Library provides ability to play contract tests against a provider using Spring & JUnit. This library is based on and references the JUnit package, so see the Pact JUnit 4 or Pact JUnit 5 providers for more details regarding configuration using JUnit.
Standard ways to load pacts from folders and broker
Easy way to change assertion strategy
Spring Test MockMVC Controllers and ControllerAdvice using MockMvc standalone setup.
MockMvc debugger output
Spring WebFlux Controllers and RouterFunctions
Multiple @State runs to test a particular Provider State multiple times
- custom annotation - before each interaction that requires a state change, all methods annotated by
with appropriate the state listed will be invoked.
NOTE: For publishing provider verification results to a pact broker, make sure the Java system property pact.provider.version
is set with the version of your provider.
@RunWith(RestPactRunner.class) // Custom pact runner, child of PactRunner which runs only REST tests
@Provider("myAwesomeService") // Set up name of tested provider
@PactFolder("pacts") // Point where to find pacts (See also section Pacts source in documentation)
public class ContractTest {
//Create an instance of your controller. We cannot autowire this as we're not using (and don't want to use) a Spring test runner.
private AwesomeController awesomeController = new AwesomeController();
//Mock your service logic class. We'll use this to create scenarios for respective provider states.
private AwesomeBusinessLogic awesomeBusinessLogic;
//Create an instance of your controller advice (if you have one). This will be passed to the MockMvcTarget constructor to be wired up with MockMvc.
private AwesomeControllerAdvice awesomeControllerAdvice = new AwesomeControllerAdvice();
//Create a new instance of the MockMvcTarget and annotate it as the TestTarget for PactRunner
public final MockMvcTarget target = new MockMvcTarget();
@Before //Method will be run before each test of interaction
public void before() {
//initialize your mocks using your mocking framework
//configure the MockMvcTarget with your controller and controller advice
@State("default", "no-data") // Method will be run before testing interactions that require "default" or "no-data" state
public void toDefaultState() {
target.setRunTimes(3); //let's loop through this state a few times for a 3 data variants
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.ONE))
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.TWO))
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.THREE));
public void SingleUploadExistsState_Success() {
target.setRunTimes(1); //tell the runner to only loop one time for this state
//you might want to throw exceptions to be picked off by your controller advice
.then(i -> { throw new NotCoolException(i.getArgumentAt(0, UUID.class).toString()); });
@RunWith(RestPactRunner.class) // Custom pact runner, child of PactRunner which runs only REST tests
@Provider("myAwesomeService") // Set up name of tested provider
@PactFolder("pacts") // Point where to find pacts (See also section Pacts source in documentation)
public class AwesomeRouterContractTest {
//Create a new instance of the WebFluxTarget and annotate it as the TestTarget for PactRunner
public WebFluxTarget target = new WebFluxTarget();
//Create instance of your RouterFunction
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routerFunction
= new AwesomeRouter(new AwesomeHandler()).routes();
//Configure the WebFluxTarget with routerFunction
public void setup() {
You can use SpringRestPactRunner
or SpringMessagePactRunner
instead of the default Pact runner to use the Spring test annotations. This will
allow you to inject or mock spring beans. SpringRestPactRunner
is for restful webapps and SpringMessagePactRunner
for async message tests.
For example:
@PactBroker(protocol = "https", host = "${pactBrokerHost}", port = "443",
authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = "${pactBrokerUser}", password = "${pactBrokerPassword}"))
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class PricingServiceProviderPactTest {
private ProductClient productClient; // This will replace the bean with a mock in the application context
@SuppressWarnings(value = "VisibilityModifier")
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(8091);
@State("Product X010000021 exists")
public void setupProductX010000021() throws IOException {
ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder()
when(productClient.fetch((Set<String>) argThat(contains("X010000021")), any())).thenReturn(product);
@State("the product code X00001 can be priced")
public void theProductCodeX00001CanBePriced() throws IOException {
ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder()
when(productClient.find((Set<String>) argThat(contains("X00001")), any())).thenReturn(product);
The SpringRestPactRunner will look up any annotation expressions (like ${pactBrokerHost}
above) from the Spring context. For Springboot, this will allow you to define the properties in the application test properties.
For instance, if you create the following application.yml
in the test resources:
host: ""
port: "443"
protocol: "https"
username: "<your broker username>"
password: "<your broker password>"
Then you can use the defaults on the @PactBroker
@Provider("My Service")
authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = "${pactbroker.auth.username}", password = "${pactbroker.auth.password}")
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class PactVerificationTest {
If you use a random port in a springboot test (by setting SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT
), you need to set it to the TestTarget
. How this works is different for JUnit4 and JUnit5.
You can use the
which will get the application port from the spring application context.
For example:
@Provider("My Service")
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class PactVerificationTest {
public final Target target = new SpringBootHttpTarget();
You actually don't need to dependend on pact-jvm-provider-spring
for this. It's sufficient to depend on pact-jvm-provider-junit5
You can set the port to the HttpTestTarget
object in the before method.
@Provider("My Service")
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class PactVerificationTest {
private int port;
void before(PactVerificationContext context) {
context.setTarget(new HttpTestTarget("localhost", port));
We are tracking anonymous analytics to gather important usage statistics like JVM version and operating system. To disable tracking, set the 'pact_do_not_track' system property or environment variable to 'true'.