We are creating pip-installable package, posted at pypi testing
Generate a pip-installable package: Right now the code isn't structured as a standard python package, so we use MANIFEST.in to get all necessary files into. We also can't use a wheel, since that mode seems to omit our code.
# edit setup.py to update the version number correctly, first
rm -rf build dist RIFT.egg-info
python setup.py sdist
Upload the package: See the pypi docs:
python -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Validate the package installs As described in pypi docs, you should confirm the downloaded package is installed. For a user install, performed by the following command
pip install --user --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple RIFT
the necessary packages and source will be in
.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/RIFT-<VERSION_NUMBER>-py2.7.egg_info/installed-files.txt # list of files
For a completely clean check, use a virtual environment
mkdir virtualenvs
virtualenv virtualenvs/RIFT_pip
source virtualenvs/RIFT_pip/bin/activate
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple RIFT
and perform the test described in GETTING_STARTED.md
The prerequisites for this code may not be available, can take a while to install, and (if used without care) may impact your other workflows via pip user installls. To simplify safe sharing, make a virtual environment which holds these dependencies.
mkdir virtualenvs
virtualenv virtualenvs/rapidpe_gpu_clean
source virtualenvs/rapidpe_gpu_clean/bin/activate
cd ${ILE_DIR}
python setup.py install
pip install cupy # must run on GPU-enabled machine
Temporary notes:
# Installed in /cvmfs/ligo-containers.opensciencegrid.org/james-clark/research-projects-rit/rift/latest
singularity shell --writable /cvmfs/ligo-containers.opensciencegrid.org/james-clark/research-projects-rit/rift/latest
# GW_SURROGATE needs to be non-empty for the code to run at all
export GW_SURROGATE=''
## no longer necessary!
# ILE_DIR should be defined as below ... SHOULD be in
#export ILE_DIR=/research-projects-RIT/MonteCarloMarginalizeCode/Code
#export PATH=${ILE_DIR}:${PATH}
# Installation check
cd ${ILE_DIR}
python test_like_and_samp.py --LikelihoodType_MargTdisc_array # should run
James Clark previously maintained our OSG containers through a fork of this repo, at https://git.ligo.org/james-clark/research-projects-RIT/-/tree/containers-production.
We are trying to import this here now
Explicit details here: https://computing.docs.ligo.org/guide/dhtc/containers/#publishing
Publication takes place after a successful PR here: https://github.com/opensciencegrid/cvmfs-singularity-sync
n particular, once you have images in the new namespace in containers.ligo.org (and those images are publicly visible), you'll want to add (or replace) lines like: https://github.com/opensciencegrid/cvmfs-singularity-sync/blob/master/docker_images.txt#L367