diff --git a/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf b/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
index 1dd1b802..ab942be7 100644
--- a/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
+++ b/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@
+ filename="ignition-gazebo-hydrodynamics-system"
+ name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Hydrodynamics">
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
index 2076c892..076ab90a 100644
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ target_link_libraries(DopplerVelocityLog PUBLIC ${GZ_SENSORS}-rendering)
add_lrauv_plugin(DopplerVelocityLogSystem RENDERING)
target_link_libraries(DopplerVelocityLogSystem PUBLIC
DopplerVelocityLog ${GZ_SENSORS}-rendering)
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.cc b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index bf78b0c0..00000000
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
- * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
- * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- */
-#include "HydrodynamicsPlugin.hh"
-namespace tethys
-class HydrodynamicsPrivateData
- /// \brief Values to set via Plugin Parameters.
- /// Plugin Parameter: Added mass in surge, X_\dot{u}.
- public: double paramXdotU;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Added mass in sway, Y_\dot{v}.
- public: double paramYdotV;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Added mass in heave, Z_\dot{w}.
- public: double paramZdotW;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Added mass in roll, K_\dot{p}.
- public: double paramKdotP;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Added mass in pitch, M_\dot{q}.
- public: double paramMdotQ;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Added mass in yaw, N_\dot{r}.
- public: double paramNdotR;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in surge.
- public: double paramXu;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in surge.
- public: double paramXuu;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in sway.
- public: double paramYv;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in sway.
- public: double paramYvv;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in heave.
- public: double paramZw;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in heave.
- public: double paramZww;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in roll.
- public: double paramKp;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in roll.
- public: double paramKpp;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in pitch.
- public: double paramMq;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in pitch.
- public: double paramMqq;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Linear drag in yaw.
- public: double paramNr;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Quadratic drag in yaw.
- public: double paramNrr;
- /// \brief Plugin Parameter: Disable coriolis as part of equation. This is
- /// occasionally useful for testing.
- public: bool enableCoriolis = true;
- /// \brief Water density [kg/m^3].
- public: double waterDensity;
- /// \brief Water current [m/s].
- public: gz::math::Vector3d waterCurrent {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
- public: Eigen::VectorXd prevState;
- public: Eigen::VectorXd prevStateDot;
- /// \brief Update current during simulation
- public: void UpdateCurrent(
- const gz::msgs::Vector3d &_msg)
- {
- std::lock_guard lock(this->mtx);
- this->waterCurrent = gz::msgs::Convert(_msg);
- }
- /// Link entity
- public: gz::sim::Entity linkEntity;
- public: gz::transport::Node node;
- public: std::mutex mtx;
-void AddAngularVelocityComponent(
- const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
- if (!_ecm.Component(
- _entity))
- {
- _ecm.CreateComponent(_entity,
- gz::sim::components::AngularVelocity());
- }
- // Create an angular velocity component if one is not present.
- if (!_ecm.Component(
- _entity))
- {
- _ecm.CreateComponent(_entity,
- gz::sim::components::WorldAngularVelocity());
- }
-void AddWorldPose (
- const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
- if (!_ecm.Component(
- _entity))
- {
- _ecm.CreateComponent(_entity,
- gz::sim::components::WorldPose());
- }
-void AddWorldLinearVelocity(
- const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
- if (!_ecm.Component(
- _entity))
- {
- _ecm.CreateComponent(_entity,
- gz::sim::components::WorldLinearVelocity());
- }
-double SdfParamDouble(
- const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
- const std::string &_field,
- double _default)
- if(!_sdf->HasElement(_field))
- {
- return _default;
- }
- return _sdf->Get(_field);
- : dataPtr(std::make_unique())
-void HydrodynamicsPlugin::Configure(
- const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm,
- gz::sim::EventManager &/*_eventMgr*/
- this->dataPtr->waterDensity = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "waterDensity", 997.7735);
- this->dataPtr->paramXdotU = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "xDotU" , 5);
- this->dataPtr->paramYdotV = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "yDotV" , 5);
- this->dataPtr->paramZdotW = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "zDotW" , 0.1);
- this->dataPtr->paramKdotP = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "kDotP" , 0.1);
- this->dataPtr->paramMdotQ = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "mDotQ" , 0.1);
- this->dataPtr->paramNdotR = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "nDotR" , 1);
- this->dataPtr->paramXu = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "xU" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramXuu = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "xUU" , 0);
- this->dataPtr->paramYv = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "yV" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramYvv = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "yVV" , 0);
- this->dataPtr->paramZw = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "zW" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramZww = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "zWW" , 0);
- this->dataPtr->paramKp = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "kP" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramKpp = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "kPP" , 0);
- this->dataPtr->paramMq = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "mQ" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramMqq = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "mQQ" , 0);
- this->dataPtr->paramNr = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "nR" , 20);
- this->dataPtr->paramNrr = SdfParamDouble(_sdf, "nRR" , 0);
- _sdf->Get("enable_coriolis", this->dataPtr->enableCoriolis, true);
- // Create model object, to access convenient functions
- auto model = gz::sim::Model(_entity);
- auto link_name = _sdf->Get("link_name");
- this->dataPtr->linkEntity = model.LinkByName(_ecm, link_name);
- if (gz::sim::kNullEntity == this->dataPtr->linkEntity)
- {
- gzerr << "Failed to find link named [" << link_name << "] in model ["
- << model.Name(_ecm) << "]. Plugin failed to initialize." << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- this->dataPtr->prevState = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(6);
- this->dataPtr->prevStateDot = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(6);
- AddWorldPose(this->dataPtr->linkEntity, _ecm);
- AddAngularVelocityComponent(this->dataPtr->linkEntity, _ecm);
- AddWorldLinearVelocity(this->dataPtr->linkEntity, _ecm);
- std::string ns;
- std::string currentTopic {"/ocean_current"};
- if (_sdf->HasElement("namespace"))
- {
- ns = _sdf->Get("namespace");
- currentTopic = gz::transport::TopicUtils::AsValidTopic(
- "/model/" + ns + "/ocean_current");
- }
- this->dataPtr->node.Subscribe(
- currentTopic,
- &HydrodynamicsPrivateData::UpdateCurrent,
- this->dataPtr.get());
- if(_sdf->HasElement("default_current"))
- {
- this->dataPtr->waterCurrent =
- _sdf->Get("default_current");
- }
-void HydrodynamicsPlugin::PreUpdate(
- const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &_info,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
- if(_info.paused)
- return;
- // These variables are named following Fossen's scheme in "Guidance and Control
- // of Ocean Vehicles." The `state` vector contains the ship's current velocity
- // in the formate [x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, roll_vel, pitch_vel, yaw_vel].
- // `stateDot` consists of the first derivative in time of the state vector.
- // `Cmat` corresponds to the Centripetal matrix
- // `Dmat` is the drag matrix
- // `Ma` is the added mass.
- Eigen::VectorXd stateDot = Eigen::VectorXd(6);
- Eigen::VectorXd state = Eigen::VectorXd(6);
- Eigen::MatrixXd Cmat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6, 6);
- Eigen::MatrixXd Dmat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6, 6);
- Eigen::MatrixXd Ma = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6,6);
- std::lock_guard lock(this->dataPtr->mtx);
- // Get vehicle state
- gz::sim::Link baseLink(this->dataPtr->linkEntity);
- auto linearVelocity =
- _ecm.Component(this->dataPtr->linkEntity);
- auto rotationalVelocity = baseLink.WorldAngularVelocity(_ecm);
- if(!linearVelocity)
- {
- gzerr <<"no linear vel" <<"\n";
- return;
- }
- // Transform state to local frame
- auto pose = baseLink.WorldPose(_ecm);
- // Since we are transforming angular and linear velocity we only care about
- // rotation
- auto localLinearVelocity = pose->Rot().Inverse() *
- (linearVelocity->Data() - this->dataPtr->waterCurrent);
- auto localRotationalVelocity = pose->Rot().Inverse() * *rotationalVelocity;
- state(0) = localLinearVelocity.X();
- state(1) = localLinearVelocity.Y();
- state(2) = localLinearVelocity.Z();
- state(3) = localRotationalVelocity.X();
- state(4) = localRotationalVelocity.Y();
- state(5) = localRotationalVelocity.Z();
- auto dt = (double)_info.dt.count()/1e9;
- auto alpha = 0.9;
- stateDot = alpha * (state - this->dataPtr->prevState)/dt
- + (1-alpha) * this->dataPtr->prevStateDot;
- this->dataPtr->prevStateDot = stateDot;
- this->dataPtr->prevState = state;
- // Added mass according to Fossen's equations (p 37)
- Ma(0,0) = this->dataPtr->paramXdotU;
- Ma(1,1) = this->dataPtr->paramYdotV;
- Ma(2,2) = this->dataPtr->paramZdotW;
- Ma(3,3) = this->dataPtr->paramKdotP;
- Ma(4,4) = this->dataPtr->paramMdotQ;
- Ma(5,5) = this->dataPtr->paramNdotR;
- const Eigen::VectorXd kAmassVec = - Ma * stateDot;
- // Coriollis and Centripetal forces for under water vehicles (Fossen P. 37)
- // Note: this is significantly different from VRX because we need to account
- // for the under water vehicle's additional DOF
- Cmat(0,4) = - this->dataPtr->paramZdotW * state(2);
- Cmat(0,5) = - this->dataPtr->paramYdotV * state(1);
- Cmat(1,3) = this->dataPtr->paramZdotW * state(2);
- Cmat(1,5) = - this->dataPtr->paramXdotU * state(0);
- Cmat(2,3) = - this->dataPtr->paramYdotV * state(1);
- Cmat(2,4) = this->dataPtr->paramXdotU * state(0);
- Cmat(3,1) = - this->dataPtr->paramZdotW * state(2);
- Cmat(3,2) = this->dataPtr->paramYdotV * state(1);
- Cmat(3,4) = - this->dataPtr->paramNdotR * state(5);
- Cmat(3,5) = this->dataPtr->paramMdotQ * state(4);
- Cmat(4,0) = this->dataPtr->paramZdotW * state(2);
- Cmat(4,2) = - this->dataPtr->paramXdotU * state(0);
- Cmat(4,3) = this->dataPtr->paramNdotR * state(5);
- Cmat(4,5) = - this->dataPtr->paramKdotP * state(3);
- Cmat(5,0) = this->dataPtr->paramZdotW * state(2);
- Cmat(5,1) = this->dataPtr->paramXdotU * state(0);
- Cmat(5,3) = - this->dataPtr->paramMdotQ * state(4);
- Cmat(5,4) = this->dataPtr->paramKdotP * state(3);
- const Eigen::VectorXd kCmatVec = - Cmat * state;
- // Damping forces (Fossen P. 43)
- Dmat(0,0) = - this->dataPtr->paramXu - this->dataPtr->paramXuu * abs(state(0));
- Dmat(1,1) = - this->dataPtr->paramYv - this->dataPtr->paramYvv * abs(state(1));
- Dmat(2,2) = - this->dataPtr->paramZw - this->dataPtr->paramZww * abs(state(2));
- Dmat(3,3) = - this->dataPtr->paramKp - this->dataPtr->paramKpp * abs(state(3));
- Dmat(4,4) = - this->dataPtr->paramMq - this->dataPtr->paramMqq * abs(state(4));
- Dmat(5,5) = - this->dataPtr->paramNr - this->dataPtr->paramNrr * abs(state(5));
- const Eigen::VectorXd kDvec = Dmat * state;
- Eigen::VectorXd kTotalWrench = kAmassVec + kDvec;
- if (this->dataPtr->enableCoriolis)
- kTotalWrench += kCmatVec;
- gz::math::Vector3d totalForce(-kTotalWrench(0), -kTotalWrench(1), -kTotalWrench(2));
- gz::math::Vector3d totalTorque(-kTotalWrench(3), -kTotalWrench(4), -kTotalWrench(5));
- baseLink.AddWorldWrench(_ecm, pose->Rot()*(totalForce), pose->Rot()*totalTorque);
- tethys::HydrodynamicsPlugin,
- gz::sim::System,
- tethys::HydrodynamicsPlugin::ISystemConfigure,
- tethys::HydrodynamicsPlugin::ISystemPreUpdate)
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.hh b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 882db139..00000000
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/HydrodynamicsPlugin.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
- * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
- * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- */
-namespace tethys
- class HydrodynamicsPrivateData;
- /// This class provides hydrodynamic behaviour for underwater vehicles
- /// It is shamelessly based off Brian Bingham's plugin for VRX
- /// which in turn is based of fossen's equations.
- class HydrodynamicsPlugin:
- public gz::sim::System,
- public gz::sim::ISystemConfigure,
- public gz::sim::ISystemPreUpdate
- {
- public: HydrodynamicsPlugin();
- public: ~HydrodynamicsPlugin() = default;
- public: void Configure(
- const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm,
- gz::sim::EventManager &/*_eventMgr*/
- );
- public: void PreUpdate(
- const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &_info,
- gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
- private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
- };