through the regular Drupal installation process.

Note: During the installation you may experience the error “Call to undefined function field_attach_load()”. See for troubleshooting this error. Most notably, using a database name with a length less than 8 may remedy the problem.

By default only the core features are enabled so you should visit the features overview and enable any additional features you need.



To create default roles and permissions in Loop, go to /admin/config/people/secure_permissions and check “Disable permissions and roles forms” and “Load permissions from code” and click “Save settings”.

drush secure-permissions on
drush secure-permissions-rebuild

Afterwards you can uncheck these settings if you want to manually change roles or permissions in Loop.

drush secure-permissions off

Note: If you want to be able to see the items in the menu “Loop Primary Menu” when logged in as the admin user (“user 1”), you have to add the “administrator” role to the admin user (go to /user/1/edit to add this role).

drush user-add-role administrator admin


Go to /admin/config/regional/i18n/strings and make sure that “English” is selected as “Source language” for string translations.


To make menus fall into place, go to /admin/structure/features/loop_post, check all boxes and click “Revert components”.

drush --yes features-revert loop_post
The “Create post” menu item

Drupal handles translations of menu links in peculiar way, so if the menu link “Create post” is not translated to Danish (“Opret spørgsmål”) you have to do one of two things:

If Danish is your default language and your see the menu item “Create post”, you must go to /admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu, click “oversæt” and then “redigér” to change the menu item titel to “Opret spørgsmål”. Afterwards, you should translate the English menu item to “Create post”, say.

If Danish is not your default language, you must go to /admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu, click “translate” next to the “Create post” item and translate the item to “Opret spørgsmål” or something similar.


Loop can send out notifications when new content (questions, answers, documents) is added or existing content is updated.

Go to /admin/config/loop/notifications to define which content types to send out notification for and to define mail notification templates.

See Using SMTP and HTML mails if you're using the smtp module.

Optional Loop modules

After installing the base Loop profile, you can install additional modules (go to /admin/modules#loop to see the full list).

Some highlight are:

User pages
  • Loop user page views (loop_user_page_views): Holds public views used on the users profile pages

    After installing this module you may have to go to /admin/structure/pages and click “Activate” in the “user_view” row.


Loop comes with a number of search modules built on top of Drupal's Search API

Install one of the Loop search modules to enable search in the site:

Note: After installing a search module you may want to go to /admin/config/search/search_api and delete the default search index (the one named “Default node index”) which is not used by Loop.

Showing the search block

By default, the search block is displayed on all pages, but this can be changed in the Loop theme settings (/admin/appearance/settings/loop) under “Content search”.

Other useful modules
  • The user_import module can be installed and used for importing users from CSV files.

    If you're using the smtp module to send mails and you use the user_import module to import and notify users of new account, you should go to /admin/config/system/mailsystem and select LoopNotificationHtmlMail under User Import module class.

Adding taxonomies

After installing the Loop profile you should create some taxomony terms in the vocabularies Keyword, Profession and Subject. At lease one term must be defined in the Subject vocabulary before users can create new posts.

Go to /admin/structure/taxonomy to add terms to the vocabularies.

Search configuration


Loop skins

Loop comes with a number af default skins used for styling the site and the active skin can be changed in the Loop theme settings (/admin/appearance/settings/loop). See Building a custom skin for instruction how to add your own custom skin if needed.

Coding standards

All custom code must follow the Drupal Coding Standards.

Check the coding standard using Coder by running

composer install
composer coding-standards-check

Apply coding standards by running

composer coding-standards-apply