The AntD component library has been upgraded from version 4 to 5. You might need to update application specific components. See details in:
Frontend package.json scripts need to be updated due to webpack-cli upgrade. The scripts like start, build previously passed variables to build process like this --env.appdef=applications
. These need to be modified by changing the dot to a space like this --env appdef=applications
. Passing similar env-variables from command line also need to be passed without the dot: oskariorg/sample-application#35
A React implementation for metadataflyout
bundle has been added. The bundle id hasn't changed so database migration is not needed. Update main.js to make the switch on your application:
Storybook dependency has been removed from oskari-frontend for now: oskariorg/oskari-frontend#2662
If you have any *.stories.js
files you might need to adjust them:
Moved fi.nls.oskari.servlet.WebappHelper
to new path org.oskari.init.OskariInitializer
. This file is usually not customized so the change shouldn't have any effect on most instances. However if you have an override for the WebappHelper OR for example the SpringInitializer
(that calls the WebappHelper) on your app you will need to update the references (it's a drop-in replacement). The new OskariInitializer allows overriding the database migration code with your own. See #1061 for details.
User-generated data no longer requires GeoServer to be run with oskari-server. If you are using the GeoServer that was bundled on our download package only for user-generated content in Oskari, you can just uninstall it/remove it from the webapps folder.
Also you can remove these at least these properties from your
# geoserver params for setup
See changes in:
Logging dependencies have been updated. Oskari-based applications need to update this dependency on the webapp module:
to use the artifactId
See example here:
bundle has been removed from the source code. The drop-in replacement is themydata
bundle that has been available for a couple of releases already. DB migration is included (2.13.2 under Flyway migrations), but requires linking the new implementation on frontendmain.js
New bundles as parallel versions:
is a React-based drop-in replacement for jQuery-basedfeaturedata2
for feature data table.metadatasearch
is a React-based drop-in replacement for jQuery-basedmetadatacatalogue
for searching metadata.
Switching these requires db migration as well as linking the new implementation on frontend main.js
as the bundle id changed, but the old version is also still available.
has a full React rewrite for thematic maps/statistical data functionality oskariorg/oskari-frontend#2599 Requires linking the new codebase on frontendmain.js
(oskariorg/sample-application#33), but doesn't require db migration since bundle id remains the same.
PostgreSQL 11 is now the minimum version supported (FlywayDB dependency).
OpenStreetMap and What3Words search channels were removed from control-example dependencies. If you want to use these as your applications search backend you can add them in the app dependencies on pom.xml like this:
This fixes an issue where (most) applications that have their own search backend implementations either need to black list the OSM channel OR exclude this depedency. This makes the choice of using the channel more explicit.
Another common configuration that most instances would probably want to add to is:
# Don't show metadata catalogue as option as it doesn't return locations as results
This removes metadata search channel from SearchPlugin channel listing. As the channel is not returning locations it will never return anything useful for the location search UIs.
Sample-server-extension now includes JSTL dependency by default so the web app works out-of-the-box in for example Tomcat environment: oskariorg/sample-server-extension#39
A placeholder for favicon have been added on the sample-server-extension so it's easier to override by replacing the file with a custom one: oskariorg/sample-server-extension#36
Unncessary elements and CSS have been removed from the base HTML templates. The HTML that has been previously used should still work as before with one minor adjustment. The margin-left: 170px;
on #contentMap
element should be removed from the JSP: oskariorg/sample-server-extension#35
The frontend code now creates necessary elements for the map on it's own. The navigation block is still declared on the server side JSP but it will be moved to frontend in a future release. You can take a look at the new samples in here:
If you want to have the navigation bar on the right side of the map you will still need to declare the map element on the HTML (see geoportal_white.jsp
The geoportal_stylized.jsp
provides an example for adding additional elements around the space where Oskari renders itself (like service header etc).
The navigation bar background color can now be configured in the theme JSON for application in the database (default color is the same as before). Navigation bar background-color CSS can be removed from JSP: oskariorg/sample-server-extension#38
A new bundle mydata
has been added as (in most cases) drop-in replacement for personaldata
. If you don't use any customized tabs in My data in your app (only using the ones included in oskari-frontend) you can safely update from personaldata to mydata. If you do have application specific tabs on personaldata see frontend notes for more details.
For most apps you can and should add this migration for your app:
UPDATE oskari_appsetup_bundles
SET bundle_id = (select id from oskari_bundle where name='mydata'),
bundleinstance = 'mydata'
WHERE bundle_id = (select id from oskari_bundle where name='personaldata');
We might do a forced update on the next release when personaldata
is removed.
Userstyle functionality has been moved from wfsvector bundle to own bundle. You will need to add an import to the frontend code for your geoportal apps main.js:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol/userstyle/bundle.js';
The required changes have been made as pull requests for our demo app sample-application
version 1.18.0:
The required changes have been made as pull requests for our demo app sample-server-extension
version 1.4.0:
GroupId on all Oskari artifacts is now org.oskari
(previously a mixture of org.oskari
, org.oskari.service
, fi.nls.oskari
and fi.nls.oskari.service
ArtifactId on most Oskari artifacts changed as follows:
(parent pom) is nowoskari-server
- if artifactId started
it is nowcontrol-*
- if artifactId started with
is NOTcontrol-*
) it is nowservice-*
All the database services now use MyBatis. Ibatis has been dropped from the dependencies.
In the core Flyway module we have dropped all of the 1.x Flyway migrations from oskari-server which lets us clean up some of the code regarding these.
For new installs the Flyway baseline version is set at 2.0.0. For existing installs the status table is dropped (to drop references to previous migrations that we have removed from oskari-server) as re-baselining is not allowed and the baseline is set at 2.0.4. This lets us skip new migrations that will initialize the database tables for empty database.
There are new shared migrations for both new and old installs that will rename some of the tables in the database so naming is more consistent:
After this all the database tables in the core module are prefixed with oskari_
The user content modules (myplaces
, userlayer
etc) are not changed at this time.
The Flyway library has been updated to its latest version that includes an API change for all Java-based migrations. This requires manual work for changes that have been described here:
You also have an option to just drop the current application Flyway-module assuming everyone that wants to use your app has a database dump for it. You can add a new module for future migrations with a different name (or same name but you will need to manually drop the database table for oskari_status_[your module name]). If you are not planning on the migrations to work on an empty database this is the most cost-effective way to do this.
Even if you want to upgrade your current migrations to work for an empty database you might want to clean them up and combine them. It's possible to check in a migration if initial content needs to be inserted and only insert if needed etc.
Helpers for common Flyway operations have been updated for consistency in naming and parameter order.
Setup-files are no longer supported (as it added unnecessary complexity).
Instead you can use org.oskari.helpers.AppSetupHelper
to insert any appsetups/views to the
database directly that were previously referenced in setup-files.
You can also use LayerHelper
to add initial map layers to the database as before.
The Java package has been changed from fi.nls.oskari.db.LayerHelper
to org.oskari.helpers.LayerHelper
but methods remain unchanged.
Additional information:
1.56.0 allowed initializing content with "setup" files (not supported on 2.0+):
fi.nls.oskari.db.DBHandler.setupAppContent(conn, [ref to a file under "setup"]);
For 2.0.0 instead run SQL as normal Flyway migrations in application module and insert appsetups/layers with related helpers as Java-based Flyway migrations
org.oskari.helpers.AppSetupHelper.create(conn, [ref to a file under "json/views"])
1.56.0 -> 2.0.0 changes to migration helpers
fi.nls.oskari.db.ViewHelper -> org.oskari.helpers.AppSetupHelper
ViewHelper.insertView("appsetup.json) -> AppSetupHelper.create("/json/appsetup.json")
Inserts the appsetup like before but now you can give full path to the file instead of it being assumed to be prefixed.
fi.nls.oskari.db.BundleHelper -> org.oskari.helpers.BundleHelper
all method parameters with connection changed for consistency
fi.nls.oskari.db.LayerHelper -> org.oskari.helpers.LayerHelper
fi.nls.oskari.util.FlywayHelper -> org.oskari.helpers.AppSetupHelper
FlywayHelper.getUserAndDefaultViewIds() -> AppSetupHelper.getSetupsForUserAndDefaultType()
FlywayHelper.viewContainsBundle() -> AppSetupHelper.appContainsBundle()
FlywayHelper.addBundleWithDefaults() -> AppSetupHelper.addBundleToApp()
FlywayHelper.getBundleFromView() -> AppSetupHelper.getAppBundle()
Added a new helper for easily adding a new bundle to the usual appsetup types (USER and DEFAULT):
AppSetupHelper.addBundleToApps(connection, bundlename)
If you have application-specific code that uses Spring you might need to adapt them to the 5.x version.
Spring framework dependencies are now handled with a "Bill of materials" import to managed dependencies so it's easier to use the same version of Spring artifacts that are used in Oskari. This means you shouldn't have to (re)declare the version on any Spring artifacts on pom.xml of your application.
We have updated the GeoTools library which introduces a change in JTS Java-packages. If you have used JTS classes in your application specific code you will need to update to the new packages:
It might be as simple as:
import com.vividsolutions.jts.*' -> org.locationtech.jts.*;
import org.geotools.xml.* -> org.geotools.xsd.*
When compiling your application Java will let you know if compilation fails because of these.
The download package from has an updated Jetty version. If you are using nginx and the configurations provided in sample-configs repository note that we have removed the X-Forwarded-Port header from the config as it messed with for example the logout functionality with the new Jetty:
Updating services based on the zip-download on you can:
- Replace the jetty-distribution folder with the new one (from for example the updated zip file): oskariorg/sample-configs#8
- Replace oskari-server/webapps/geoserver directory with the new one (from for example the updated zip file): oskariorg/sample-configs#7
- Update any systemctl or similar service/startup scripts to point to the new Jetty folder:
- Replacing
java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.12.v20180830/start.jar
- With:
java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.31.v20200723/start.jar
In this version OpenLayers map engine is upgraded to version 6. As a part of mentioned upgrade, version number is dropped from mapping bundle paths. All mapping bundle imports from oskari-frontend containing 'ol3' folder in import path needs to be fixed as follows:
// Example of old import containing 'ol3' in import path:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/mapmodule/bundle.js';
// Replace it with this row:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol/mapmodule/bundle.js';
This version includes a migration that will change the database migrating all apps to use a new WFS integration backend. The change is described here oskariorg/oskari-docs#109
You should backup your database before upgrading so you can restore it if you have some functionality in your app that is NOT compatible with the new system. Add this to to continue using the transport for WFS-layers on this version:
It is heavily recommended that you migrate and report any problems you might encounter at this point. On this version you can still opt-out of the migration but the next version will force the migration and remove references to the transport webapp. You can consider the transport webapp deprecated.
Note! You also need to add an import to the frontend code for your apps main.js:
// this should already be there:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/mapwfs2/bundle.js';
// Replace it with this row:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/wfsvector/bundle.js';
The previous cross-site request forgery protection used cookies and http headers to detect if a given request to the server was legit. Because certain browsers block 3rd party cookies by default this didn't really work on embedded maps. Java libraries don't yet support adding SameSite-flag on cookies which is the current solution to protect against CSRF attacks. You should configure your reverse-proxy to modify cookies to have SameSite=lax flag.
Here's an example how to do this with nginx:
Also class packages have been changed a bit so manual updates is required for server-extensions referencing PermissionService.
- fi.nls.oskari.permission.domain.Permission is now org.oskari.permissions.model.Permission
- fi.nls.oskari.permission.domain.Resource is now org.oskari.permissions.model.Resource
- is now org.oskari.permissions.model.OskariLayerResource and is now deprecated.
See nls-oskari/ for example and #271 for details about the change.
OskariLayerResource has been deprecated since it no longer serves any purpose. The mapping of layer permissions mapping has been changed from type+url+name to use the layer id. Note that this might break some old migrations that use it if run on an empty database
- BundleServiceIbatisImpl is now BundleServiceMybatisImpl
- ViewServiceIbatisImpl is now AppSetupServiceMybatisImpl
- DataProviderServiceIbatisImpl is now DataProviderServiceMybatisImpl
- OskariLayerServiceIbatisImpl is now OskariLayerServiceMybatisImpl
These might be used in app-specific migrations so you will need to update references to these.
There was a small issue on the SLD for userlayers where polygon border style was rendered with line style. To fix this you will need to manually update the SLD on the GeoServer Oskari uses to store userlayers. The SLD to use can be found here:
This version includes a new implementation for interacting with WFS-based map layers that will replace the current "transport" webapp in the future. It supports WFS 3.0 endpoints and hands the features as vectors instead of images to the frontend. We would appreciate any feedback on the new implementation and testing it should not be a huge pain to setup.
Replace 'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.plugin.WfsLayerPlugin' with 'Oskari.wfsvector.WfsVectorLayerPlugin' on mapfull bundle configurations. You can do this by modifying the applications/[your app folder]/index.js on your applications frontend code to change the appsetup it gets from the server:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { + 'action_route=GetAppSetup', window.controlParams, function() {
jQuery('#mapdiv').append('Unable to start');
}, function() {
// App started
}, function(appSetup) {
// modify the appsetup we got from server
var plugins = JSON.stringify(appSetup.configuration.mapfull.conf.plugins);
var pluginRemoved = plugins.split('Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.plugin.WfsLayerPlugin');
var modifiedPlugins = pluginRemoved.join('Oskari.wfsvector.WfsVectorLayerPlugin');
appSetup.configuration.mapfull.conf.plugins = JSON.parse(modifiedPlugins);
OR you can use this Flyway migration as an example for your own instance to test it out:
You will also need to add "wfsvector" after "mapwfs2" bundle import in applications/[your app folder]/main.js on the frontend of your app:
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/mapwfs2/bundle.js';
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/wfsvector/bundle.js';
Log4j was updated to version 2.x.
- If your application only uses the Oskari logger (fi.nls.oskari.log.LogFactory), no changes are needed.
- If your application depends directly on the old 1.2.x log4j provided by Oskari, you should migrate to version 2
- If your application depends slf4j provided by Oskari, you should change the slf4j implementation library from
Log4j2 uses a new syntax for logger configuration. It will look for log4j2.xml
named file on the class path (you can put it under Jetty directory resources/
Example configuration can be found in the documentation:
The updated SLDs can be found in
These need to be manually updated on the GeoServer that is used for providing the user generated content (the included GeoServer if not customized).
This release requires Jetty 9 to be used with the transport webapp. Jetty 8 no longer works as the CometD library has been updated. For migrating from the previous Jetty 8 package to the new Jetty 9 package you can download the new Jetty bundle from The migration is pretty straightforward:
Download the new Jetty 9 package from
Move any customized configuration from {Jetty 8}/start.ini to {Jetty 9}/oskari-server/start.d/oskari.ini
Build your app with Oskari 1.50.0+ version and replace the war-files under {Jetty 9}/oskari-server/webapps
- Note! Update the web.xml under {your server extension}/webapp-transport/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml to match the changes in {oskari-server}/webapp-transport/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
- Namely the servlet-class for transport has changed from org.cometd.server.CometdServlet to org.cometd.server.CometDServlet as seen here
- Copy everything under {Jetty 8}/resources to {Jetty 9}/oskari-server/resources
- Start Jetty 9 with:
work directory as {Jetty 9}/oskari-server
java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.12.v20180830/start.jar
See and for more details.
You will also need to update the frontend for Oskari 1.50.0+ as the CometD client library has been updated and the old one doesn't work with the new server or vice versa.
There are some changes required for any customized JSP-pages:
- jQuery is now part of oskari.min.js - remove script tag for jQuery
- bundles/bundle.js has been removed - remove reference to it
- resources/portal.css and forms.css are now part of oskari.min.css - remove references to them
- app/overwritten.css is now part of oskari.min.css - remove reference to it
- the "preloaded" variable is now always true - remove any logic using it
The frontend code is now always minified/bundled as oskari.min.js even on development environment. See the example app in oskari-server for template JSP in custom installs.
Due to being specific to NLS Finland services the code has been moved to nlsfi/oskari-server-extras#1 and but it's still available in For drop-in replacement change:
Security features in Oskari has been improved by enabling cross-site request forgery protection. Any requests done with HTTP-methods other than GET is required to include a token as header or parameter to be accepted.
There are some changes required for any customized JSP-pages:
- Logout must be done with HTTP POST (
- Any additional customized pages/calls need to include the token for example user registration (
Oskari frontend code will automatically include the token by default on any action route calls made by it ( Most of the action routes (ones doing write operations) have been changed to only respond to non-GET requests(POST/PUT/DELETE).
The default jQuery version has been updated from 1.10.2 to 3.3.1 ( The functionality in oskari-frontend has been modified to work with the new version, but if you have customized bundles you might want to take a look at the official upgrade guide:
Here are most of the changes done for oskari-frontend: oskariorg/oskari-frontend#468
Oskari 1.47.0 drops support for OpenLayers 2 (oskariorg/oskari-docs#63). Existing AppSetups of type 'DEFAULT' and 'USER' are automatically migrated to use the OpenLayers 4 implementations of the bundles. The other types (PUBLISH and PUBLISHED) have been using OL 4 for a long time already and don't need the migration.
Note! Any app using custom view types needs to make an app-specific migration for the custom types. Copy-pasting the migration (content-resources/src/main/resources/flyway/oskari/V1_47_3__migrate_appsetup_to_ol4.sql) and adding the types to the where-clause at the beginning should suffice:
type IN ('DEFAULT', 'USER') AND -- is right view type
In order to use UserLayers in the future in your application you'll have to add the following dependency to your webapp-map:
Additionally, userlayer.default.source.epsg
property is no longer used.
Instead oskari.native.srs
(same property used by GeoServer populator, defaults to "EPSG:4326")
is used to determine the target projection to which all the UserLayers will be reprojected
before they are stored in the database.
The frontend has been updated to work with a bit newer jQuery library. We recommend updating any app-specific JSP-files to be updated to use it as this is the version that is used when testing features:
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/Oskari/libraries/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js">
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="/Oskari/libraries/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js">
A new printout backend has been added as part of the oskari-server. As of 1.46.0 (oskariorg/oskari-frontend#288) the frontend uses the new backend so the old one can be removed.
Note! The new backend is part of the oskari-map.war so any installations using oskari-printout-backend.war can remove it from Jetty.
Due to changes in the initialization the baselayer setup has been moved from core to functionality specific flyway modules. The layers are now inserted with the same code used with the setup.war that initializes geoserver configuration. Configs that are used include:
# initialized the layer srs (also updated by setup.war if used to generate GeoServer config)
# connection info for GeoServer hosting the myplaces etc user content
Initialization of Oskari on empty database has been revised. All content creation has been moved to application specific flyway modules. The core module only creates the base database, migrates the schema and transforms existing data when needed.
For existing databases this is a non-issue and everything works as before. For new applications and application specific initialization for the database (like initial layers and appsetups) this changes a few things.
The sample application now creates the appsetups, layers and users for demo-purposes. Any oskari-server-extension should modify the application init on empty db accordingly.
The template for oskari-server-extension has been updated to match this change:
Check the readme for details!
If you have the bundled GeoServer (for myplaces etc) running on the same Jetty as oskari-map you should add this to
# skip geoserver setting as its by default on the same server -> geoserver is not running when migrations are run
Otherwise migrations will stop at 1.45.0 as this migration cannot be run. You can manually add a memory restriction for the GeoServer so asking for very large image for myplaces etc won't cause the server to run out of memory.
There's at least a couple of database table that have been renamed and due to the order of code is running on server startup you will get an error with the first startup due to database migrations. The logs show some tables are missing. This is expected and you should just restart the server after migrations have completed. The latest version row in oskari_status database table should be at least 1.45.18 when the migrations have been completed.
The release will force thematic maps (statsgrid bundle in frontend) to be updated to the new version. This requires a migration for any appsetups (including published maps) using the old version of the bundle. The configurations required for are (based on the database contents):
# datasource ids added for old indicators
# [SELECT id FROM oskari_statistical_datasource where config like '']
# [SELECT id FROM oskari_statistical_datasource where plugin = 'UserStats']
# layer name mappings for old regionsets (layer name for matching statslayer)
# [select name from oskari_maplayer where type = 'statslayer']
If your instance wasn't using the old thematic maps functionality you don't need to configure these. If you have the old thematic maps functionality in your application you need to add maplayers corresponding the regionsets before running the migration and configure the layer-names in
To configure the layers see:
For more information about the migration see: #127
Oskari-server now requires Java 8 to run and compile due to (and in preparation of) library upgrades.
Common issues:
- Development environments need to be updated to compile using Java 8
- Servers need to be updated to run Jetty with Java 8
- Jetty start.ini needs to be updated (see
- server-extensions might use older versions of dependencies which might cause version conflicts. Update the dependencies on extensions as well.
DefaultStyle SLDs needs to be manually updated on Geoserver from
The database access library has been updated from iBATIS to MyBatis. DatabaseUserService now uses MybatisRoleService and MybatisUserService. If you are using old IbatisRoleService or IbatisUserService in your own Oskari server extensions, you have to update them to use MybatisRoleService and MybatisUserService implementations.
Personal data (My data in UI) previously used the "edit profile" link from property 'auth.register.url' which is also used by other functionality as property that holds registration url.
This has been changed and personaldata now uses a more appropriate 'auth.profile.url' so registration and personaldata can co-exist without conflict.
The feature has been significantly changed. See ReleaseNotes for details.
Layers with http:// urls are now proxied using the GetLayerTile action route by default. Previously the protocol was replaced with https:// and to preserve this functionality you can add a property for
Any statslayer rows in the database table oskari_maplayer should include a value in the srs_name column (like 'EPSG:4326'). This is required for creating GeoJSON for the regions and doing transforms on the geometry.
The new bundle allows published maps to be rotated. The bundle is added to sample application views automatically. If you don't want it to be added to the sample you can add this property to
Initial Openlayers 3 geoportal view can be added for the sample application. To add it a property is required in
The view is NOT added automatically if you don't opt in. The view to create can be further configured with optional properties:
flyway.sample.1_0_11.view=[id for view to use as config/state template]
File needs to point to a json-file similar to The file should be located in the server classpath under /json/views/[filename]. Note that only bundle startup information is used while config/state is being copied from the default view of the Oskari-instance. If you want to use a custom view as config/state template you can use the flyway.sample.1_0_11.view-property to point such view. The log will show the uuid for the new view once it's added or you can check the database table portti_view for the uuid of the latest view in the system.
fi.nls.oskari.control.view.modifier.param.ParamHandler has been moved from control-base to fi.nls.oskari.view.modifier.ParamHandler in service-control Maven module. Please update any references to point to the new package.
In preparation for Oskari 2.0 some of the code has been moved to more appropriate places. As a result some of the previously mandatory imports on mapfull bundle have been removed. Update any custom minifierAppSetup.json files by removing references to these packages:
There is a Oskari core Flyway-migration that removes the references from database:
There has been some changes to the FlywayHelper class. If you have used it in your applications Flyway-migrations you might need to change some of the existing Java-based migration classes. This might be the reason your previous Java-based migration classes don't compile after updating to new Oskari version. Java-based migrations are not tracked the same way as SQL-based ones so you can modify the existing migrations to accommodate this change. Here are the changes to the FlywayHelper signature:
FROM ArrayList<Long> getViewIdsForTypes(Connection connection, String... types) throws Exception
TO List<Long> getViewIdsForTypes(Connection connection, String... types) throws SQLException
FROM ArrayList<Long> getUserAndDefaultViewIds(Connection connection) throws Exception
TO List<Long> getUserAndDefaultViewIds(Connection connection) throws SQLException
FROM Bundle getBundleFromView(Connection connection, String bundle, Long viewId) throws Exception
TO Bundle getBundleFromView(Connection connection, String bundle, Long viewId) throws SQLException
FROM Bundle updateBundleInView(Connection connection, Bundle bundle, Long viewId) throws Exception
TO Bundle updateBundleInView(Connection connection, Bundle bundle, Long viewId) throws SQLException
The sample application can be updated to include the new statistics UI. If you are using the sample-application flyway module (have "sample" included in "db.additional.modules" property) and would like to have this bundle included, you can add a property:
This functionality is opt-in with the configuration since it needs additional manual configuration for datasources and maplayers to use as regionsets. The frontend minifierAppSetup.jsons for sample/servlet app include references to the frontend code so to optimize the filesize clients need to download you might want to remove them if not using the statistics functionality.
The sample application will also add more zoom-levels for the configuration. All views except published maps with EPSG:4326 will be have the resolutions (zoom-levels) set to:
You can opt-out of the resolutions change by adding a property in
This update includes a forced migration of publish template to Openlayers 3 based map. The possible Openlayers 2 based publish template will be copied to a new ID and the log will show a message like "Previous publish template was saved as a backup with view id: 1234." The update is skipped if Openlayers 3 based template is already defined for publishing, but you can also skip the update entirely by adding a skip property to
flyway.1_39_1.skip = true
Note! All new development is happening for Openlayers 3 based published maps and some features may be broken if migration is skipped. You should update the template manually if automation isn't working for you.
The bundles in the template are changed based on this template:
If you would like to use different page(JSP-file), application or path for the template you can override these by adding configuration to
flyway.1_39_1.application = servlet_published_ol3
flyway.1_39_1.path = /applications/sample = published
You can also specify a custom template to be used by providing a similar file in classpath with /json/views/my-template.json and using the property:
flyway.1_39_1.file = my-template.json
The update keeps any state and configuration values for the template as they are, but updates the bundles to use and the startup-fragment (filepath/location of the bundle).
Note! You will need to update the minifierAppSetup.json to reflect the new template. This can be used with the default setup:
Another update is used to migrate all published maps using Openlayers 2 based published maps to use the new publish template. This will programmatically "republish" all the maps having OL2 with the current publish template. This means that if you skipped 1.39.1 update for the template AND haven't done anything for updating the template manually this will use an unmigrated publish template. This is something to consider. You can skip the migration by adding a property to
flyway.1_39_2.skip = true
Note! If you skip this update you might need to have a separate template for new published maps using OL3 and older published maps using OL2. The migration will take a while depending how many published maps there are in the system. It can also fail, usually if there is broken/invalid JSON in config or state columns for bundles. You should fix the JSON manually in the database and restart Jetty to run the migration again for the rest of the published maps.
Tip! If you are trying to make a custom template you can:
- Skip this migration
- Try using the custom template with the publishing functionality
- When you are ready to use the template: delete the row from database table oskari_status for 1.39.2 migration
- Restart Jetty to run the migration using the custom template
The default config for statsgrid-bundle has changed and is now part of the code. The default config in portti_bundle is updated to empty config.
The storing of layer coverage geometries has changed in a way that might cause problems. If layer disappear from the browser UI a ~second after it has been added to the map you should wipe the oskari_maplayer_metadata table in the database:
DELETE FROM oskari_maplayer_metadata;
This is only relevant if you have the scheduled coverage job enabled.
Map publishing functionality has been implemented with a bundle called publisher. All current work toward improving the publishing feature has been done on a bundle publisher2. Since the old one is no longer maintained we are forcing an update to any view having the publisher bundle to start using the publisher2 bundle. This shouldn't cause any problems if you are using the standard publisher bundle with no modifications. If you absolutely want to keep the current publisher bundle and will deal with the changes yourself you can add a property to to skip this update:
You might also have ran this kind of update on your environment previously (through sample-module migrations for example). In such case this migration does nothing.
The latest Openlayers 3 doesn't work with IE9 since it lacks for example requestAnimationFrame() function: openlayers/openlayers#4865. A polyfill has been added to published.jsp for browsers <= IE 9.
You might want to do the same for any custom JSP for published maps if you need to support IE 9.
If you have a custom JSP in your Oskari installation you will need to modify it a bit:
Custom JSPs may have links to Oskari css and have global variables set for Oskari:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajaxUrl = '${ajaxUrl}';
var viewId = '${viewId}';
var language = '${language}';
var preloaded = ${preloaded};
var controlParams = ${controlParams};
These can be replaced with the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajaxUrl = '${ajaxUrl}';
var controlParams = ${controlParams};
Note that you need to remove any references to these globals (language, viewId, preloaded) in index.js as well (in the frontend)
See for more details on frontend changes.
You should also remove any links to oskari_lang_all.js in JSPs as it's no longer generated and its content is included in all of the language files.
There are some improvements in geojson parsing and new methods for parsing WMS/WFS capabilities. Basic oskari-server source is not modified because of this upgrade, only some unit tests.
The configuration has changed for any published maps with toolbar. Automatic migration is done as part of the core migration.
Update IntersectionFeatureCollection2-2.7.1.jar in your webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib directory. Build updated version in This is improvement for analysis Geometry clip method.
A new publisher template has been added: content-resources/src/main/resources/json/views/ol3-publisher-template-view.json. This can be inserted to database and configured as a publish template in to use Openlayers 3 as the map-engine for published maps:
view.template.publish=[view id]
This will affect all new maps that are published after the change. The previous ones will remain the same. If a view that is published earlier is edited and saved it will use the new publish template.
The sample application replaces publisher bundle with a refactored version named publisher2. This needs metadata to be generated for appsetups/views created with the original publisher. The sample flyway module has an example (flyway/sample/ how to make the switch in your application when you are ready. The script generates the metadata from existing published views and replaces the publisher bundle with publisher2 on all views which have the original publisher.
In older Oskari instances users might have saved views that still reference old bundles: mapwfs and featuredata. Views of type USER (portti_view.type) that have these (others shouldn't have them anyways anymore) are automatically updated to replace these with the current implementations. The code for these outdated bundles have been removed from Oskari frontend code a while ago so we need to remove references to them so the personalized default view can work properly.
Old saved views (that users can save) have the bundle setup that was used when the view was saved. Bundles added to default view after the view was saved are not part of those views. This results in personalized default views not having all of the functionality that is available in the default view. A workaround for this is for the user to click the saved view so the application state is changed based on the view and then save the current view as a new one. Then use the new view as the personalized default and delete the old saved view. To update all views of type USER to current bundle setup automatically, there is an example upgrade script in the sample flyway module (flyway/sample/ This update is not forced since some Oskari installs might have used the USER-typed views for other purposes than views saved by users.
Update sld_muutos_n1.sld in Geoserver Styles (updated file in \oskari\oskari-server\content-resources\config\geoserver\data\styles)
Flyway checksum validation fails if line-endings change in files for example between development environments: flyway/flyway#253. To work around this, can be used to autorepair the checksums:
The servlet-map module has been replaced with spring-based packaging. This uses servlet 3 webapp initialization without web.xml. If you are using the Jetty-bundle downloadable from Add this row to {JETTY_HOME}/start.ini. Take a look at the new Jetty-bundle for example:
HTML-loading and action route handling has been separated with HTML response coming from the root path (/) and action routes are now handled with path /action. This propably requires a change in for the property:
# url path to call for ajax requests/action routes
The Maven artifactId was changed to clearly signal the change:
As the updated geotools version has dropped Java 6 support, Oskari now requires Java 7 as well.
Keep your current Geoserver data dir as is Replace your geoserver directory under webapps with geoserver dir in jetty-package
- Current Geoserver build is against Geotools 13.1
- know issue: RYSP WFS parser is not working and partly WFS transport tests fails, if older version of geotools is in use
Routesearch bundle has been moved from under framework to paikkatietoikkuna. Bundlepaths in db need to be updated. Run the node.js upgrade scripts under content-resources/db-upgrade:
SCRIPT=1.29/01_update_routesearch_bundle_bundlepath node app.js
SCRIPT=1.29/02_update_routesearch_bundle_view_bundlepath node app.js
Run on oskaridb:
Create new table ( oskari_wfs_parser_config) for WFS 2.0.0 initial parser configs and insert initial values
Now builds transport.war instead of transport-0.0.1.war as this is the default Oskari frontend uses.