Read in TDT files analyze resp data.
created repository with gitignore file and read me file gitignore is a file used to make sure data is not deposited to github we can add different file types to be ignored by adding the file type to the ignore list e.g. *.mp4 using astrix astrix are place holders that anything before is ok but anything after will be ignored readme will explain the notebook resp env was created with python required for spikeinterface is 3.10.9 numpy verison is rewuired is 1.26.4
conda install python==3.10.9
conda install numpy==1.26.4
conda install pandas==2.2.3
conda install scipy
conda install matplotlib==3.10.0
pip install spikeinterface==0.100.6
pip install TDT==0.6.6
pip install NeuroKit2==0.2.10
ctrl+shift+l then backspace this is a cell control funtion that allows me to edit my cell info by being able to erase the same words in a line and then type in those line the word i want to replace