diff --git a/.drone.star b/.drone.star
index 844f4ef59e0..314f7e8fc74 100644
--- a/.drone.star
+++ b/.drone.star
@@ -109,23 +109,12 @@ config = {
                 "oCISFiles2": [
-                "oCISFiles3": [
-                    "webUIRenameFiles",
-                ],
                 "oCISFiles5": [
-                    "webUIFilesCopy",
-                "oCISSharingInternal1": [
-                    "webUISharingInternalGroupsEdgeCases",
-                ],
                 "oCISSharingInternal2": [
-                "oCISSharingInternal3": [
-                    "webUISharingInternalGroupsSharingIndicator",
-                    "webUISharingInternalUsersSharingIndicator",
-                ],
                 "oCISSharingPublic1": [
@@ -135,10 +124,6 @@ config = {
                 "oCISSharingPublic3": [
-                "oCISUploadMove": [
-                    "webUIUpload",
-                    "webUIMoveFilesFolders",
-                ],
                 "oCISTrashbinJourney": [
@@ -164,16 +149,10 @@ config = {
 basicTestSuites = [
-    "webUIFilesCopy",
-    "webUIMoveFilesFolders",
-    "webUIRenameFiles",
-    "webUISharingInternalGroupsEdgeCases",
-    "webUISharingInternalGroupsSharingIndicator",
-    "webUISharingInternalUsersSharingIndicator",
@@ -181,7 +160,6 @@ basicTestSuites = [
-    "webUIUpload",
 # minio mc environment variables
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIFilesCopy/copy.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIFilesCopy/copy.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf6fd970ba..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIFilesCopy/copy.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Feature: copy files and folders
-  As a user
-  I want to copy files and folders
-  So that I can work safely on a copy without changing the original
-  Background:
-    Given the administrator has set the default folder for received shares to "Shares" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-  Scenario Outline: copy a file into a folder (problematic characters)
-    Given user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem.txt" to "lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to <file_name> using the webUI
-    And the user renames folder "simple-empty-folder" to <folder_name> using the webUI
-    And the user copies file <file_name> into folder <folder_name> using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder <folder_name> should be displayed on the webUI
-    And file <file_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | file_name           | folder_name                    |
-      | "'single'"          | "folder-with-'single'"         |
-      | "\"double\" quotes" | "folder-with\"double\" quotes" |
-      | "question?"         | "folder-with-question?"        |
-      | "&and#hash"         | "folder-with-&and#hash"        |
-  @issue-3755
-  Scenario: copy files on a public share
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "data.zip" to "simple-folder/data.zip" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read, update, create, delete" permissions in the server
-    When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" in a new session
-    And the user copies file "data.zip" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And file "data.zip" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" file "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/data.zip" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "simple-folder/data.zip" should exist in the server
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFiles.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFiles.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 327bd721a5b..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFiles.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Feature: move files
-  As a user
-  I want to move files
-  So that I can organise my data structure
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem.txt" to "lorem.txt" in the server
-  Scenario: An attempt to move a file into a sub-folder using rename is not allowed
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user tries to rename file "lorem.txt" to "simple-folder/lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot contain "/"' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario Outline: move a file into a folder (problematic characters)
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to <file_name> using the webUI
-    And the user renames folder "simple-folder" to <folder_name> using the webUI
-    And the user moves file <file_name> into folder <folder_name> using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder <folder_name> should be displayed on the webUI
-    And file <file_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | file_name   | folder_name             |
-      | "'single'"  | "folder-with-'single'"  |
-      # | "\"double\" quotes" | "folder-with\"double\" quotes" | FIXME: Needs a way to access breadcrumbs with double quotes issue-3734
-      | "question?" | "folder-with-question?" |
-      | "&and#hash" | "folder-with-&and#hash" |
-  Scenario: move files on a public share
-    Given user "Alice" has uploaded file "data.zip" to "simple-folder/data.zip" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read, update, create, delete" permissions in the server
-    And the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" in a new session
-    And the user moves file "data.zip" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And file "data.zip" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" file "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/data.zip" should exist in the server
-    But as "Alice" file "simple-folder/data.zip" should not exist in the server
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFolders.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFolders.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index a24b06a69c4..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMoveFilesFolders/moveFolders.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Feature: move folders
-  As a user
-  I want to move folders
-  So that I can organise my data structure
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-empty-folder" in the server
-  Scenario: An attempt to move a folder into a sub-folder using rename is not allowed
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user tries to rename folder "simple-empty-folder" to "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot contain "/"' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And folder "simple-empty-folder" should be listed on the webUI
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest @skipOnIphoneResolution
-  Scenario: move a folder into another folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "strängé नेपाली folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has reloaded the current page of the webUI
-    When the user moves folder "simple-folder" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "simple-folder" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user browses to the files page
-    And the user moves folder "strängé नेपाली folder" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "strängé नेपाली folder" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: move a folder into another folder where a folder with the same name already exists
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user tries to move folder "simple-empty-folder" into folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the "modal error" message with header 'Folder with name "simple-empty-folder" already exists.' should be displayed on the webUI
-  @smokeTest @skipOnIphoneResolution
-  Scenario: Move multiple folders at once
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "strängé नेपाली folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has reloaded the current page of the webUI
-    When the user batch moves these folders into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-      | name                  |
-      | simple-folder         |
-      | strängé नेपाली folder |
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And the following folders should be listed on the webUI
-      | folders               |
-      | simple-folder         |
-      | strängé नेपाली folder |
-  Scenario Outline: move a folder into another folder (problematic characters)
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    When the user renames folder "simple-folder" to <folder_name> using the webUI
-    And the user renames folder "simple-empty-folder" to <target_name> using the webUI
-    And the user moves folder <folder_name> into folder <target_name> using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder <target_name> should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder <folder_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | folder_name | target_name                    |
-      | "'single'"  | "target-folder-with-'single'"  |
-      # | "\"double\" quotes" | "target-folder-with\"double\" quotes" | FIXME: Needs a way to access breadcrumbs with double quotes issue-3734
-      | "question?" | "target-folder-with-question?" |
-      | "&and#hash" | "target-folder-with-&and#hash" |
-  Scenario: move a folder into the same folder
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to move folder "simple-empty-folder" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the "error" message with header "You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself." should be displayed on the webUI
-    And the user clears all error message from the webUI
-    And as "Alice" folder "simple-empty-folder/simple-empty-folder" should not exist in the server
-  Scenario: move a folder into another folder with same name
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user moves folder "simple-empty-folder" into folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then breadcrumb for folder "simple-empty-folder" should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "simple-empty-folder" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/simple-empty-folder" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" folder "simple-empty-folder" should not exist in the server
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFiles.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFiles.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bcd54aa8e8..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFiles.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-Feature: rename files
-  As a user
-  I want to rename files
-  So that I can organise my data structure
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem.txt" to "lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "data.zip" to "data.zip" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem-big.txt" to "lorem-big.txt" in the server
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest @disablePreviews
-  Scenario Outline: Rename a file
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to <to_file_name> using the webUI
-    Then file <to_file_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file <to_file_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | to_file_name           |
-      | "simple-name.txt"      |
-      | '"quotes1"'            |
-      | "\"quote\"d-folders'"  |
-      | "'quotes2'"            |
-      | "लोरेम।तयक्स्त? $%#&@" |
-  Scenario Outline: Rename a file that has special characters in its name
-    Given user "Alice" has created file <from_name> in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file <from_name> to <to_name> using the webUI
-    Then file <to_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file <to_name> should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | from_name                               | to_name                               |
-      | "'single'quotes.txt"                    | "single-quotes.txt"                   |
-      | "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" | "strängé filename (duplicate #3).txt" |
-      | "sämple,1.txt"                          | "file,with,commä,.txt"                |
-  @smokeTest
-  Scenario: Rename a file using special characters and check its existence after page reload
-    Given user "Alice" has created file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "लोरेम।तयक्स्त $%&" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "लोरेम।तयक्स्त $%&" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file "लोरेम।तयक्स्त $%&" to '"double"quotes.txt' using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file '"double"quotes.txt' should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file '"double"quotes.txt' to "no-double-quotes.txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "no-double-quotes.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file 'no-double-quotes.txt' to "hash#And&QuestionMark?At@Filename.txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "hash#And&QuestionMark?At@Filename.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file 'zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt' to "aaaaaa.txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "aaaaaa.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-  @issue-964
-  Scenario: Rename a file using spaces at front and/or back of file name and type
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to " space at start" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file " space at start" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file " space at start" to "space at end .txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "space at end .txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file "space at end .txt" to "space at end. lis" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "space at end. lis" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user renames file "space at end. lis" to "  multiple   space    all     over   .  dat" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "  multiple   space    all     over   .  dat" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file using spaces at end is prohibited
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "lorem.txt" to "space at end " using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot end with whitespace' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And file "space at end " should not be listed on the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "lorem.txt" to "  multiple   space    all     over   .  dat  " using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot end with whitespace' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And file "  multiple   space    all     over   .  dat  " should not be listed on the webUI
-  @issue-4859 @disablePreviews
-  Scenario: Rename a file using both double and single quotes
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames the following file using the webUI
-      | fromName      | toName                         |
-      | lorem.txt     | '"First 'single" quotes" '.txt |
-      | lorem-big.txt | Test" 'me o'ut".txt            |
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then these files should be listed on the webUI
-      | files                          |
-      | '"First 'single" quotes" '.txt |
-      | Test" 'me o'ut".txt            |
-    When the user renames the following file using the webUI
-      | fromName                       | toName     |
-      | '"First 'single" quotes" '.txt | loremz.dat |
-      | Test" 'me o'ut".txt            | loremy.tad |
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "loremz.dat" should be listed on the webUI
-    And file "loremy.tad" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario Outline: Rename a file/folder using forward slash in its name
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "<from_file_name>" to "<to_file_name>" using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot contain "/"' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And file "<from_file_name>" should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | from_file_name | to_file_name            |
-      | lorem.txt      | simple-folder/lorem.txt |
-      | lorem.txt      | lorem/txt               |
-  Scenario: Rename the last file in a folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" to "a-file.txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "a-file.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file to become the last file in a folder
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "zzzz-z-this-is-now-the-last-file.txt" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "zzzz-z-this-is-now-the-last-file.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file putting a name of a file which already exists
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "data.zip" to "lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name "lorem.txt" is already taken' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And file 'data.zip' should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file to ..
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "data.zip" to ".." using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot be equal to ".."' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And file 'data.zip' should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file to .
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user tries to rename file "data.zip" to "." using the webUI
-    Then the error message 'The name cannot be equal to "."' should be displayed on the webUI dialog prompt
-    And file 'data.zip' should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename a file to .part
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "data.zip" to "data.part" using the webUI
-    Then file 'data.part' should be listed on the webUI
-  Scenario: Rename file extension through context-menu without reload
-    Given user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "lorem.md" through context-menu using the webUI
-    Then file "lorem.md" should be listed on the webUI
-    And file "lorem.md" should be listed on the sidebar
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFilesInsideProblematicFolderName.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFilesInsideProblematicFolderName.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b880d802e1..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIRenameFiles/renameFilesInsideProblematicFolderName.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Renaming files inside a folder with problematic name
-  As a user
-  I want to rename a file
-  So that I can recognize my file easily
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-  Scenario Outline: Rename the existing file inside a problematic folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "<folder>" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem.txt" to "<folder>/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "<folder>" using the webUI
-    And the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "???.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "???.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "???.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | folder           |
-      | 0              |
-      | 'single'quotes |
-  Scenario Outline: Rename the existing file inside a problematic folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "<folder>" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "lorem.txt" to "<folder>/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "<folder>" using the webUI
-    And the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "???.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "???.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    Then file "???.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | folder                  |
-      | strängé नेपाली folder |
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsEdgeCases/shareWithGroupsEdgeCases.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsEdgeCases/shareWithGroupsEdgeCases.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f33d5e20c0..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsEdgeCases/shareWithGroupsEdgeCases.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Sharing files and folders with internal groups
-  As a user
-  I want to share files and folders with groups
-  So that those groups can access the files and folders
-  Background:
-    Given the administrator has set the default folder for received shares to "Shares" in the server
-    And these users have been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server:
-      | username |
-      | Alice    |
-      | Brian    |
-      | Carol    |
-  @issue-5216
-  Scenario Outline: sharing files and folder with an internal problematic group name
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | <group>   |
-    And user "Carol" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has created file "testimage.jpg" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has been added to group "<group>" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user shares folder "simple-folder" with group "<group>" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    And the user shares file "testimage.jpg" with group "<group>" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    Then group "<group>" should be listed as "Can view" in the collaborators list for folder "simple-folder" on the webUI
-    And group "<group>" should be listed as "Can view" in the collaborators list for file "testimage.jpg" on the webUI
-    Examples:
-      | group     |
-      | ?\?@#%@,; |
-      | नेपाली      |
-  Scenario: Share file with a user and a group with same name
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | Alice     |
-    And user "Brian" has been added to group "Alice" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has uploaded file with content "Carol file" to "/randomfile.txt" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with user "Alice Hansen" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with group "Alice" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user types "Alice" in the share-with-field
-    Then "group" "Alice" should not be listed in the autocomplete list on the webUI
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Alice" should be "Carol file" in the server
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Brian" should be "Carol file" in the server
-  Scenario: Share file with a group and a user with same name
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | Alice     |
-    And user "Brian" has been added to group "Alice" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has uploaded file with content "Carol file" to "/randomfile.txt" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with group "Alice" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with user "Alice Hansen" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user types "Alice" in the share-with-field
-    Then "user" "Alice Hansen" should not be listed in the autocomplete list on the webUI
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Brian" should be "Carol file" in the server
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Alice" should be "Carol file" in the server
-  Scenario: Share file with a user and again with a group with same name but different case
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | ALICE     |
-    And user "Brian" has been added to group "ALICE" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has uploaded file with content "Carol file" to "/randomfile.txt" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with user "Alice Hansen" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with group "ALICE" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user types "ALICE" in the share-with-field
-    Then "group" "ALICE" should not be listed in the autocomplete list on the webUI
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Brian" should be "Carol file" in the server
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Alice" should be "Carol file" in the server
-  Scenario: Share file with a group and again with a user with same name but different case
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | ALICE     |
-    And user "Brian" has been added to group "ALICE" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has uploaded file with content "Carol file" to "/randomfile.txt" in the server
-    And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with group "ALICE" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user shares file "randomfile.txt" with user "Alice Hansen" as "Editor" using the webUI
-    And the user types "Alice" in the share-with-field
-    Then "user" "Alice Hansen" should not be listed in the autocomplete list on the webUI
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Brian" should be "Carol file" in the server
-    And the content of file "Shares/randomfile.txt" for user "Alice" should be "Carol file" in the server
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsSharingIndicator/shareWithGroups.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsSharingIndicator/shareWithGroups.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f5bae3871..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroupsSharingIndicator/shareWithGroups.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-@ocis-reva-issue-194 @disablePreviews
-Feature: Sharing files and folders with internal groups
-  As a user
-  I want to share files and folders with groups
-  So that those groups can access the files and folders
-  Background:
-    Given the administrator has set the default folder for received shares to "Shares" in the server
-    And these users have been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server:
-      | username |
-      | Alice    |
-      | Brian    |
-      | Carol    |
-    And group "grp1" has been created in the server
-    And user "Alice" has been added to group "grp1" in the server
-    And user "Brian" has been added to group "grp1" in the server
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: sharing indicator of items inside a shared folder two levels down
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "test" to "/simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "test" to "/simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/inside.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with group "grp1" in the server
-    When user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName            | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-empty-folder | user-indirect      |
-      | lorem.txt           | user-indirect      |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName   | expectedIndicators |
-      | inside.txt | user-indirect      |
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: no sharing indicator of items inside a not shared folder
-    Given user "Brian" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Brian" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Brian" has created file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created file "textfile0.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared file "/textfile0.txt" with group "grp1" in the server
-    When user "Brian" has logged in using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-empty-folder |
-      | lorem.txt           |
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for file uploaded inside a shared folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "/simple-empty-folder" with group "grp1" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user uploads file "new-lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | new-lorem.txt | user-indirect      |
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for folder created inside a shared folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "/simple-empty-folder" with group "grp1" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user creates a folder with the name "sub-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName   | expectedIndicators |
-      | sub-folder | user-indirect      |
-  @issue-2939
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for group shares stays up to date
-    Given these groups have been created in the server:
-      | groupname |
-      | grp2      |
-      | grp3      |
-      | grp4      |
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder2" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created file "simple-folder/testimage.png" in the server
-    When user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
-    When the user shares folder "simple-folder" with group "grp2" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    And the user shares folder "simple-folder" with group "grp3" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-indirect      |
-    When the user shares file "testimage.png" with group "grp4" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    # the indicator changes from user-indirect to user-direct to show the direct share
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-direct        |
-    # removing the last collaborator reverts the indicator to user-indirect
-    When the user opens the share dialog for file "testimage.png" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "grp4" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-indirect      |
-    When the user opens folder "" directly on the webUI
-    And the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "grp3" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    # because there is still another share left, the indicator stays
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    # deleting the last collaborator removes the indicator
-    When the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "grp2" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalUsersSharingIndicator/shareWithUsers.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalUsersSharingIndicator/shareWithUsers.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 1abeffff880..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalUsersSharingIndicator/shareWithUsers.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Sharing files and folders with internal users
-  As a user
-  I want to share files and folders with other users
-  So that those users can access the files and folders
-  Background:
-    Given the administrator has set the default folder for received shares to "Shares" in the server
-    And these users have been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server:
-      | username |
-      | Alice    |
-      | Brian    |
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-  @issue-4310
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for user shares stays up to date
-    Given user "Carol" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "David" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file "testavatar.png" to "simple-folder/testimage.png" in the server
-    When user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
-    When the user shares folder "simple-folder" with user "Brian Murphy" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    And the user shares folder "simple-folder" with user "Carol King" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-indirect      |
-    When the user shares file "testimage.png" with user "David Lopez" as "Viewer" using the webUI
-    # the indicator changes from user-indirect to user-direct to show the direct share
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-direct        |
-    # removing the last collaborator reverts the indicator to user-indirect
-    When the user opens the share dialog for file "testimage.png" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "David Lopez" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | testimage.png | user-indirect      |
-    When the user opens folder "" directly on the webUI
-    And the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "Carol King" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    # because there is still another share left, the indicator stays
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    # deleting the last collaborator removes the indicator
-    When the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user deletes "Brian Murphy" as collaborator for the current file using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
-  @issue-4167
-  Scenario: sharing indicator of items inside a shared folder two levels down
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "/simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "/simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/new-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "test" to "/simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with user "Brian" in the server
-    When user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-folder | user-direct        |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName            | expectedIndicators |
-      | simple-empty-folder | user-indirect      |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName   | expectedIndicators |
-      | new-folder | user-indirect      |
-      | lorem.txt  | user-indirect      |
-  @issue-2060 @issue-4172
-  Scenario: no sharing indicator of items inside a not shared folder
-    Given user "Brian" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Brian" has created folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And user "Brian" has created file "/simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created file "textfile0.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has shared file "/textfile0.txt" with user "Brian" in the server
-    When user "Brian" has logged in using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-folder |
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should not have share indicators on the webUI
-      | simple-empty-folder |
-      | lorem.txt           |
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for file uploaded inside a shared folder
-    Given user "Alice" has shared folder "/simple-folder" with user "Brian" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user uploads file "new-lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName      | expectedIndicators |
-      | new-lorem.txt | user-indirect      |
-  @issue-2060
-  Scenario: sharing indicator for folder created inside a shared folder
-    Given user "Alice" has shared folder "/simple-folder" with user "Brian" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user creates a folder with the name "sub-folder" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should have share indicators on the webUI
-      | fileName   | expectedIndicators |
-      | sub-folder | user-indirect      |
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/upload.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/upload.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index bca977662ce..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/upload.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Feature: File Upload
-  As a user
-  I would like to be able to upload files via the WebUI
-  So that I can store files in ownCloud
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "initial content" to "lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "initial content" to "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest
-  Scenario: simple upload of a folder that does not exist before
-    Given a folder "CUSTOM" has been created with the following files in separate sub-folders in the middleware
-      | subFolder | file          |
-      |           | lorem.txt     |
-      | sub1      | lorem.txt     |
-      | sub1      | new-lorem.txt |
-      | sub2/sub3 | new-lorem.txt |
-    When the user uploads folder "CUSTOM" using the webUI
-    Then no message should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "CUSTOM" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" folder "CUSTOM" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "CUSTOM/lorem.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "CUSTOM/sub1/lorem.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "CUSTOM/sub1/new-lorem.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "CUSTOM/sub2/sub3/new-lorem.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" the content of "CUSTOM/lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "CUSTOM/lorem.txt"
-    And as "Alice" the content of "CUSTOM/sub1/lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "CUSTOM/sub1/lorem.txt"
-    And as "Alice" the content of "CUSTOM/sub1/new-lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "CUSTOM/sub1/new-lorem.txt"
-    And as "Alice" the content of "CUSTOM/sub2/sub3/new-lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "CUSTOM/sub2/sub3/new-lorem.txt"
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest
-  Scenario: simple upload of a folder with subfolders that does not exist before
-    When the user uploads folder "PARENT" using the webUI
-    Then no message should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "PARENT" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user browses to the folder "PARENT" on the files page
-    Then the following resources should be listed on the webUI
-      | entry_name |
-      | parent.txt |
-      | CHILD      |
-    And as "Alice" folder "PARENT" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "PARENT/parent.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" folder "PARENT/CHILD" should exist in the server
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest
-  Scenario: Upload of a folder inside a subdirectory
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-empty-folder" in the server
-    And the user has reloaded the current page of the webUI
-    When the user browses to the folder "simple-empty-folder" on the files page
-    And the user uploads folder "PARENT" using the webUI
-    Then no message should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "PARENT" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user opens folder "PARENT" using the webUI
-    Then the following resources should be listed on the webUI
-      | entry_name |
-      | parent.txt |
-      | CHILD      |
-    And as "Alice" folder "simple-empty-folder/PARENT" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "simple-empty-folder/PARENT/parent.txt" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" folder "simple-empty-folder/PARENT/CHILD" should exist in the server
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest
-  Scenario: uploading a big file (when chunking is implemented this upload should be chunked)
-    Given a file with the size of "30000000" bytes and the name "big-video.mp4" has been created locally in the middleware
-    When the user uploads a created file "big-video.mp4" using the webUI
-    Then no message should be displayed on the webUI
-    And file "big-video.mp4" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "big-video.mp4" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "big-video.mp4"
-  Scenario: conflict with a big file (when chunking is implemented this upload should be chunked)
-    Given a file with the size of "30000000" bytes and the name "big-video.mp4" has been created locally in the middleware
-    When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "big-video.mp4" using the webUI
-    And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
-    And the user uploads a created file "big-video.mp4" with overwrite using the webUI
-    Then file "big-video.mp4" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "big-video.mp4" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "big-video.mp4"
-  @disablePreviews
-  Scenario: overwrite an existing file in a sub-folder
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user uploads overwriting file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "lorem.txt"
-  @issue-ocis-2258 @disablePreviews
-  Scenario: upload overwriting a file into a public share
-    Given user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read, update, create, delete" permissions and password "#Passw0rd" in the server
-    When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "#Passw0rd" in a new session
-    And the user uploads overwriting file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "lorem.txt"
-  Scenario: simple upload of a folder, with comma in its name, that does not exist before
-    When the user uploads folder "Folder,With,Comma" using the webUI
-    Then no message should be displayed on the webUI
-    And folder "Folder,With,Comma" should be listed on the webUI
-    When the user browses to the folder "Folder,With,Comma" on the files page
-    Then the following resources should be listed on the webUI
-      | entry_name        |
-      | sunday,monday.txt |
-    And as "Alice" folder "Folder,With,Comma" should exist in the server
-    And as "Alice" file "Folder,With,Comma/sunday,monday.txt" should exist in the server
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/uploadEdgecases.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/uploadEdgecases.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 852852964d0..00000000000
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIUpload/uploadEdgecases.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Feature: File Upload
-  As a QA engineer
-  I would like to test uploads of all kind of funny filenames via the WebUI
-  These tests are written in a way that multiple file names are tested in one scenario
-  that is not academically correct but saves a lot of time
-  Background:
-    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files in the server
-    And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
-    And the user browses to the files page
-  Scenario: simple upload of a file that does not exist before
-    When the user uploads file "new-'single'quotes.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "new-'single'quotes.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "new-'single'quotes.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-'single'quotes.txt"
-    When the user uploads file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt"
-    When the user uploads file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt"
-  @smokeTest @ocisSmokeTest
-  Scenario Outline: upload a new file into a sub folder
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "<folder-to-upload-to>" in the server
-    And the user has reloaded the current page of the webUI
-    And a file with the size of "3000" bytes and the name "0" has been created locally in the middleware
-    When the user opens folder "<folder-to-upload-to>" using the webUI
-    And the user uploads a created file "0" using the webUI
-    Then file "0" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "<folder-to-upload-to>/0" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "0"
-    When the user uploads file "new-'single'quotes.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "new-'single'quotes.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "<folder-to-upload-to>/new-'single'quotes.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-'single'quotes.txt"
-    When the user uploads file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "<folder-to-upload-to>/new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt"
-    When the user uploads file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "<folder-to-upload-to>/zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "zzzz-zzzz-will-be-at-the-end-of-the-folder-when-uploaded.txt"
-    Examples:
-      | folder-to-upload-to   |
-      | 0                     |
-      | 'single'quotes        |
-      | strängé नेपाली folder |
-  Scenario: overwrite an existing file
-    Given user "Alice" has created file "'single'quotes.txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created file "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" in the server
-    And user "Alice" has created file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" in the server
-    And the user has reloaded the current page of the webUI
-    When the user uploads overwriting file "'single'quotes.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "'single'quotes.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "'single'quotes.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "'single'quotes.txt"
-    When the user uploads overwriting file "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "strängé filename (duplicate #2 &).txt"
-    When the user uploads overwriting file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" using the webUI
-    Then file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "zzzz-must-be-last-file-in-folder.txt"
-  Scenario Outline: upload a big file using difficult names (when chunking in implemented that upload should be chunked)
-    Given a file with the size of "30000000" bytes and the name <file-name> has been created locally in the middleware
-    When the user uploads a created file <file-name> using the webUI
-    Then file <file-name> should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of <file-name> in the server should be the same as the content of local file <file-name>
-    Examples:
-      | file-name |
-      | "&#"      |
-      | "TIÄFÜ"   |
-  # upload into "simple-folder" because there is already a folder called "0" in the root
-  Scenario: Upload a big file called "0" (when chunking in implemented that upload should be chunked)
-    Given user "Alice" has created folder "simple-folder" in the server
-    And the user has browsed to the personal page
-    And a file with the size of "30000000" bytes and the name "0" has been created locally in the middleware
-    When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
-    And the user uploads a created file "0" using the webUI
-    Then file "0" should be listed on the webUI
-    And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/0" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "0"
diff --git a/tests/e2e/cucumber/features/shares/link.feature b/tests/e2e/cucumber/features/shares/link.feature
index a6cdcbc30da..69a0bb22ba8 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/cucumber/features/shares/link.feature
+++ b/tests/e2e/cucumber/features/shares/link.feature
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ Feature: link
   Scenario: public link
     When "Alice" logs in
     And "Alice" creates the following folders in personal space using API
-      | name         |
-      | folderPublic |
+      | name                   |
+      | folderPublic           |
+      | folderPublic/SubFolder |
     And "Alice" creates the following files into personal space using API
       | pathToFile             | content     |
       | folderPublic/lorem.txt | lorem ipsum |
@@ -34,13 +35,19 @@ Feature: link
       | lorem.txt    | file |
       | textfile.txt | file |
     And "Anonymous" uploads the following resources in public link page
-      | resource      |
-      | new-lorem.txt |
+      | resource      | option  |
+      | new-lorem.txt |         |
+      | lorem.txt     | replace |
+    And "Anonymous" moves the following resource using drag-drop
+      | resource      | to        |
+      | new-lorem.txt | SubFolder |
+    And "Anonymous" copies the following resource using sidebar-panel
+      | resource  | to        |
+      | lorem.txt | SubFolder |
     And "Anonymous" renames the following public link resources
       | resource      | as               |
       | lorem.txt     | lorem_new.txt    |
       | textfile.txt  | textfile_new.txt |
-      | new-lorem.txt | test.txt         |
     #    currently upload folder feature is not available in playwright
     #    And "Anonymous" uploads the following resources in public link page
     #      | resource              |
diff --git a/tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/resources.ts b/tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/resources.ts
index 3f5ced0f98d..7350c373cb9 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/resources.ts
+++ b/tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/resources.ts
@@ -143,6 +143,11 @@ When(
     const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
     const resourceObject = new objects.applicationFiles.Resource({ page })
+    // drag-n-drop always does MOVE
+    if (method.includes('drag-drop')) {
+      expect(actionType).toBe('moves')
+    }
     for (const { resource, to, option } of stepTable.hashes()) {
       await resourceObject[actionType === 'copies' ? 'copy' : 'move']({
@@ -167,6 +172,11 @@ When(
     const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
     const resourceObject = new objects.applicationFiles.Resource({ page })
+    // drag-n-drop always does MOVE
+    if (method.includes('drag-drop')) {
+      expect(actionType).toBe('moves')
+    }
     const resources = [].concat(...stepTable.rows())
     await resourceObject[
       actionType === 'copies' ? 'copyMultipleResources' : 'moveMultipleResources'