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1162 lines (1007 loc) · 73.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1162 lines (1007 loc) · 73.3 KB

0.19.2 (16-09-2016)

  • Generic type variables no longer need to be single-letter names (for example class Gen(Foo) is now possible)
  • Added syntax to denote free variables: def foo(x : T) forall T. The old rule of single-letter name still applies but will be removed in the future.
  • Removed the restriction that top-level types and constants can't have single-letter names
  • Added @[Extern] attribute to mark regular Crystal structs as being able to be used in C bindings
  • Faster Char#to_s when it's ASCII: this improves the performance of JSON and CSV parsing
  • crystal spec: allow passing --release and other options
  • crystal spec: allow running all specs in a given directory
  • crystal playground: support custom workbook resources (thanks @bcardiff)
  • crystal playground: standard output now understands ANSI colors (thanks @bcardiff)
  • Added many more macro methods to traverse AST nodes (thanks @BlaXpirit)
  • Error messages no longer include a type trace by default, pass --error-trace to show the full trace (the trace is often useless and makes it harder to understand error messages)
  • Several bug fixes

0.19.1 (09-09-2016)

  • Types (class, module, etc.) can now be marked as private.
  • Added WeakRef (thanks @bcardiff)
  • Several bug fixes

0.19.0 (02-09-2016)

  • (breaking change) Added select keyword
  • (breaking change) Removed $global variables. Use @@class variables instead.
  • (breaking change) Heredoc now ends when the matching identifier is found, either followed by a space or by a non-identifier
  • (breaking change) Assignment to a local variable inside an assignment to that same variable is now an error
  • (breaking change) Type names like T, T1, U, etc., are now disallowed at the top level, to avoid conflicts with free variables
  • (breaking change) Type lookup (Foo::Bar::Baz) had some incorrect behaviour that now is fixed. This can break existing code that relied on this incorrect behaviour. The fix is to fully qualify types (::Foo::Bar::Baz)
  • (breaking change) In relationships like class Bar < Foo(Baz) and include Moo(Baz), all of Foo, Moo and Baz must be defined before that point (this was not always the case in previous versions)
  • (breaking change) Removed the deprecated syntax x as T
  • (breaking change) Removed block form of String#match
  • (breaking change) Removed IO#read_nonblock
  • (breaking change) Int#/ now performs floored division. Use Int#tdiv for truncated division (see their docs to learn the difference)
  • Added support for LLVM 3.8 (thanks @omarroth)
  • || now does type filtering
  • Generic inheritance should now work well, and (instantiated) generic modules can now be used as the type of instance variables
  • NamedTuple can now be accessed with strings too (thanks @jhass)
  • Base64 can now encode and decode directly to an IO (thanks @kostya)
  • BigInt now uses GMP implementation of gcd and lcm (thanks @endSly)
  • ECR now supports removing leading and trailing whitespace (<%-, -%>)
  • HTTP::Request#path now never returns nil: it fallbacks to "/" (thanks @jhass)
  • String#tr(..., "") is now the same as String#delete
  • tool hierarchy now supports --format json (thanks @bmulvihill)
  • Added Char#ascii?
  • Added Class#nilable? and Union#nilable?
  • Added Hash#has_value? (thanks @kachick)
  • Added IO::Sized and IO::Delimited (thanks @RX14)
  • Added IO::Hexdump (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added IO#noecho and IO#noecho! (thanks @jhass)
  • Added to create a null logger
  • Added OptionParser#missing_option and OptionParser#invalid_option (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Process.exists?, Process#exists? and Process#terminated? (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Process.exec (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Slice#copy_to, Slice#copy_from, Slice#move_to and Slice#move_from (thanks @RX14)
  • Added URI#== and URI#hash (thanks @timcraft)
  • Added YAML#parse(IO)
  • Added Indexable module that Array, Slice, Tuple and StaticArray include
  • Added indent parameter to to_pretty_json
  • Added lazy form of getter and property macros
  • Added macro methods to access an ASTNode's location
  • Unified String and Char to integer/float conversion API (thanks @jhass)
  • Lots of bug fixes

0.18.7 (03-07-2016)

  • The compile command was renamed back to build. The compile command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
  • Fibers now can be spawned with a name
  • ECR macros can now be required with just require "ecr"
  • Several bugs fixes and enhancements

0.18.6 (28-06-2016)

  • T? is now parsed as Union(T, Nil) outside the type grammar
  • Added String#sub overloads for replacing an index or range with a char or string
  • Several bugs fixes

0.18.5 (27-06-2016)

  • Added OpenSSL::SSL::Socket#alpn_protocol
  • Added IO#copy(src, desc, limit) (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added TypeNode#instance macro method
  • Several bugs fixes

0.18.4 (21-06-2016)

  • Fixed #2887
  • Fix broken specs

0.18.3 (21-06-2016)

0.18.2 (16-06-2016)

  • Fixed building Crystal from the source tarball

0.18.1 (16-06-2016)

  • Spec: passing --profile shows the slowest 10 specs (thanks @mperham)
  • Added StringLiteral#> and StringLiteral#< in macros
  • Several bugs fixes

0.18.0 (14-06-2016)

  • (breaking change) IniFile was renamed to INI, and its method load renamed to parse
  • (breaking change) Process.getpgid was renamed to Process.pgid
  • (breaking change) An Exception's backtrace is now set when it's raised, not when it's created: it's backtrace method raises if it's not set, and there's backtrace? to get it as a nilable array
  • (breaking change) dup is now correctly implemented in all types. clone is not defined by default, but some types in the standard library do. Also check Object#def_clone
  • (breaking change) the method_missing macro only accepts a single argument: a Call now. The form that accepted 3 arguments was removed.
  • (breaking change) the delegate macro must now be used like delegate method1, method2, ..., methodN, to: object
  • (breaking change) Hash#each_with_index and Hash#each_with_object now yield a tuple (pair) and an index, because Hash is now Enumerable. Use do |(key, value), index| for this.
  • (breaking change) {"foo": 1} denotes a named tuple literal now, not a hash literal. Use {"foo" => 1} instead. This also applies to, for example HTTP::Headers{...}
  • (breaking change) Extra block arguments now give a compile-time error. This means that methods that yield more than once, one time with N arguments and another time with M arguments, with N < M, will always give an error. To fix this, add M - N nil fillers on the yield side (this makes it more explicit that nil was intended to be a block argument value)
  • (breaking change) OpenSSL::SSL::Context and OpenSSL::SSL::Socket can no longer be used directly anymore. Use their respective subclasses OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client, with OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Client, OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server with OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Server.
  • (breaking change) TLS server and client sockets now use sane defaults, including support for hostname verification for client sockets, used by default in HTTP::Client.
  • (breaking change) The ssl option was renamed to tls in HTTP::Client, HTTP::Server, HTTP::WebSocket, OAuth::Consumer, OAuth::Signature and OAuth2::AccessToken.
  • The dns_timeout setting in a few classes like HTTP::Client and TCPSocket is now ignored until a next version supports a non-blocking getaddrinfo equivalent
  • OpenSSL::SSL::Socket::Client supports server name indication now.
  • The build command was renamed to compile. The build command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
  • The --cross-compile flag no longer takes arguments, use --target and -D
  • Added a Union type that represents the type of a union, which can have class methods
  • Methods, procs and lib functions that are marked as returning Void now return Nil
  • Methods that are marked as returning Nil are not checked for a correct return type, they always return nil now
  • When as fails at runtime it now includes which type couldn't be cast
  • Macros can now be used inside lib and enum declarations
  • Macros can now be declared inside enums
  • Macro calls can now be used as enum values
  • Generic types can now include a splatted type variable. This already existed in the language (Tuple(*T), Proc(*T)) but there was no syntax to define such types.
  • Class variables are now inherited (only their type, not their value). They are now similar to Ruby class instance variables.
  • Splats in yield can now be used
  • Splat in block arguments can now be used.
  • Added block auto-unpacking: if a method yields a tuple and a block specifies more then one block argument, the tuple is unpacked to these arguments
  • String literals are now allowed as external method arguments, to match named tuples and named arguments
  • sizeof and instance_sizeof can now be used as generic type arguments (mostly useful combined with StaticArray)
  • Hash, HTTP::Headers, HTTP::Params and ENV now include the Enumerable module
  • Proc is now Proc(*T, R)
  • Tuple(*T).new and NamedTuple(**T).new now correctly match the given T (#1828)
  • Float64#to_s now produces an ever more accurate output
  • JSON parsing now correctly handle floats with many digits
  • JSON.mapping and YAML.mapping now also accept named arguments in addition to a hash literal or named tuple literal
  • Int#chr now raises if the integer is out of a char's range. The old non-raising behaviour is now in Int#unsafe_chr.
  • The output of pp x is now x # => ... instead of x = ...
  • The output of the debug() macro method now tries to format the code (pass false to disable this)
  • Added JSON and YAML parsing and mapping for unions
  • Added FileUtils.cp_r (thanks @Dreauw)
  • Added Tuple.from and NamedTuple.from (thanks @jhass)
  • Added XML.escape (thanks @juanedi)
  • Added HTTP::Server::Response#respond_with_error (thanks @jhass)
  • Added TCPServer#accept?
  • Added optional base argument to Char#digit? and Char#hex? (thanks @mirek)
  • Added flag? macro method, similar to using ifdef. ifdef is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • Added YAML::PullParser#read_raw
  • Added Proc#partial
  • Added Socket.ip?(str) to validate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Added Bytes as an alias of Slice(UInt8)
  • Added RangeLiteral macro methods: begin, end, excludes_end?, map and to_a
  • Added ArrayLiteral#[range] and ArrayLiteral#[from, to] in macros (applicable for TupleLiteral too)
  • Added Generic macro methods: name, type_vars, named_args
  • Spec: added JUnit formatter output (thanks @juanedi)
  • The tls option in HTTP::Client can now take a OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client in addition to true.
  • HTTP::LogHandler logs exceptions now (thanks @jhass)
  • HTTP::ErrorHandler does not tell the client which exception occurred by default (can be enabled with a verbose flag) (thanks @jhass)
  • Several bug fixes

0.17.4 (2016-05-26)

  • Added string literals without interpolations nor escapes: %q{...} and <<-'HEREDOC'. Also added %Q{...} with the same meaning as %{...}.
  • A method that uses @type inside a macro expression is now automatically detected as being a macro def
  • Float64#to_s now produces a more accurate output
  • Added Crystal::VERSION and other compiler-metadata constants
  • Added Object.from_json(string_or_io, root) and a root option to JSON.mapping
  • Added System.hostname (thanks @miketheman)
  • The property, getter and setter macros now also accept assignments (property x = 0)
  • The record macro now also accepts assignments (record Point, x = 0, y = 0)
  • Comparison in macros between MacroId and StringLiteral or SymbolLiteral now work as expected (compares the id representation)
  • Some bug fixes

0.17.3 (2016-05-20)

  • Fixed: multiple macro runs executions didn't work well (#2624)
  • Fixed incorrect formatting of underscore in unpacked block arguments
  • Fixed wrong codegen for global variable assignment in type declaration (#2619)
  • Fixed initialize default arguments where evaluated at the class scope (#731)
  • The type guesser can now infer a block type from def initialize(&@block)
  • Allow type restriction in double splat argument (similar to restriction in single splat)
  • Allow splat restriction in splat argument (useful for
  • Allow double splat restriction in double splat argument (useful for

0.17.2 (2016-05-18)

  • Fixed crash when using pointerof of constant

0.17.1 (2016-05-18)

  • Constants and class vars are no longer initialized before "main". Now their initialization order goes along with "main", similar to how it works in Ruby (much more intuitive)
  • Added syntax for unpacking block arguments: foo { |(x, y)| ... }
  • Added NamedTupleLiteral#map and HashLiteral#map in macros (thanks @jhass)
  • Fixed wrong codgen for tuples/named tuples merge with pass-by-value types
  • Formatter: fixed incorrect format for named tuple type

0.17.0 (2016-05-17)

  • (breaking change) Macro defs are now parsed like regular methods. Enclose the body with {% begin %} .. {% end %} if you needed that behaviour
  • (breaking change) A union of two tuples of the same size results in a tuple with the unions of the types in each position. This only affects code that later tested a tuple's type with is_a?, for example tuple.is_a?({Int32, String})
  • (breaking change) Method arguments have now a different semantic. This only affects methods that had a splat argument followed by other arguments.
  • (breaking change) The syntax {foo: 1, bar: 2} now denotes a NamedTuple, not a Hash with symbol as keys. Use {:foo => 1, :bar => 2} instead
  • The syntax exp as Type is now deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Use crystal tool format to automatically upgrade your code
  • The compiler now gives an error when trying to define a method named !, is_a?, responds_to?, nil?, as or as?
  • Added the NamedTuple type
  • Added double splatting
  • Added external argument names
  • Macro defs return type is no longer mandatory
  • Added as?: similar to as, but returns nil when the type doesn't match
  • Added Number::Primitive alias
  • Added Tuple#+(Tuple)
  • Added ArrayLiteral#+(ArrayLiteral) in macros
  • Crypto::MD5 now allows Slice(UInt8) and a block form (thanks @will)
  • Added docs for XML (thanks @Hamdiakoguz)
  • Many bug fixes

0.16.0 (2016-05-05)

  • (breaking change) Instance, class and global variables types must be told to the compiler, either explicitly or through a series of syntactic rules
  • (breaking change) Non-abstract structs cannot be inherited anymore (abstract structs can), check the docs to know why. In many cases you can use modules instead.
  • (breaking change) Class variables are now initialized at the beginning of the program (before "main"), make sure to read the docs about class variables and main
  • (breaking change) Constants are now initialized at the beginning of the program (before "main"), make sure to read the docs about constants and main
  • (breaking change) When doing crystal arg1 arg2 arg3, arg1, arg2 and arg3 are considered arguments to pass to the program (not the compiler). Use crystal run arg1 ... to consider arg1 a file to include in the compilation.
  • (breaking change) Int#**(Int) now returns an integer, and raises if the argument is negative. Use a float base or exponent for negative exponents to work.
  • (breaking change) Slice#to_s and StaticArray#to_s now include their type name in the output
  • Support for FreeBSD and musl libc has landed (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • The .crystal directory is now created at $HOME/.cache/crystal or $HOME/.crystal (or others similar), with a fallback to the current directory
  • crystal doc and crystal tool hierarchy are now much faster. Additionally, the hierarchy tool shows types for generic types, and doesn't show instantiations anymore (wasn't very useful)
  • ! now does type filtering (for example you can do !x ||, assuming x can be nil and the non-nil type responds to bar)
  • Named arguments can now match any argument, even if they don't have a default value. Make sure to read the docs
  • The as operator can now be written as a method: in addition to exp as Type. The old syntax will be removed in a few releases.
  • Added @x : Int32 = 1 syntax (declaration + initialization)
  • new/initialize logic now works more as one would expect
  • Added BigRational (thanks @will)
  • Added BigFloat (thanks @Exilor)
  • Added String#insert
  • Added Time::EpochConverter and Time::EpochMillisConverter
  • Added %s (unix epoch) directive to Time::Format
  • Time now honours Dayling Saving and ENV["TZ"]
  • Added HTTP::Server::Response#cookies (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Array#bsearch, Array#bsearch_index and Range#bsearch (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Added Range#reverse_each iterator (thanks @omninonsense)
  • JSON::Any: added as_...? methods (thanks @DougEverly)
  • JSON::Any is now Enumerable
  • YAML::Any is now Enumerable
  • Added JSON.parse_raw that returns a JSON::Type
  • JSON::PullParser: added #read_raw to read a JSON value as a raw string (useful for delayed parsing). Also added String::RawConverter to be used with JSON.mapping.
  • JSON and YAML: enums, BigInt and BigFloat are now serializable
  • ENV: allow passing nil as a value to delete an environment variable
  • Hash: allow Array | Tuple arguments for #select, #select!, #reject and #reject!
  • Crypto::Subtle.constant_time_compare now returns Bool, and it can compare two strings in addition to two slices (thanks @skunkworker)
  • HTTP::Server: reset port zero after listening (thanks @splattael)
  • Added File#each_line iterator
  • Added Number.slice, Number.static_array, Slice.[] and StaticArray.[] to easily create slices and static arrays
  • Added Slice#hexdump (thanks @will)
  • Added Enumerable#product (thanks @dkhofer)
  • Fix: disallow using out with Void* pointers
  • Fixed bug in XML::Node#namespace_scopes (thanks @Hamdiakoguz)
  • Added docs for INIFile (thanks @EvanHahn)
  • Lots of bug fixes

0.15.0 (2016-03-31)

  • (breaking change) ! has now its meaning hardcoded in the language. If you defined it for a type it won't be invoked as a method anymore.
  • (breaking change) nil? has now its meaning hardcoded in the language. If you defined it for a type it won't be invoked as a method anymore.
  • (breaking change) typeof is now disallowed in alias declarations
  • Added crystal tool format --check to check that source code is properly formatted
  • crystal play (playground) added workbooks support, as well as improvements and stabilizations
  • Added Tempfile.dirname (thanks @DougEverly)
  • Added Path#resolve method in macros
  • {{...}} arguments to a macro call are now expanded before macro invocation (#2392)
  • Special variables ($~ and $?) are now accessible after being defined in blocks (#2194)
  • Some bugs and regressions fixed

0.14.2 (2016-03-22)

0.14.1 (2016-03-21)

  • Fixed some regressions in the formatter

0.14.0 (2016-03-21)

  • (breaking change) The syntax of a method argument with a default value and a type restriction is now def foo(arg : Type = default_value). The old def foo(arg = default_value : Type) was removed.
  • (breaking change) Enumerable#take(n) and Iterator#take(n) were renamed to first(n)
  • (breaking change) Socket#addr and Socket#peeraddr were renamed to local_address and remote_address respectively
  • (breaking change) Removed Comparable#between?(a, z). Use a <= x <= z instead
  • (breaking change) HTTP::WebSocketHandler callbacks can now access the HTTP::Context. If you had a forwarding method to it you'll need to update it. See #2313.
  • New command crystal play that opens a playground for you to play in the browser :-) (thanks @bcardiff)
  • New command crystal env that prints environment information
  • Spec: you can now run multiple files with specified line numbers, as in crystal spec ...
  • Initial support for musl-libc (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added FileUtils.cp (thanks @Dreauw)
  • Added Array#first(n) and Array#last(n) (thanks @greyblake)
  • Added WebSocket#close and properly handle disconnections
  • Added UDPSocket#send and UDPSocket#receive (thanks @tatey)
  • Added Char#uppercase? and Char#lowercase? (thanks @MaloJaffre`)
  • Added sync_close property to OpenSSL::SSL::Socket, Zlib::Inflate and Zlib::Deflate
  • Added XML::Node#encoding and XML::Node#version
  • Added HTTP::Client::Response#success? (thanks @marceloboeira)
  • Added StaticArray#shuffle!(random) (thanks @Nesqwik)
  • Added Splat#exp method in macros
  • Added fiber-safe Mutex
  • All Int types (except BigInt) can now be used in JSON and YAML mappings (thanks @marceloboeira)
  • Instance variable declarations/initializations now correctly work in generic classes and modules
  • Lots of bug fixes

0.13.0 (2016-03-07)

  • (breaking change) Matrix was moved to a separate shard:
  • The syntax of a method argument with a default value and a type restriction is now def foo(arg : Type = default_value). Run crystal tool format to automatically upgrade exsiting code to this new syntax. The old def foo(arg = default_value : Type) syntax will be removed in a next release.
  • Special handling of case with a tuple literal. See #2258.
  • Keywords can now be used for variable declaration, so property end : Time works as expected.
  • Comparison of signed vs. unsigned integers now always give a correct result
  • Allow declaring instance variables in non-generic module types (module Moo; @x : Int32; end)
  • Allow initializing instance variables in non-generic module types (module Moo; @x = 1; end)
  • Spec: allow setting multiple output formatters (thanks @marceloboeira)
  • StringScanner: improved performance
  • Added foo.[0] = 1 and foo.[0] as valid syntax, similar to the one in &. blocks (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • CSV: allow separate and quote characters different than comma and doble quote (thanks @jreinert)
  • YAML: support merge operator (<<) (thanks @jreinert)
  • Allow redefining primitive methods like Int32#+(other : Int32)
  • Allow defining macros with operator names like []
  • Levenshtein: improved performance (thanks @tcrouch)
  • HTTP::Client: fixed incorrect parsing of chunked body
  • HTTP::Client: added a constructor with an URI argument (thanks @plukevdh)
  • String: sub and gsub now understand backreferences (thanks @bjmllr)
  • Random: added Random#rand(Float64) and Random#rand(Range(Float, Float)) (thanks @AlexWayfer)
  • HTML: HTLM.escape includes more characters (thanks @Ryuuzakis)
  • Added TypeNode.class method in macros (thanks @waterlink)
  • run inside macros now also work with absolute paths (useful when used with __DIR__)
  • Added docs for Math and StaticArray (thanks @Zavydiel, @HeleneMyr)
  • Many bug fixes and some micro-optimizations

0.12.0 (2016-02-16)

  • (breaking change) When used with a type declaration, the macros property, getter, setter, etc., declare instance variables with those types.
  • (breaking change) JSON.mapping and YAML.mapping declare instance variables with the given types.
  • (breaking change) YAML.load was renamed to YAML.parse, and it now returns a YAML::Any.
  • (breaking change) embed_ecr and ecr_file were renamed to ECR.embed and ECR.def_to_s (the old methods now produce a warning and will be removed in the next release).
  • Added encoding support: IO#set_encoding, String#encode, and HTTP::Client charset check.
  • Segmentation faults are now trapped and shown in a more friendlier way.
  • The record macro can now accept type declarations (for example record Point, x : Int32, y : Int32)
  • Added Iterator#step (thanks @jhass)
  • Array#push and Array#unshift can now accept multiple values and add the elements in an efficient way (thanks @arktisklada)
  • Added default option to JSON.mapping (thanks @kostya)
  • Added default option to YAML.mapping (thanks @jreinert)
  • Allow doing case foo; when Foo.class (and Foo(T) and Foo(T).class) in case expressions.
  • Added Class#| so a union type can be expresses as Int32 | Char in regular code.
  • Added File.real_path (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added dns_timeout for HTTP::Client (thanks @kostya)
  • Added dynamic width precision to sprintf (thanks @gtramontina)
  • Markdown now supports blockquotes and 1 level of list nesting (thanks @SebastianSzturo)
  • p now accepts multiple arguments
  • Many bug fixes and some optimizations

0.11.1 (2016-01-25)

  • Fixed #2050, #2054, #2057, #2059, #2064
  • Fixed bug: HTTP::Server::Response headers weren't cleared after each request
  • Formatter would incorrectly change property x :: Int32 to property x = uninitialized Int32

0.11.0 (2016-01-23)

  • (breaking change) Syntax for type declarations changed from var :: Type to var : Type. The old syntax is still allowed but will be deprecated in the next version (run crystal tool format to automatically fix this)
  • (breaking change) Syntax for uninitialized variables, which used to be var :: Type, is now var = uninitialized Type. The old syntax is still allowed but will be deprecated in the next version (run crystal tool format to automatically fix this)
  • (breaking change) HTTP::Server refactor to support streaming. Check the docs of HTTP::Server for upgrade instructions
  • (breaking change) Renamed HTTP::WebSocketSession to HTTP::WebSocket.
  • (breaking change) Heredocs now remove indentations according to the indentation of the closing identifier (thanks @rhysd)
  • (breaking change) Renamed Enumerable#inject to Enumerable#reduce
  • (breaking change) next and return semantic inside captured block has been swapped (#420)
  • Fibers context switch is now faster, done with inline assembly. libpcl is no longer used
  • Allow annotating the type of class and global variables
  • Support comments in ECR (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Security improvements to HTTP::StaticFileHandler (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Moved seek, tell, pos and pos= from File to IO::FileDescriptor (affects Tempfile)
  • URI.parse is now faster (thanks @will)
  • Many bug fixes, some really old ones involving issues with order of declaration

0.10.2 (2016-01-13)

  • Fixed Directory Traversal Vulnerability in HTTP::StaticFileHandler (thanks @MakeNowJust)

0.10.1 (2016-01-08)

  • Added Int#popcount (thanks @rmosolgo)
  • Added @[Naked] attribute for omitting a method's prelude
  • Check that abstract methods are implemented by subtypes
  • Some bug fixes

0.10.0 (2015-12-23)

  • (breaking change) def arguments must always be enclosed in parentheses
  • (breaking change) A space is now required before and after def return type restriction
  • (breaking change) Renamed Dir.working_dir to Dir.current
  • (breaking change) Moved HTML::Builder to its own shard
  • (breaking change) String#split now always keeps all results (never drops trailing empty strings)
  • (breaking change) Removed Array#buffer, StaticArray#buffer and Slice#buffer. Use to_unsafe instead (so unsafe usages are easier to spot)
  • (breaking change) Removed String#cstr. Use to_unsafe instead (so unsafe usages are easier to spot)
  • Optimized Range#sum (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Allow forward declarations for lib external vars
  • Added Int#to_s(base) for base = 62 (thanks @jhass)
  • JSON.parse now returns JSON::Any, which allows traversal of JSON objects with less casts
  • Added OpenSSL::PKCS5 (thanks @benoist)
  • MemoryIO can now be created to read/write from a Slice(UInt8). In this mode MemoryIO can't be exapnded, and can optionally be written. And when creating a MemoryIO from a String, it's non-resizeable and read-only.
  • Added Object#!~ (the opposite of =~)
  • at_exit now receives that exit status code in the block (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Allow using Set in JSON mappings (thanks @benoist)
  • Added File.executable?, File.readable? and File.writeable? (thanks @mverzilli)
  • Array#sort_by and Array#sort_by! now use a Schwartzian transform (thanks @radarek)
  • Added Array#each_permutation, Array#each_combination and Array#each_repeated_combination iterators
  • Added optional random argument to Array#sample and Array#shuffle
  • The delegate macro can now delegate multiple methods to an object (thanks @elthariel)
  • Added basic YAML generation (thanks @porras)

0.9.1 (2015-10-30)

  • Docs search now finds nested entries (thanks @adlerhsieh)
  • Many corrections and changes to the formatter, for better consistency and less obtrusion.
  • Added OpenSSL::Cipher and OpenSSL::Digest (thanks @benoist)
  • Added Char#+(String) (thanks @hangyas)
  • Added Hash#key and Hash#key? (thanks @adlerhsieh)
  • Added Time::Span#* and Time::Span#/ (thanks @jbaum98)
  • Added Slice#reverse_each (thanks @omninonsense)
  • Added docs for Random and Tempfile (thanks @adlerhsieh)
  • Fixed some bugs.

0.9.0 (2015-10-16)

  • (breaking change) The CGI module's funcionality has been moved to URI and HTTP::Params
  • (breaking change) IO#read() is now IO#gets_to_end. Removed IO#read(count), added IO#skip(count)
  • (breaking change) json_mapping is now JSON.mapping. yaml_mapping is now YAML.mapping
  • (breaking change) StringIO is now MemoryIO
  • Added crystal tool format that automatically formats your code
  • protected methods can now be invoked between types inside a same namespace
  • Removed curses, you can use
  • to_unsafe and numeric conversions are now also automatically performed in C struct and union fields
  • Added {% begin %} ... {% end %} as an alternative to {% if true %} ... {% end %}
  • Added ~! operator
  • Added debug metadata for char, float, bool and enums. Also for classes and structs (experimental)
  • Dir.glob now works well with recursive patterns like ** (thanks @pgkos)
  • Added read_timeout and connect_timeout to HTTP::Client (thanks @benoist)
  • Added Zlib (thanks @datanoise and @bcardiff)
  • Added HTTP::DeflateHandler (thanks @bcardiff)
  • Added ENV#fetch (thanks @tristil)
  • Hash#new now accepts an initialize capacity argument
  • HTTP::Request provides access and mutation of query, path and query_params (thanks @waterlink)
  • Added XML::Node#content= and #name=
  • Allow passing handlers and a block to an HTTP::Server (thanks @RX14)
  • crystal init now tries to use your github username if available (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added Hash#select, Hash#reject and their bang variant, and Hash#each_with_object (thanks @devdazed)
  • Added Hash#select(*keys) and Hash#reject(*keys) and their bang variant (thanks @sdogruyol)
  • Added Set#-, Set#^, and Set#subtract (thanks @js-ojus)
  • Allow running specs without colors (thanks @rhysd)
  • Added TypeNode#has_constant? and TypeNode#type_vars in macros (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added String#compare that allows case insensitive comparisons
  • Added File#truncate (thanks @porras)
  • CSV is now a class for iterating rows, optionally with headers access
  • Allow setting multiple before_request callbacks to an HTTP::Client
  • Added (thanks @rhysd)
  • Added Class#cast (thanks @will)
  • Fixes and additions to WebSocket, like the possibility of streaming data (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added SemanticVersion class (thanks @technorama)
  • loop now yields a counter
  • Added Array#[]=(index, count, value) and Array#[]=(range, value)
  • Added argless sleep
  • IO#write(slice) now writes the full slice or raises on error
  • Added some docs for ECR, Markdown, Hash, File, Time, Time::Span, Colorize, String, SecureRandom, YAML (thanks @adlerhsieh, @chdorner, @vjdhama, @rmosolgo)
  • Many bug fixes

0.8.0 (2015-09-19)

  • (breaking change) Renamed a couple of types: ChannelClosed -> Channel::ClosedError, UnbufferedChannel -> Channel::Unbuffered, BufferedChannel -> Channel::Buffered, DayOfWeek -> Time::DayOfWeek, MonthSpan -> Time::MonthSpan, TimeSpan -> Time::Span, TimeFormat -> Time::Format, EmptyEnumerable -> Enumerable::EmptyError, SocketError -> Socket::Error, MatchData -> Regex::MatchData, SignedInt -> Int::Signed, UnsignedInt -> Int::Unsigned, FileDescriptorIO -> IO::FileDescriptor, BufferedIO -> IO::Buffered, CharReader -> Char::Reader, PointerAppender -> Pointer::Appender.
  • (breaking change) All places that raised DomainError raise ArgumentError now.
  • (breaking change) Renamed Type.cast to (for example, instead of Int32.cast)
  • (breaking change) Removed all macro instance variables except @type
  • (breaking change) Removed undef
  • (breaking change) Removed length() and count() methods from collections. The only method for this is now size.
  • (breaking change) Removed the ability to invoke methods on a union class
  • Improved debugger support
  • crystal deps now delegates to shards. Removed Projecfile support.
  • Automatically convert numeric types when invoking C functions
  • Automatically define questions methods for enum members
  • Support quotes inside quoted symbols (thanks @wolflee)
  • Allow marking initialize as private
  • Added method_added macro hook (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Added ArrayLiteral#includes?(obj) in macros
  • Added ASTNode#symbolize in macros (thanks @kirbyfan64)
  • Added experimental yaml_mapping
  • Added nilable variants to Enumerable#max, Enumerable#min, and others (thanks @technorama)
  • Added Iterator#flatten (thanks @jpellerin)
  • Added setting a read timeout to HTTP::Client (thanks @benoist)
  • Added Array#delete_at(index, count) and Array#delete_at(range) (thanks @tebakane)
  • Added HTTP::Cookies (thanks @netfeed)
  • Added Tuple#reverse (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Number#clamp (thanks @technorama)
  • Added serveral socket options (thanks @technorama)
  • Added (thanks @kumpelblase2)
  • Added Enum.flags macro
  • Added support for sending chunked content in HTTP server (thanks @bcardiff)
  • Added future, lazy and delay concurrency methods (thanks @technorama)
  • fork now returns a Process (thanks @technorama)
  • Documented Set, and added a couple of methods (thanks @will)
  • Nicer formatting in Benchmark.ips, and interactive mode (thanks @will)
  • The -f format output is now honored in compiler errors (thanks @kirbyfan64)
  • Fixed an ambiguity with the crystal build command (thanks @MakeNowJust)
  • Cast exceptions now raise TypeCastError instead of Exception (thanks @will)
  • Many bugs fixes

0.7.7 (2015-09-05)

  • (breaking change) Reimplemented to allow configuring input, output and error, as well as behaving well regarding non-blocking IO (thanks @technorama)
  • (breaking change) Removed the alias_method macro.
  • (breaking change) Disallow declaring defs, classes and other declarations "dynamically" (for example inside an if... this of course didn't work, but incorrectly compiled).
  • (breaking change) require is now only allowed at the top-level, never inside other types or methods.
  • (breaking change) Removed Nil#to_i
  • (breaking change) Changed API of Channel#select toward a thread-safe one.
  • (breaking change) The two methods that IO must implement are now read(slice : Slice(UInt8)) and write(slice : Slice(UInt8)).
  • New beautiful, searchable and more functional API docs. Thanks @rosylilly for the initial design, and @BlaxPirit for some improvements.
  • CLI: Moved browser, hierarchy and types to crystal tool ...
  • Added crystal tool context and crystal tool implementations for IDEs (thanks @bcardiff!!)
  • Int#>>(amount) and Int#<<(amount) now give zero when amount is greater than the number of bits of the integer representation.
  • Added \% escape sequence inside macros.
  • Added aliases for the many C types (thanks @BlaxPirit)
  • Added Iterator#in_groups_of (thanks @PragTob)
  • Added optional offset argument to Hash#each_with_index (thanks @sergey-kucher)
  • Added Array#combinations, Array#each_combination, Array#repeated_combinations, Array#each_repeated_combination, Array#repeated_permutations, Array#each_repeated_permutation, Array.product and Array.each_product (thanks @kostya)
  • Added Array#rotate and Array#rotate! (thanks @kostya)
  • Added MatchData#pre_match and MatchData#post_match (thanks @bjmllr)
  • Added Array#flatten
  • Added Range.reverse_each, along with Int#pred and Char#pred (thanks @BlaxPirit)
  • Added XML.parse_html (thanks @ryanworl)
  • Added ENV.keys andENV.values (thanks @will)
  • Added StaticArray==(other : StaticArray) (thanks @tatey)
  • Added String#sub in many variants (thanks @jhass)
  • Added Readline.bind_key, Readline.unbind_key, Readline.done and Readline.done= (thanks @daphee)
  • Added Hash#all?, Hash#any? and Hash#inject (thanks @jreinert)
  • Added File#pos and File#pos=
  • Added Enum.from_value and Enum.from_value?
  • Added Deque (thanks @BlaxPirit)
  • Added lots of methods to StringScanner, and documented it, making it usable (thanks @will)
  • StringIO now quacks like a File.
  • Allow sending masked data through a WebSocket, and sending long data (thanks @kumpelblase2)
  • now accepts an optional perm argument (thanks @technorama)
  • FileDescriptorIO now has configurable read/write timeouts (thanks @technorama)
  • Signal handling is more robust and allows any kind of code (thanks @technorama)
  • Correctly handle WebSocket close packet (thanks @bebac)
  • Correctly implement seek and tell in buffered IOs (thanks @lbguilherme)
  • Allow setting several options on sockets (thanks @technorama)
  • Some improvements to crystal init for the "app" case (thanks @krisleech)
  • sleep and IO timeouts can receive TimeSpan as arguments (thanks @BlaxPirit)
  • Handle HTTP::Response without content-length (thanks @lbguilherme)
  • Added docs for OptionParser, ENV, Regex, Enumerable, Iterator and some Array methods (thanks @porras, @will, @bjmllr, @PragTob, @decioferreira)
  • Lots of bug fixes and small improvements

0.7.6 (2015-08-13)

  • (breaking change) removed support for trailing while/until (read this)
  • (breaking change) Renamed Enumerable#drop to Enumerable#skip
  • (breaking change) Renamed to Time.epoch, and Time#to_i and Time#to_f to Time#epoch and Time#epoch_f
  • (breaking change) inherited macro now runs before a class' body
  • Renamed --no-build flag to --no-codegen
  • Allow interpolations in heredocs (thanks @jessedoyle)
  • Allow hash substitutions in String#% and sprintf (thanks @zamith)
  • Added SecureRandom.base64, SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 and SecureRandom.uuid (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added, File.symlink and File.symlink? (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added Enumerable#in_groups_of (thanks @jalyna)
  • Added Array#zip? (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Array#permutations and Array#each_permutation (thanks @jalyna and @kostya)
  • Added IO#gets(limit : Int) and IO#gets(delimiter : Char, limit : Int)
  • Added Iterator#compact_map, Iterator#take_while and Iterator#skip_while (thanks @PragTob)
  • Added StringLiteral#to_i macro method
  • Added Crypto::Bcrypt (thanks @akaufmann)
  • Added Time.epoch_ms and Time#epoch_ms
  • Added BitArray#toggle and BitArray#invert (thanks @will)
  • Fixed IO#reopen swapped semantic (thanks @technorama)
  • Many bug fixes and improvements

0.7.5 (2015-07-30)

  • (breaking change) 0 is not a prefix for octal numbers anymore. Use 0o
  • (breaking change) Renamed MissingKey to KeyError
  • (breaking change) Renamed IndexOutOfBounds to IndexError
  • Fixed all exception-handling related bugs.
  • Allow nested and multiline ternary expressions (thanks @daviswahl)
  • Allow assigning to _ (underscore), give error when trying to read from it
  • Macros can now also receive the following nodes: And, Or, Case, RangeLiteral and StringInterpolation. And and Or have left and right methods.
  • Added -e option to hierarchy command to filter types by a regex
  • Added -v as an alias of --version
  • Added -h as an alias of --help
  • Added Array#transpose (thanks @rhysd)
  • Added Benchmark#ips (thanks @will)
  • Added Hash#merge(&block) and Hash#merge!(&block) (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Hash#invert (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Bool#^ (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Enumerable#drop, Enumerable#drop_while and Enumerable#take_while (thanks @PragTob)
  • Added Enumerable#none? (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Set#subset?, Set#superset? and Set#intersects? (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Set#new(Enumerable) (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added String#succ (thanks @porras and @Exilor)
  • Added Array#* (thanks @porras)
  • Added Char#===(Int) and Int#===(Char) (thanks @will)
  • Added StringLiteral#camelcase and StringLiteral#underscore in macros
  • Added Expressions#expressions in macros
  • Added Cast#obj and Cast#to in macros
  • Added ASTNode#class_name in macros (thanks @yui-knk)
  • Added Array#push/Array#<< and Array#unshift in macros (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added Def#visibility in macros (thanks @ysbaddaden)
  • Added String#codepoints and String#each_codepoint (thanks @jhass)
  • Char#to_i(base) now supports bases from 2 to 36

Set#| now correctly accepts a set of a possible different type (thanks @yui-knk)

  • Flush STDERR on exit (thanks @jbbarth)
  • HTTP::Client methods accept an optional block, which will yield an HTTP::Response with a non-nil body_io property to consume the response's IO
  • Document URI, UDPSocket (thanks @davydovanton)
  • Improved URI class (thanks @will)
  • Define $~ in String#gsub and String#scan
  • Define $? in
  • Lots of bug fixes and small improvements

0.7.4 (2015-06-23)

  • Added Float module and remainder (thanks @wmoxam)
  • Show elapsed time in HTTP::LogHandler (thanks @zamith for the suggestion)
  • Added 0o as a prefix for octal numbers (thanks @asb)
  • Allow spaces before the closing tag of a heredoc (thanks @zamith)
  • String#split(Regex) now includes captures in the results
  • Added union?, union_types and type_params in macro methods
  • Improved MatchData#to_s to show named groups (thanks @will)
  • Optimized Base64 encode/decode (thanks @kostya)
  • Added basic docs for spec (thanks @PragTob)
  • Added docs for Benchmark (thanks @daneb)
  • Added ARGF
  • Non-matching regex captures now return nil instead of an empty string (thanks @will)
  • Added $1?, $2?, etc., as a nilable alternative to $1, $2, etc.
  • Added user, password, fragment and opaque to URI (thanks @will)
  • HTTP::Client.exec now honors user/password info from URI
  • Set default user agent in HTTP::Client
  • Added String#chop
  • Fixed crystal deps behaviour with empty git repositories (thanks @tkrajcar)
  • Optimized HTTP::Headers and HTTP::Request parsing.
  • FileDescriptorIO (superclass of File and Socket) has now buffering capabilities (use sync= and sync? to turn on/off). That means there's no need to use BufferedIO for these classes anymore.
  • Allow pointerof with class and global variables, and also foo.@bar access
  • Optimized fibers performance.
  • Added inline assembly support.
  • The .crystal cache dir is now configurable with an ENV variable (thanks @jhass)
  • Generic type variables names can now also be a single letter followed by a digit.

0.7.3 (2015-06-07)

  • Added Tuple.from_json and Tuple.to_json
  • The method_missing macro now accepts a 1 argument variant that is a Call node. The 3 arguments variant will be deprecated.
  • Flush STDOUT at program exit (fixes print not showing any output)
  • Added Time#to_utc and Time#to_local (thanks @datanoise)
  • Time comparison is now correct when comparing local vs. utc times
  • Support timezone offsets in Time parsing and formatting
  • Added IO#gets(delimiter : String)
  • Added String#chomp(Char) and String#chomp(String)
  • Allow invoking debug() inside a macro to see what's being generated.
  • IO#puts and IO#print now receive a splat (thanks @rhysd)
  • Added Process.kill and Process.getpgid (thanks @barachy)
  • Signal is now an enum. Use it like Signal::INT.trap { ... } instead of Signal.trap(Signal::INT) { ... }
  • Added CSV.each_row (both in block and iterator forms)
  • Important fixes to non-blocking IO logic.

0.7.2 (2015-05-26)

  • Improved performance of Regex
  • Fixed lexing of octal characters and strings (thanks @rhysd)
  • Time.parse can return UTC times (thanks @will)
  • Handle dashes in crystal init (thanks @niftyn8)
  • Generic type varaibles can now only be single letters (T, U, A, B, etc.)
  • Support %x and %X in sprintf (thanks @yyyc514)
  • Optimized Int#to_s (thanks @yyyc514)
  • Added upcase option to Int#to_s, and use downcase by default.
  • Improved String#to_i and fixed the many variants (to_i8, to_u64, etc.)
  • Added (thanks @jeromegn)
  • Added Int#upto, Int#downto, Int#to iterators.
  • Added Iterator#cons and Enumerable#each_cons (thanks @porras)
  • Added Iterator.of, Iterator#chain and Iterator#tap.
  • Allow top-level private macro (similar to top-level private def)
  • Optimized BufferedIO writing performance and memory usage.
  • Added Channel#close, Channel#closed?, Channel#receive? and allow them to send/receive nil values (thanks @datanoise).
  • Fixed Process#run after introducing non-blocking IO (thanks @will)
  • Tuple#map now returns a Tuple (previously it returned an Array)
  • Tuple#class now returns a proper Class (previously it returned a Tuple of classes)
  • Lots of bug fixes.

0.7.1 (2015-04-30)

0.7.0 (2015-04-30)

  • Crystal has evented IO by default. Added spawn and Channel.
  • Correctly support the X86_64 and X86 ABIs. Now bindings to C APIs that pass and return structs works perfectly fine.
  • Added crystal init to quickly create a skeleton library or application (thanks @waterlink)
  • Added --emit flag to the compiler. Now you can easily see the generated LLVM IR, LLVM bitcode, assembly and object files.
  • Added --no-color flag to suppress color output, useful for editor tools.
  • Added macro vars: %var and %var{x, y} create uniqely named variables inside macros.
  • Added typed splats.
  • Added Iterator and many methods that return iterators, like Array#each, Hash#each, Int#times, Int#step, String#each_char, etc.
  • Added sprintf and improved String#% to support floats and float formatting.
  • Added more variants of String#gsub.
  • Added Pointer#clear and use it to clear an Array's values when doing pop and other shrinking methods.
  • Added BigInt#to_s(base), BigInt::cast and bit operators (thanks @Exilor)
  • Allow invoking methods on a union class as long as all types in the union have it.
  • Allow specifying a def's return type. The compiler checks the return type only for that def for now (not for subclasses overrding the method). The return type appears in the documentation.
  • Allow constants and computed constants for a StaticArray length.
  • Allow class vars in enums.
  • Allow private and protected defs in enums.
  • Allow reopening a lib and adding more @[Link] attributes to it, even allowing duplicated attributes.
  • Allow getting a function pointer to a lib fun without specifying its types (i.e. ->LibC.getenv)
  • Allow specifying ditto for a doc comment to reuse the previous comment.
  • Changed the semantic of %: previously it meant remainder, not it means modulo, similar to Ruby and Python. Added Int#remainder.
  • #to_s and #inspect now work for a union class.
  • Spec: added global before_each and after_each hooks, which will simplify the use of mocking libraries like and
  • Range(T) is now Range(B, E) again (much more flexible).
  • Improved Regex performance.
  • Better XML support.
  • Support LLVM 3.6.
  • Exception class is now shown on unhandled exceptions
  • The following types are now disallowed in generics (for now): Object, Value, Reference, Number, Int and Float.
  • Lots of bug fixes, enhancements and optimizations.

0.6.1 (2015-03-04)

  • The class method now works in all cases. You can now compare classes with == and ask their hash value.
  • Block variables can now shadow local variables.
  • Range(B, E) is now Range(T).
  • Added Number::[]. Now you can do Int64[1, 2, 3] instead of [1_i64, 2_i64, 3_u64].
  • Better detection of nilable instance variables, and better error messages too.
  • Added Crypto::Blowfish (thanks @akaufmann)
  • Added Matrix (thanks @Exilor)
  • Added CallConvention attribute for funs.
  • Macros: added constants so you can inspect a type's constants at compile time.
  • Macros: added methods, which lists a type's methods (without including supertypes).
  • Macros: added has_attribute? for enum types, so you can check if an enum has the Flags attribute on it.
  • Many more small additions and bug fixes.

0.6.0 (2015-02-12)

  • Same as 0.5.10

0.5.10 (transitional) (2015-02-12)

  • Note: This release makes core, breaking changes to the language, and doesn't work out of the box with its accompanying standard library. Use 0.6.0 instead.
  • Improved error messages related to nilable instance variables.
  • The magic variables $~ and $? are now method-local and concurrent-safe.
  • Tuple is now correctly considered a struct
  • Pointer is now correctly considered a struct
  • Renamed Function to Proc

0.5.9 (2015-02-07)

  • Random is now a module, with static methods that default to the Random::MT19937 class.
  • Added Random::ISAAC engine (thanks @ysbaddaden!)
  • Added String#size (thanks @zamith!)
  • Added limit to all String#split variants (thanks @jhass!)
  • Raising inside a Thread is now rescued and re-raised on join (thanks @jhass!)
  • Added path option to Projectfile for crystal deps (thanks @naps62!)
  • Many fixes towards making Crystal work on linux 32 bits.
  • Huge refactors, additions and improvements for sockets: Socket, IPSocket, TCPSocket, TCPServer, UDPSocket, UNIXSocket, UNIXServer (thanks @ysbaddaden!)
  • Allow regex with empty spaces in various places.
  • Added HTML.escape(String) (thanks @naps62!)
  • Added support for %w[...], %w{...}, %w<...> as alternatives to %w(...). Same goes for %i(...) (thanks @zamith!)
  • Added Enumerable#min_of, Enumerable#max_of and Enumerable#minmax_of, Enumerable#to_h, Dir.chdir and Number#fdiv (thanks @jhass!)
  • Added String#match, String#[], String#[]? and MatchData#[]? related to regexes (thanks @jhass!)
  • Allow T::Bar when T is a generic type argument.
  • Added subclasses and all_subclasses in macros.
  • Now you can invoke to_s and inspect on C structs and unions, making debugging C bindings much easier!
  • Added #to_f and #to_i to Time and TimeSpan (thanks @epitron!)
  • Added (thanks @jhass!)
  • Now you can use ifdef inside C structs and unions.
  • Added include inside C structs, to include other struct fields (useful for composition and avoiding an explicit indirection).
  • Added Char#in_set?, String#count, String#delete and String#squeeze (thanks @jhass!)
  • Added -D flag option to the compiler to set compile-time flags to use in ifdef.
  • More support for forward declarations inside C libs.
  • Rewritten some Function primitives in Crystal itself, and added methods for obtaining the pointer and closure data, as well as for recreating a function from these.
  • Added a Logger class (thanks @ysbaddaden!)
  • Lots of bugs fixed.

0.5.8 (2015-01-16)

  • Added Random and Random::MT19937 (Mersenne Twister) classes (thanks @rhysd).
  • Docs: removed automatic linking. To link to classes and methods surround with backticks.
  • Fixed #328: != bug.

0.5.7 (2015-01-02)

  • Fixed: doc command had some hardcoded paths and didn't work
  • Added: private def at the top-level of a file is only available inside that file

0.5.6 (2014-31-12)

  • Added a crystal doc command to automatically generate documentation for a project using Markdown syntax. The style is still ugly but it's quite functional. Now we only need to start documenting things :-)
  • Removed the old @: attribute syntax.
  • Fixed #311: Issues with invoking lib functions in other ways (thanks @scidom).
  • Fixed #314: NoReturn information is not lazy.
  • Fixed #317: Fixes in UTF-8 encoding/decoding (thanks @yous).
  • Fixed #319: Unexpected EOF (thanks @Exilor).
  • {{yield}} inside macros now preserve the yielded node location, leading to much better error messages.
  • Added Float#nan?, Float#infinite? and Float#finite?.
  • Many other bug fixes and improvements.

0.5.5 (2014-12-12)

  • Removed src and crystal compiler libs directory from CRYSTAL_PATH.
  • Several bug fixes.

0.5.4 (2014-12-04)

  • (breaking change) require "foo" always looks up in CRYSTAL_PATH. require "./foo" looks up relative to the requiring file.
  • (breaking change) Renamed Json to JSON, Xml to XML and Yaml to YAML to follow a convention.
  • (breaking change) To use HTTP types do, for example, require "http/client" instead of the old require "net/http".
  • Added alias_method macro (thanks @Exilor and @jtomschroeder).
  • Added some Complex number methods and many math methods, refactors and specs (thanks @scidom).
  • Inheriting generic classes is now possible.
  • Creating arrays of generic types (i.e.: [] of Thread) is now possible.
  • Allow using an alias in a block type (i.e.: alias F = Int32 ->, &block : F).
  • json_mapping macro supports a simpler syntax: json_mapping({key1: Type1, key2: Type2}).
  • Spec: added be_a(type) matcher.
  • Spec: added be > ... and similar matchers for >=, < and <=.
  • Added File::file? and File::directory?.
  • CSV parser can parse from String or IO.
  • When invoking the compiler like this: crystal -o foo the build command is assumed instead of run.
  • Added short symbol notation for methods that are operators (i.e. :+, :*, :[], etc.).
  • Added TimeSpan#ago, TimeSpan#from_now, MonthSpan#ago and MonthSpan#from_now.

0.5.3 (2014-11-06)

  • Spec: when a should or should_not fail, the filename and line number, including the source's line, is included in the error message.
  • Spec: added -l switch to be able to run a spec defined in a line.
  • Added crystal spec file:line
  • Properties (property, setter, getter) can now be restricted to a type with the syntax property name :: Type.
  • Enums can be used outside lib. They inherit Enum, can have methods and can be marked with @[Flags].
  • Removed the distinction between lib enums and regular enums.
  • Fixed: it was incorrectly possible to define class, def, etc. inside a call block.
  • The syntax for specifying the base type of an enum, enum Name < BaseType has been deprecated. Use enum Name : BaseType.
  • Added Array#<=> and make it comparable to other arrays.

0.5.2 (2014-11-04)

  • New command line interface to the compiler (crystal build ..., crystal run ..., crystal spec, etc.). The default is to compiler and run a program.
  • crystal eval without arguments reads from standard input.
  • Added preliminar crystal deps command.
  • __FILE__, __DIR__ and __LINE__, when used as def default arguments, resolve to the caller location (similar to D and Swift)
  • Allow as to determine a type even if the casted value doesn't have a type yet.
  • Added is_a? in macros. The check is against an AST node name. For example node.is_a?(HashLiteral).
  • Added emit_null property to json_mapping.
  • Added converter property to json_mapping.
  • Added pp in macros.
  • Added to_pretty_json.
  • Added really basic CSV.parse.
  • Added Regex.escape.
  • Added String#scan.
  • Added -e switch to spec, to run specs that match a pattern.
  • Added --fail-fast swtich to spec.
  • Added HTTPClient#basic_auth.
  • Added DeclareVar, Def and Arg macro methods.
  • Added Time and TimeSpan structs. TimeWithZone will come later.
  • Added Array#fill (thanks @Exilor).
  • Added Array#uniq.
  • Optimized File.read_lines.
  • Allow any expression inside {% ... %} so that you can intepret code without outputting the result.
  • Allow \ at the end of a line.
  • Allow using if and unless inside macro expressions.
  • Allow marking a fun/def as @[Raises] (useful when a function can potentially raise from a callback).
  • Allow procs are now considered @[Raises].
  • OAuth2::Client supports getting an access token via authorization code or refresh token.
  • Consecutive string literals are automatically concatenated by the parser as long as there is a \ with a newline between them.
  • Many bug fixes.

0.5.1 (2014-10-16)

  • Added json_mapping macro.
  • Added Signal module.
  • Added Tempfile class.
  • Enhanced HTTP::Client.
  • Added OAuth::Consumer.
  • Added OAuth2::Client.
  • Added OpenSSL::HMAC.
  • Added SecureRandom.
  • New syntax for array/hash-like classes. For example: Set {1, 2, 3} and HTTP::Headers {"content-type": "text/plain"}. These just create the type and use << or []=.
  • Optimized Json parsing performance.
  • Added a CSV builder.
  • XML reader can parse from an IO.
  • Added Dir::glob and Dir::Entries (thanks @jhass)
  • Allow ensure as an expression suffix.
  • Fixed #219: Proc type is not inferred when passing to library fun and the return type doesn't match.
  • Fixed #224: Class#new doesn't pass a block.
  • Fixed #225: ICE when comparing void to something.
  • Fixed #227: Nested captured block looses scope and crashes compiler.
  • Fixed #228: Macro expansion doesn't retain symbol escaping as needed.
  • Fixed #229: Can't change block context if defined within module context.
  • Fixed #230: Type interference breaks equality operator.
  • Fixed #233: Incorrect no block given message with new.
  • Other bug fixes.

0.5.0 (2014-09-24)

  • String overhaul, and optimizations

0.4.5 (2014-09-24)

  • Define backtick (`) for command execution.
  • Allow string literals as keys in hash literals: {"foo": "bar"} # :: Hash(String, String)
  • Allow ifdef as a suffix.
  • Integer division by zero raises a DivisionByZero exception.
  • Link attributes are now only processed if a lib function is used.
  • Removed the type Name : Type syntax (use type Name = Type instead).
  • Removed the lib Lib("libname"); end syntax. Use @[Link] attribute instead.
  • Fixed some require issues.
  • String representation includes length.
  • Upgraded to LLVM 3.5.

0.4.4 (2014-09-17)

  • Fixed #193: allow initializing an enum value with another's one.
  • The record macro is now variadic, so instead of record Vec3, [x, y, z] write record Vec3, x, y, z.
  • The def_equals, def_hash and def_equals_and_hash macros are now variadic.
  • The property, getter and setter macros are now variadic.
  • All String methods are now UTF-8 aware.
  • String#length returns the number of characters, while String#bytesize return the number of bytes (previously length returned the number of bytes and bytesize didn't exist).
  • String#[](index) now returns a Char instead of an UInt8, where index is counted in characters. There's also String#byte_at(index).
  • Removed the \x escape sequence in char and string literals. Use \u instead.
  • initialize methods are now protected.
  • Added IO#gets_to_end.
  • Added backticks (...) and %x(...) for command execution.
  • Added %r(...) for regular expression literals.
  • Allow interpolations in regular expresion literals.
  • Compiling with --release sets a release flag that you can test with ifdef.
  • Allow passing splats to C functions
  • A C type can now be declared like type Name = Type (type Name : Type will be deprecated).
  • Now a C struct/union type can be created with named arguments.
  • New attributes syntax: @[Attr(...)] instead of @:Attr. The old syntax will be deprecated in a future release.
  • New link syntax for C libs: @[Link("name")] (uses name as pkg-config name if available or -lname instead), @[Link(ldflags: "...")] to pass raw flags to the linker, @[Link("name", static: true)] to try to find a static library first, and @[Link(framework: "AppKit")] (for Mac OSX).
  • Added an exec method to execute shell commands. Added the system and backtick similar to Ruby ones.
  • Added be_truthy and be_falsey spec matchers. Added Array#zip without a block. (thanks @mjgpy3)
  • Added getter? and property? macros to create methods that end with ?.
  • Added a CGI module.
  • The compiler now only depends on cc for compiling (removed dependency to llc, opt, llvm-dis and clang).
  • Added IO#tty?.
  • Some bug fixes.

0.4.3 (2014-08-14)

  • Reverted a commit that introduced random crashes.

0.4.2 (2014-08-13)

  • Fixed #187: mixing yield and crashes the compiler.
  • Added \u unicode escape sequences inside strings and chars (similar to Ruby). \x will be deprecated as it can generate strings with invalid UTF-8 byte sequences.
  • Added String#chars.
  • Fixed: splats weren't working in initialize.
  • Added the private and protected visibility modifiers, with the same semantics as Ruby. The difference is that you must place them before a def or a macro call.
  • Some bug fixes.

0.4.1 (2014-08-09)

  • Fixed #185: -e flag stopped working.
  • Added a @length compile-time variable available inside tuples that allows to do loop unrolling.
  • Some bug fixes.

0.4.0 (2014-08-08)

  • Support splats in macros.
  • Support splats in defs and calls.
  • Added named arguments.
  • Renamed the make_named_tuple macro to record.
  • Added def_equals, def_hash and def_equals_and_hash macros to generate them from a list of fields.
  • Added Slice(T), which is a struct having a pointer and a length. Use this in IO for a safe API.
  • Some StaticArray fixes and enhancements.

0.3.5 (2014-07-29)

  • (breaking change) Removed the special -> operator for pointers of structs/unions: instead of foo->bar use; instead of foo->bar = 1 use = 1.
  • Added colorize file that provides methods to easily output bash colors.
  • Now you can use modules as generic type arguments (for example, do x = [] of IO).
  • Added SSL sockets. Now HTTP::Server implements HTTPS.
  • Macros have access to constants and types.
  • Allow iterating a range in macros with for.
  • Use cpu cycle counter to initialize random.
  • method_missing now works in generic types.
  • Fixed #154: bug, constants are initialized before global variables.
  • Fixed #168: incorrect type inference of instance variables if not assigned in superclass.
  • Fixed #169: responds_to? wasn't working with generic types.
  • Fixed #171: ensure blocks are not executed if the rescue block returns from a def.
  • Fixed #175: invalid code generated when using with/yield with structs.
  • Fixed some parser issues and other small issues.
  • Allow forward struct/union declarations in libs.
  • Added String#replace(Regex, String)
  • Added a Box(T) class, useful for boxing value types to pass them to C as Void*.

0.3.4 (2014-07-21)

  • Fixed #165: restrictions with generic types didn't work for hierarchy types.
  • Allow using a single underscore in restrictions, useful for matching against an n-tuple or an n-function where you don't care about the types (e.g.: def foo(x : {_, _}).
  • Added a generate_hash macro that generates a hash methods based on some AST nodes.
  • Added very basic previous_def: similar to super, but uses the previous definition of a method. Useful to decorate existing methods (similar to alias_method_chain). For now the method's type restrictions must match for a previous definition to be found.
  • Made the compiler a bit faster
  • Added env in macros, to fetch an environment value. Returns a StringLiteral if found or NilLiteral if not.
  • Make return 1, 2 be the same as return {1, 2}. Same goes with break and next.
  • Added Pointer#as_enumerable(size : Int) to create an Enumerable from a Pointer with an associated size, with zero overhead. Some methods removed from Pointer: each, map, to_a, index.
  • Added StaticArray::new, StaticArray::new(value), StaticArray::new(&block), StaticArray#shuffle! and StaticArray#map!.
  • Faster Char#to_s(io : IO)

0.3.3 (2014-07-14)

  • Allow implicit conversion to C types by defining a to_unsafe method. This removed the hardcoded rule for converting a String to UInt8* and also allows passing an Array(T) to an argument expecting Pointer(T).
  • Fixed .is_a?(Class) not working (#162)
  • Attributes are now associated to AST nodes in the semantic pass, not during parsing. This allows macros to generate attributes that will be attached to subsequent expressions.
  • (breaking change) Make ENV#[] raise on missing key, and added ENV#[]?
  • (breaking change) Macro defs are now written like macro def name(args) : ReturnType instead of def name(args) : ReturnType, which was a bit confusing.

0.3.2 (2014-07-10)

  • Integer literals without a suffix are inferred to be Int32, Int64 or UInt64 depending on their value.
  • Check that integer literals fit into their types.
  • Put back Int#to_s(radix : Int) (was renamed to to_s_in_base in the previous release) by also specifying a restriction in Int#to_s(io : IO).
  • Added expect_raises macros in specs

0.3.1 (2014-07-09)

  • (breaking change) Replaced @name inside macros with @class_name.
  • (breaking change) Instance variables inside macros now don't have the @ symbols in their names.

0.3.0 (2014-07-08)

  • Added Array#each_index
  • Optimized String#* for the case when the string has length one.
  • Use GC.malloc_atomic for String and String::Buffer (as they don't contain internal pointers.)
  • Added a PointerAppender struct to easily append to a Pointer while counting at the same time (thanks @kostya for the idea).
  • Added a Base64 module (thanks @kostya)
  • Allow default arguments in macros
  • Allow invoking new on a function type. For example: alias F = Int32 -> Int32; f = { |x| x + 1 }; #=> 3.
  • Allow omitting function argument types when invoking C functions that accept functions as arguments.
  • Renamed @name to @class_name inside macros. @name will be deprecated in the next version.
  • Added IO#read_fully
  • Macro hooks: inherited, included and extended
  • method_missing macro
  • Added {{ raise ... }} inside macros to issue a compile error.
  • Started JSON serialization and deserialization
  • Now at_exit handlers are run when you invoke exit
  • Methods can be marked as abstract
  • New convention for to_s and inspect: you must override them receiving an IO object
  • StringBuilder and StringBuffer have been replaced by StringIO

0.2.0 (2014-06-24)

  • Removed icr (a REPL): it is abandoned for the moment because it was done in a hacky, non-reliable way

  • Added very basic String#underscore and String#camelcase.

  • The parser generates string literals out of strings with interpolated string literals. For example, "#{__DIR__}/foo" is interpolated at compile time and generates a string literal with the full path, since __DIR__ is just a (special) string literal.

  • (breaking change) Now macro nodes are always pasted as is. If you want to generate an id use {{}}.

    Previously, a code like this:

    macro foo(name)
      def {{name}}; end
    foo :hello
    foo "hello"
    foo hello

    generated this:

    def hello; end
    def hello; end
    def hello; end

    With this change, it generates this:

    def :hello; end
    def "hello"; end
    def hello; end

    Now, to get an identifier out of a symbol literal, string literal or a name, use id:

    macro foo(name)
      def {{}}; end

    Although it's longer to type, the implicit "id" call was sometimes confusing. Explicit is better than implicit.

    Invoking id on any other kind of node has no effect on the pasted result.

  • Allow escaping curly braces inside macros with \{. This allows defining macros that, when expanded, can contain other macro expressions.

  • Added a special comment-like pragma to change the lexer's filename, line number and column number.

    a = 1
    #<loc:"",12,24>b = 2
    c = 3

    In the previous example, b = 2 (and the rest of the file) is considered as being parsed from file at line 12, column 24.

  • Added a special run call inside macros. This compiles and executes another Crystal program and pastes its output into the current program.

    As an example, consider this program:

    {{ run("my_program", 1, 2, 3) }}

    Compiling will, at compile-time, compile and execute it with arguments 1 2 3. The output of that execution is pasted into at that location.

  • Added ECR (Embedded Crystal) support. This is implemented using the special run macro call.

    A small example:

    # template.ecr
    Hello <%= @msg %>
    require "ecr/macros"
    class HelloView
      def initialize(@msg)
      # This generates a to_s method with the contents of template.ecr
      ecr_file "template.ecr"
    view = "world!"
    view.to_s #=> "Hello world!"

    The nice thing about this is that, using the #<loc...> pragma for specifying the lexer's location, if you have a syntax/semantic error in the template the error points to the template :-)

0.1.0 (2014-06-18)

  • First official release