- F-buttons mappings
<F1> - Help
<F2> - Open file explorer in the current buffer (:Explore .)
<F3> - Turn on buffer explorer
<F4> - Turn on TagBar
<F5> - VIM: :TagbarTogglePause<CR>
<F5> - GVIM: In insert or normal mode while on an empty line,
Latex-Suite prompts you with a list of environments you might want to insert.
You can either choose one from the list or type in a new environment name.
If you press <F5> on a line which already has a word, then that word is used instead of prompting.
You can also select a portion of text visually and press <F5> while still in visual mode.
<F6> - Compile Latex-Suite and forward search to pdf
<F7> - Toggles YcmShowDetailedDiagnostic to be shown in floating red window.
<F8> - FREE
<S-F8> - FREE
<F9> - For \cite, \ref and file completion in Latex-Suite
- Ctrl-buttons mappings
<C-]> - Jump to the tag under cursor
<C-LeftMouse> - Jump to the tag under cursor
<C-L> - Vertical split
<C-M> - Horizontal split
<C-N> - Go to next view
<C-P> - Go to previous view
<C-K> - Go to next buffer
<C-H> - Go to previous buffer
<C-C> - Buffer kill without closing buffer
<C-T>o - Close all but current buffer (similar to <C-C>)
<C-T>c - Close current buffer
<C-T>u - Undo closed buffer
<C-W>o - Close all but current window
<C-W>c - Close current window
- leader-buttons mappings
<leader>s - Source vimrc
<leader>n - Set file as nomodifiable
<leader>m - Set file as modifiable
<leader>q - Close the most left window
<leader>e - Open netrw in current file directory (:Ex)
<leader>d - YouCompleter GoTo
<leader>gh - YouCompleter GoToDeclaration
<leader>gd - YouCompleter GoToDefinition
<Leader>y - "+y
<Leader>p - "+p
<Leader>w - load all buffers from current tab to current window (:WintabsAll)
<Leader>h - highlights the line with the cursor
<Leader>H - unset <Leader>h
<Leader>t - Rebuild the .tags file in the directory of the current source file
<Leader>g - :Gvdiffsplit HEAD~3:% Brings up the staged version of the file side by side with the version 3 commits ago
<Leader>tm - Opens terminal in left bottom split
- Useful commands
:A - Switches to the header file and vice versa
:AS - Splits and switches
:AV - Vertical splits and switches
:AT - New tab and switches
g; - Go back to previous cursor position
:Ag - Search for a word as follows :Ag [options] {pattern} [{directory}]
:FZF ~ - Search for a file starting from the ~/ directory
; - After 'f' command go to next occurance of a word searched
, - After 'f' command go to previous occurance of a word searched
~ - Switch case (e.g. lowercase to uppercase letters)
U - Upper case of marked area
:%s/old/new/gc - Replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations
:Ex - Opens the directory of the current file
:Sexplore - Opens the file explorer in horizontal spllit
:Vexplore - Opens the file explorer in vertical spllit
ctrl+v - In insert mode it inserts character literally (e.g. IMAP in latex-suite is off)
ctrl+] - In visual model go to the tag (first match)
g] - You can visually select a text and press g] to get a list of matching tags
% - Move to matching character ( () [] {} )
$ - Jump to the end of line
} - Jump to next paragraph/function/block
{ - Jump to previous paragraph/function/block
{<CR> - Auto close { } and insert new line between them
(<CR> - Auto close ( ) and insert new line between them
zz - Center cursor on screen
"xy - Yank into register x
"xp - Paste contents of register x
"+y - Yank into the system clipboard register
"+p - Paste from the system clipboard register
qa - Record macro a
q - Stop recording macro
@a - Run macro a
@@ - Rerun last run macro
:noh - Remove highlighting of search matches
E - Mapping for ea (jump to end of word in insert mode)
aw - mark a word
ab - a block with ()
aB - a block with {}
at - a block with <> tags
ib - inner block with ()
iB - inner block with {}
:g/{pattern}/d - delete all lines containing pattern
:g!/{pattern}/d - delete all lines not containing pattern
>% - indent a block with () or {} (cursor on brace)
<% - de-indent a block with () or {} (cursor on brace)
Ctrl + wT - move the current split window into its own tab
Ctrl + o - Retrace your movements in file in backwards
Ctrl + i - Retrace your movements in file in forwards
'. - jump to last modification line
`. - jump to exact spot in last modification line
:Wallbuffers - Load all buffers from all tabs to current window (:WintabsAllBuffers)
:Gvdiffsplit HEAD~3:% - Brings up the staged version of the file side by side with the version 3 commits ago
- Mappings for vimdiff
<leader>t - diffthis
<leader>o - diffoff
<leader>u - diffupdate
<leader>gl - diffget LO
<leader>gb - diffget BA
<leader>gr - diffget RE
- Mappings for LaTeX-Suite
VVV - \verb++
BBB - \mathbf{}
RRR - \mathrm{}
TTT - \todo[size=\small, color=<++>!40]{<++>}<++>
((( - \left( \right)
- Other mappings
HHH - \href{}{<++>}
LLL - \begin{lstlisting}[language=C++, label=lst:<++>, caption=<++>] <++> \end{lstlisting}