diff --git a/ogr/services/gitlab/pull_request.py b/ogr/services/gitlab/pull_request.py index 5c3d810d..130517d9 100644 --- a/ogr/services/gitlab/pull_request.py +++ b/ogr/services/gitlab/pull_request.py @@ -240,10 +240,14 @@ def get_list( status: PRStatus = PRStatus.open, ) -> list["PullRequest"]: # Gitlab API has status 'opened', not 'open' + # f"Calling a `list()` method without specifying `get_all=True` or " + # f"`iterator=True` will return a maximum of 20 items. " mrs = project.gitlab_repo.mergerequests.list( state=status.name if status != PRStatus.open else "opened", order_by="updated_at", sort="desc", + # gitlab 3.3 syntax was all=True + get_all=True, ) return [GitlabPullRequest(mr, project) for mr in mrs] diff --git a/tests/integration/gitlab/test_data/test_pull_requests/PullRequests.test_mr_list_limit.yaml b/tests/integration/gitlab/test_data/test_pull_requests/PullRequests.test_mr_list_limit.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7c9fb80 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integration/gitlab/test_data/test_pull_requests/PullRequests.test_mr_list_limit.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13551 @@ +_requre: + DataTypes: 1 + key_strategy: StorageKeysInspectSimple + version_storage_file: 3 +requests.sessions: + send: + GET: + ? https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/merge_requests?id=14233409&order_by=updated_at&page=2&per_page=20&sort=desc&state=all&with_labels_details=false&with_merge_status_recheck=false + : - metadata: + latency: 1.3196947574615479 + module_call_list: + - unittest.case + - requre.record_and_replace + - tests.integration.gitlab.test_pull_requests + - ogr.abstract + - ogr.utils + - ogr.abstract + - ogr.services.gitlab.pull_request + - gitlab.exceptions + - gitlab.mixins + - gitlab.client + - gitlab._backends.requests_backend + - requests.sessions + - requre.objects + - requre.cassette + - requests.sessions + - send + output: + __store_indicator: 2 + _content: + - allow_collaboration: true + allow_maintainer_to_push: true + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c7fe77b328a6631baf8705597be56406?s=80&d=identicon + id: 6466632 + locked: false + name: Ben Crocker + state: active + username: bcrocker + web_url: https://gitlab.com/bcrocker + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2021-04-12T21:11:54.865Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c7fe77b328a6631baf8705597be56406?s=80&d=identicon + id: 6466632 + locked: false + name: Ben Crocker + state: active + username: bcrocker + web_url: https://gitlab.com/bcrocker + created_at: '2021-04-12T21:11:53.700Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 95613808 + iid: 69 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2021-04-12T21:11:53.700Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!69' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!69 + relative: '!69' + short: '!69' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 25840586 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2021-04-12T21:11:54.843Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/69 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-10-12T10:29:00.315Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:59.493Z' + description: Description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 74049229 + iid: 68 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:59.493Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!68' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!68 + relative: '!68' + short: '!68' + reviewers: [] + sha: db843cde94391923c6acb4cce938d830477a9732 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: pr-3 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: some special title + updated_at: '2020-10-12T10:29:00.300Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/68 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:49.714Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:48.412Z' + description: Description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 74049201 + iid: 67 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:48.412Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!67' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!67 + relative: '!67' + short: '!67' + reviewers: [] + sha: db843cde94391923c6acb4cce938d830477a9732 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: pr-3 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: New PR of pr-3 + updated_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:49.698Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/67 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:33.601Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:32.071Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: false + id: 74049173 + iid: 66 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: can_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:32.071Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!66' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!66 + relative: '!66' + short: '!66' + reviewers: [] + sha: af1ec13d0e232ff1d5f4cc042381da19ffa6f892 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: test-branch1 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: upstream -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:33.584Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/66 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: null + allow_maintainer_to_push: null + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:29.406Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:26.977Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 74049163 + iid: 65 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:26.977Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!65' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!65 + relative: '!65' + short: '!65' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:29.392Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/65 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: null + allow_maintainer_to_push: null + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:22.684Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:21.327Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 74049145 + iid: 64 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:21.327Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!64' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!64 + relative: '!64' + short: '!64' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-10-12T10:28:22.668Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/64 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: null + allow_maintainer_to_push: null + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-09-03T09:53:44.881Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-09-03T09:50:58.837Z' + description: pull request body + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 69664587 + iid: 63 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-09-03T09:50:58.837Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!63' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!63 + relative: '!63' + short: '!63' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test: fork(master) <- fork' + updated_at: '2020-09-03T09:53:44.859Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/63 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: null + allow_maintainer_to_push: null + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-09-03T09:50:05.870Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-28T09:11:32.195Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 69042578 + iid: 59 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-28T09:11:32.195Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!59' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!59 + relative: '!59' + short: '!59' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-09-03T09:50:05.844Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/59 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:29.197Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:28.114Z' + description: Description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 69198741 + iid: 62 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:28.114Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!62' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!62 + relative: '!62' + short: '!62' + reviewers: [] + sha: db843cde94391923c6acb4cce938d830477a9732 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: pr-3 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: some special title + updated_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:29.180Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/62 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:22.758Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:22.004Z' + description: Description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 69198731 + iid: 61 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:22.004Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!61' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!61 + relative: '!61' + short: '!61' + reviewers: [] + sha: db843cde94391923c6acb4cce938d830477a9732 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: pr-3 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: New PR of pr-3 + updated_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:22.744Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/61 + work_in_progress: false + - approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:10.164Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:08.657Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: false + id: 69198715 + iid: 60 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: can_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:08.657Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!60' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!60 + relative: '!60' + short: '!60' + reviewers: [] + sha: af1ec13d0e232ff1d5f4cc042381da19ffa6f892 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: test-branch1 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: upstream -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:10.147Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/60 + work_in_progress: false + - 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approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:10.164Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:08.657Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: false + id: 69198715 + iid: 60 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: can_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:08.657Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!60' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!60 + relative: '!60' + short: '!60' + reviewers: [] + sha: af1ec13d0e232ff1d5f4cc042381da19ffa6f892 + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: test-branch1 + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: upstream -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-31T08:34:10.147Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/60 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: null + allow_maintainer_to_push: null + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-28T09:11:01.258Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-08-28T09:09:45.221Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 69042373 + iid: 58 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-28T09:09:45.221Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!58' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!58 + relative: '!58' + short: '!58' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-28T09:11:01.241Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/58 + work_in_progress: false + - 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allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:50.412Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:47.562Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529229 + iid: 43 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:47.562Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!43' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!43 + relative: '!43' + short: '!43' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:50.387Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/43 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:43.866Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:42.639Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529220 + iid: 42 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:42.639Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!42' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!42 + relative: '!42' + short: '!42' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:43.848Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/42 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:32.865Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:31.714Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529205 + iid: 41 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:31.714Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!41' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!41 + relative: '!41' + short: '!41' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream (user ignored)' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:32.850Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/41 + work_in_progress: false + - 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allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-21T10:59:14.219Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-21T10:59:12.834Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68322035 + iid: 38 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-21T10:59:12.834Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!38' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!38 + relative: '!38' + short: '!38' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-21T10:59:14.202Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/38 + work_in_progress: false + - 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allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:28.943Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:26.179Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68533151 + iid: 47 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:26.179Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!47' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!47 + relative: '!47' + short: '!47' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:28.923Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/47 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:22.849Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:21.315Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68533146 + iid: 46 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:21.315Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!46' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!46 + relative: '!46' + short: '!46' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:22.833Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/46 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:13.532Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:12.269Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68533133 + iid: 45 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:12.269Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!45' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!45 + relative: '!45' + short: '!45' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream (user ignored)' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:44:13.515Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/45 + work_in_progress: false + - 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allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:50.412Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:47.562Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529229 + iid: 43 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:47.562Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!43' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!43 + relative: '!43' + short: '!43' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:50.387Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/43 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:43.866Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:42.639Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529220 + iid: 42 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:42.639Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!42' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!42 + relative: '!42' + short: '!42' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:43.848Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/42 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: false + allow_maintainer_to_push: false + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:32.865Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e1ae3427f994784121371108f12eceb5?s=80&d=identicon + id: 4626962 + locked: false + name: jscotka + state: active + username: jscotka + web_url: https://gitlab.com/jscotka + created_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:31.714Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 68529205 + iid: 41 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:31.714Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!41' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!41 + relative: '!41' + short: '!41' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: null + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream (user ignored)' + updated_at: '2020-08-24T08:18:32.850Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/41 + work_in_progress: false + - 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approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2020-05-26T10:30:52.214Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2020-05-26T10:30:50.952Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 59675500 + iid: 26 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2020-05-26T10:30:50.952Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!26' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!26 + relative: '!26' + short: '!26' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 14233409 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2020-05-26T10:30:52.192Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/26 + work_in_progress: false + - 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allow_collaboration: true + allow_maintainer_to_push: true + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:31.924Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:28.415Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 133835861 + iid: 83 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:28.415Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!83' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!83 + relative: '!83' + short: '!83' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork:one-more-branch -> upstream' + updated_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:31.909Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/83 + work_in_progress: false + - allow_collaboration: true + allow_maintainer_to_push: true + approvals_before_merge: null + assignee: null + assignees: [] + author: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + blocking_discussions_resolved: true + closed_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:22.183Z' + closed_by: + avatar_url: https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/375555/avatar.png + id: 375555 + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + state: active + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + created_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:20.823Z' + description: test description + detailed_merge_status: not_open + discussion_locked: null + downvotes: 0 + draft: false + force_remove_source_branch: null + has_conflicts: true + id: 133835844 + iid: 82 + labels: [] + merge_commit_sha: null + merge_status: cannot_be_merged + merge_user: null + merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: false + merged_at: null + merged_by: null + milestone: null + prepared_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:20.823Z' + project_id: 14233409 + reference: '!82' + references: + full: packit-service/ogr-tests!82 + relative: '!82' + short: '!82' + reviewers: [] + sha: null + should_remove_source_branch: null + source_branch: one-more-branch + source_project_id: 20772752 + squash: false + squash_commit_sha: null + squash_on_merge: false + state: closed + target_branch: master + target_project_id: 14233409 + task_completion_status: + completed_count: 0 + count: 0 + time_stats: + human_time_estimate: null + human_total_time_spent: null + time_estimate: 0 + total_time_spent: 0 + title: 'test PR: fork -> upstream' + updated_at: '2022-01-05T18:42:22.166Z' + upvotes: 0 + user_notes_count: 0 + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/merge_requests/82 + work_in_progress: false + - 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Testing repository + for python-ogr package. | https://github.com/packit-service/ogr

+ emails_disabled: false + emails_enabled: true + empty_repo: false + enforce_auth_checks_on_uploads: true + environments_access_level: enabled + external_authorization_classification_label: '' + feature_flags_access_level: enabled + forking_access_level: enabled + forks_count: 6 + group_runners_enabled: true + http_url_to_repo: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests.git + id: 14233409 + import_error: null + import_status: none + import_type: null + import_url: null + infrastructure_access_level: enabled + issue_branch_template: null + issues_access_level: enabled + issues_enabled: true + jobs_enabled: true + keep_latest_artifact: true + last_activity_at: '2022-08-21T21:46:59.990Z' + lfs_enabled: true + merge_commit_template: null + merge_method: merge + merge_requests_access_level: enabled + merge_requests_enabled: true + model_experiments_access_level: enabled + monitor_access_level: enabled + name: ogr-tests + name_with_namespace: packit-service / ogr-tests + namespace: + avatar_url: /uploads/-/system/group/avatar/6032704/logo-square-small-borders.png + full_path: packit-service + id: 6032704 + kind: group + name: packit-service + parent_id: null + path: packit-service + web_url: https://gitlab.com/groups/packit-service + only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved: false + only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: false + open_issues_count: 77 + packages_enabled: true + pages_access_level: enabled + path: ogr-tests + path_with_namespace: packit-service/ogr-tests + permissions: + group_access: + access_level: 50 + notification_level: 3 + project_access: + access_level: 40 + notification_level: 3 + printing_merge_request_link_enabled: true + public_jobs: true + readme_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/blob/master/README.md + releases_access_level: enabled + remove_source_branch_after_merge: null + repository_access_level: enabled + request_access_enabled: false + requirements_access_level: enabled + requirements_enabled: false + resolve_outdated_diff_discussions: false + restrict_user_defined_variables: false + runner_token_expiration_interval: null + runners_token: GR1348941sWEgsQKmwrxmdNipZmMH + security_and_compliance_access_level: private + security_and_compliance_enabled: true + service_desk_address: contact-project+packit-service-ogr-tests-14233409-issue-@incoming.gitlab.com + service_desk_enabled: true + shared_runners_enabled: true + shared_with_groups: [] + snippets_access_level: enabled + snippets_enabled: true + squash_commit_template: null + squash_option: default_off + ssh_url_to_repo: git@gitlab.com:packit-service/ogr-tests.git + star_count: 0 + suggestion_commit_message: null + tag_list: [] + topics: [] + updated_at: '2022-08-21T21:46:59.990Z' + visibility: public + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests + wiki_access_level: enabled + wiki_enabled: true + _next: null + elapsed: 0.313006 + encoding: utf-8 + headers: + CF-Cache-Status: MISS + CF-RAY: 81c0dffc9c10b33c-PRG + Connection: keep-alive + Content-Encoding: br + Content-Type: application/json + Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:09:38 GMT + NEL: '{"success_fraction":0.01,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Report-To: '{"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=Z%2BLg1G8z8iUTdOX%2BKEAmkbgT1h43xP6iOaX7fdzxJXbmNB9OVra5TyNbsgL2n%2Fz%2Bk60jaa9TKnM0fu8g5mftZp9j00ZuAEg8dypn4UIUFSrHun7nlvVIpu8QRe8%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Server: cloudflare + Transfer-Encoding: chunked + cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate + content-security-policy: default-src 'none' + etag: W/"ef8a248fe18b88c502cc31c92be567fb" + gitlab-lb: haproxy-main-21-lb-gprd + gitlab-sv: localhost + ratelimit-limit: '2000' + ratelimit-observed: '118' + ratelimit-remaining: '1882' + ratelimit-reset: '1698304238' + ratelimit-resettime: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:10:38 GMT + referrer-policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin + strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 + vary: Origin, Accept-Encoding + x-content-type-options: nosniff + x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN + x-gitlab-meta: '{"correlation_id":"01481e40d3bffe1e0d4255639b7fd899","version":"1"}' + x-request-id: 01481e40d3bffe1e0d4255639b7fd899 + x-runtime: '0.144130' + raw: !!binary "" + reason: OK + status_code: 200 + - metadata: + latency: 0.32617616653442383 + module_call_list: + - unittest.case + - requre.record_and_replace + - tests.integration.gitlab.test_pull_requests + - ogr.abstract + - ogr.utils + - ogr.abstract + - ogr.services.gitlab.pull_request + - ogr.services.gitlab.project + - gitlab.v4.objects.projects + - gitlab.exceptions + - gitlab.mixins + - gitlab.client + - gitlab._backends.requests_backend + - requests.sessions + - requre.objects + - requre.cassette + - requests.sessions + - send + output: + __store_indicator: 2 + _content: + _links: + cluster_agents: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/cluster_agents + events: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/events + issues: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/issues + labels: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/labels + members: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/members + merge_requests: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/merge_requests + repo_branches: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409/repository/branches + self: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14233409 + allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline: null + analytics_access_level: enabled + archived: false + auto_cancel_pending_pipelines: enabled + auto_devops_deploy_strategy: continuous + auto_devops_enabled: false + autoclose_referenced_issues: true + avatar_url: null + build_git_strategy: fetch + build_timeout: 3600 + builds_access_level: enabled + can_create_merge_request_in: true + ci_allow_fork_pipelines_to_run_in_parent_project: true + ci_config_path: null + ci_default_git_depth: 50 + ci_forward_deployment_enabled: null + ci_forward_deployment_rollback_allowed: true + ci_job_token_scope_enabled: false + ci_separated_caches: true + compliance_frameworks: [] + container_registry_access_level: enabled + container_registry_enabled: true + container_registry_image_prefix: registry.gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests + created_at: '2019-09-10T10:28:09.946Z' + creator_id: 433670 + default_branch: master + description: Testing repository for python-ogr package. | https://github.com/packit-service/ogr + description_html:

Testing repository + for python-ogr package. | https://github.com/packit-service/ogr

+ emails_disabled: false + emails_enabled: true + empty_repo: false + enforce_auth_checks_on_uploads: true + environments_access_level: enabled + external_authorization_classification_label: '' + feature_flags_access_level: enabled + forking_access_level: enabled + forks_count: 6 + group_runners_enabled: true + http_url_to_repo: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests.git + id: 14233409 + import_error: null + import_status: none + import_type: null + import_url: null + infrastructure_access_level: enabled + issue_branch_template: null + issues_access_level: enabled + issues_enabled: true + jobs_enabled: true + keep_latest_artifact: true + last_activity_at: '2023-10-26T10:11:52.639Z' + lfs_enabled: true + merge_commit_template: null + merge_method: merge + merge_requests_access_level: enabled + merge_requests_enabled: true + model_experiments_access_level: enabled + monitor_access_level: enabled + name: ogr-tests + name_with_namespace: packit-service / ogr-tests + namespace: + avatar_url: /uploads/-/system/group/avatar/6032704/logo-square-small-borders.png + full_path: packit-service + id: 6032704 + kind: group + name: packit-service + parent_id: null + path: packit-service + web_url: https://gitlab.com/groups/packit-service + only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved: false + only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: false + open_issues_count: 77 + packages_enabled: true + pages_access_level: enabled + path: ogr-tests + path_with_namespace: packit-service/ogr-tests + permissions: + group_access: + access_level: 50 + notification_level: 3 + project_access: null + printing_merge_request_link_enabled: true + public_jobs: true + readme_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests/-/blob/master/README.md + releases_access_level: enabled + remove_source_branch_after_merge: null + repository_access_level: enabled + request_access_enabled: false + requirements_access_level: enabled + requirements_enabled: false + resolve_outdated_diff_discussions: false + restrict_user_defined_variables: false + runner_token_expiration_interval: null + runners_token: GR1348941sWEgsQKmwrxmdNipZmMH + security_and_compliance_access_level: private + security_and_compliance_enabled: true + service_desk_address: contact-project+packit-service-ogr-tests-14233409-issue-@incoming.gitlab.com + service_desk_enabled: true + shared_runners_enabled: true + shared_with_groups: [] + snippets_access_level: enabled + snippets_enabled: true + squash_commit_template: null + squash_option: default_off + ssh_url_to_repo: git@gitlab.com:packit-service/ogr-tests.git + star_count: 0 + suggestion_commit_message: null + tag_list: [] + topics: [] + updated_at: '2023-10-26T10:11:52.639Z' + visibility: public + web_url: https://gitlab.com/packit-service/ogr-tests + wiki_access_level: enabled + wiki_enabled: true + _next: null + elapsed: 0.32582 + encoding: utf-8 + headers: + CF-Cache-Status: MISS + CF-RAY: 81c1ec5acc16b335-PRG + Connection: keep-alive + Content-Encoding: gzip + Content-Type: application/json + Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:12:51 GMT + NEL: '{"success_fraction":0.01,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Report-To: '{"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=pBs1agy3IH13WzHDaQ3ZMMdbCqp9zgW8sFbCc8t8rO1vDQrmyCJaYdCt3gLQLmImXh2CmHuZFRNmZsrayDIWvWZD1ls0b9jR1NPREkEbDZsosLxKzC%2BzvLj6pfw%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Server: cloudflare + Transfer-Encoding: chunked + cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate + content-security-policy: default-src 'none' + etag: W/"7b01d6355044a684cc4e1e1795c63c14" + gitlab-lb: haproxy-main-06-lb-gprd + gitlab-sv: localhost + ratelimit-limit: '2000' + ratelimit-observed: '102' + ratelimit-remaining: '1898' + ratelimit-reset: '1698315231' + ratelimit-resettime: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:13:51 GMT + referrer-policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin + strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 + vary: Origin, Accept-Encoding + x-content-type-options: nosniff + x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN + x-gitlab-meta: '{"correlation_id":"70c943a3d30057f7626a59bb76cd5f2f","version":"1"}' + x-request-id: 70c943a3d30057f7626a59bb76cd5f2f + x-runtime: '0.161043' + raw: !!binary "" + reason: OK + status_code: 200 + https://gitlab.com/api/v4/user: + - 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Fan of open-source, + Haskell, functional programming, containers and Linux. + bot: false + can_create_group: true + can_create_project: true + color_scheme_id: 2 + commit_email: matej.focko@outlook.com + confirmed_at: '2020-07-24T20:00:33.764Z' + created_at: '2016-01-15T21:12:31.705Z' + current_sign_in_at: '2023-10-26T07:11:37.644Z' + discord: '443362586776567810' + email: matej.focko@outlook.com + external: false + extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit: null + id: 375555 + identities: + - extern_uid: mfocko + provider: group_saml + saml_provider_id: 2868 + - extern_uid: 46bd3cb0-73a0-11ea-8e0e-0a58ac142609 + provider: group_saml + saml_provider_id: 1769 + - extern_uid: '8149784' + provider: github + saml_provider_id: null + - extern_uid: '90177795' + provider: twitter + saml_provider_id: null + - extern_uid: '104088596414930556092' + provider: google_oauth2 + saml_provider_id: null + job_title: Associate Software Engineer + last_activity_on: '2023-10-26' + last_sign_in_at: '2023-10-26T01:13:10.123Z' + linkedin: mfocko + local_time: 12:12 PM + location: Brno, Czechia + locked: false + name: Matej Focko + organization: Red Hat + private_profile: false + projects_limit: 100000 + pronouns: he/him/his + public_email: '' + scim_identities: [] + shared_runners_minutes_limit: 2000 + skype: '' + state: active + theme_id: 11 + twitter: m4tt_314 + two_factor_enabled: true + username: mfocko + web_url: https://gitlab.com/mfocko + website_url: https://blog.mfocko.xyz + work_information: Associate Software Engineer at Red Hat + _next: null + elapsed: 0.278019 + encoding: utf-8 + headers: + CF-Cache-Status: MISS + CF-RAY: 81c1ec597989b335-PRG + Connection: keep-alive + Content-Encoding: gzip + Content-Type: application/json + Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:12:50 GMT + NEL: '{"success_fraction":0.01,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Report-To: '{"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=I%2FbC0zpJ2%2BHT5%2BfTlEFfuCG1G1vtXx76t2JYmgUqskukBraQe024uN2CbeKO%2F2HDJ4An7XeivhvHne3tctNBuYlUHvnjeYlQ%2FyLMOXkiLog6am2L7N31qBBw46Y%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}' + Server: cloudflare + Set-Cookie: _cfuvid=ev6SBHjxufkr3YebSfkMaghLsLN0.3507.ZO4rRcbfE-1698315170981-0-604800000; + path=/; domain=.gitlab.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None + Transfer-Encoding: chunked + cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate + content-security-policy: default-src 'none' + etag: W/"d7281956c5d552dfa793a3e436920ab0" + gitlab-lb: haproxy-main-28-lb-gprd + gitlab-sv: localhost + ratelimit-limit: '2000' + ratelimit-observed: '101' + ratelimit-remaining: '1899' + ratelimit-reset: '1698315230' + ratelimit-resettime: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:13:50 GMT + referrer-policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin + strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 + vary: Origin, Accept-Encoding + x-content-type-options: nosniff + x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN + x-gitlab-meta: '{"correlation_id":"1dec00ae3709d6d491cf13c8953fad97","version":"1"}' + x-request-id: 1dec00ae3709d6d491cf13c8953fad97 + x-runtime: '0.038047' + raw: !!binary "" + reason: OK + status_code: 200 diff --git a/tests/integration/gitlab/test_pull_requests.py b/tests/integration/gitlab/test_pull_requests.py index 99b0ad9d..650c3ed0 100644 --- a/tests/integration/gitlab/test_pull_requests.py +++ b/tests/integration/gitlab/test_pull_requests.py @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ # Copyright Contributors to the Packit project. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT - +import gitlab import pytest +from packaging import version from requre.online_replacing import record_requests_for_all_methods from ogr.abstract import CommitStatus, MergeCommitStatus, PRStatus @@ -9,8 +10,17 @@ from tests.integration.gitlab.base import GitlabTests +def is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(): + return version.parse(gitlab.__version__) < version.parse("3.14.0") + + @record_requests_for_all_methods() class PullRequests(GitlabTests): + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_pr_list(self): title = "some special title" pr = self.create_pull_request(title=title) @@ -20,6 +30,17 @@ def test_pr_list(self): assert title == pr_list[0].title pr.close() + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) + def test_mr_list_limit(self): + pr_list = self.project.get_pr_list(status=PRStatus.all) + count = len({pr.id for pr in pr_list}) + # 20 is internal gitlab's limit; there are 84 as of Oct 2023 + assert count > 20 + def test_pr_info(self): pr_info = self.project.get_pr(pr_id=1) assert pr_info @@ -284,6 +305,11 @@ def test_source_project_renamed_upstream(self): assert source_project.namespace == self.service.user.get_username() assert source_project.repo == "ogr-tests" + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_create_pr_upstream_upstream(self): prs_before = len(self.project.get_pr_list(status=PRStatus.open)) pr_upstream_upstream = self.project.create_pr( @@ -300,6 +326,11 @@ def test_create_pr_upstream_upstream(self): self.project.get_pr(pr_upstream_upstream.id).close() assert prs_after == prs_before + 1 + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_create_pr_upstream_forkusername(self): prs_before = len(self.project.get_pr_list(status=PRStatus.open)) pr_upstream_forkusername = self.project.create_pr( @@ -321,6 +352,11 @@ def test_create_pr_upstream_forkusername(self): self.project.get_pr(pr_upstream_forkusername.id).close() assert prs_after == prs_before + 1 + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_create_pr_upstream_fork(self): prs_before = len(self.project.get_pr_list(status=PRStatus.open)) pr_upstream_fork = self.project.get_fork().create_pr( @@ -337,6 +373,11 @@ def test_create_pr_upstream_fork(self): self.project.get_pr(pr_upstream_fork.id).close() assert prs_after == prs_before + 1 + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_pr_create_fork_fork(self): """ Tests creating PR from fork to the fork itself. @@ -362,6 +403,11 @@ def test_pr_create_fork_fork(self): opened_pr.close() assert opened_pr.status == PRStatus.closed + @pytest.mark.skipif( + is_gitlab_version_smaller_than_314(), + reason="URL syntax changed between versions and" + "our requre data don't work with older gitlab versions", + ) def test_create_pr_fork_other_fork(self): username = "jscotka" other_fork = self.service.get_project(