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asyncmachine-go is a declarative control flow library implementing AOP and Actor Model through a clock-based state machine.

/pkg/node provides distributed workflows via state-based orchestration of worker pools. Features a failsafe supervision, as well as state machines for workers and clients. All actors communicate via aRPC, as each worker is started in a separate OS process.


import amnode ""

Workflow Rules

  • worker can serve only 1 client
  • supervisor can serve many clients
  • client has a direct connection to the worker
  • supervisor can supervise only 1 kind of workers
  • client can be connected to 1 supervisor


Node Worker and RPC Worker are different things. RPC Worker reports it's state to the RPC Client, which can mutate it, while a Node Worker performs work for a Node Client. Node Worker is also an RPC Worker, just like Node Supervisor is.


  • OS starts the supervisor
  • supervisor opens a public port
  • supervisor starts workers based on pool criteria
  • supervisor connects to all the workers via private ports
  • client connects to supervisor's public port and requests a worker
  • supervisor confirms with a worker and provides the client with connection info
  • client connects to the worker, and delegates work via states
  • worker reports state changes to both the client and supervisor
  • supervisor maintains the worker, eg triggers log rotation, monitors errors and restarts
  • worker delivers payload to the client via ClientSendPayload




Any state machine can be exposed as a Node Worker, as long as it implements /pkg/node/states.WorkerStructDef. This can be done either manually, or by using state helpers (StructMerge, SAdd), or by generating a states file with am-gen. It's also required to have the states verified by Machine.VerifyStates. Worker should respond to WorkRequested and produce ClientSendPayload to send data to the client.

import (
    am ""
    amnode ""
    arpc ""

// ...

type workerHandlers struct {
    t *testing.T

func (w *workerHandlers) WorkRequestedState(e *am.Event) {
    // client-defined input
    input := e.Args["input"].(int)

    // create payload
    payload := &rpc.ArgsPayload{
        Name:   "mypayload",
        Data:   input * input,
        Source: e.Machine.ID,

    // send payload
    e.Machine.Add1(ssW.ClientSendPayload, arpc.Pass(&arpc.A{
        Name:    payload.Name,
        Payload: payload,

// ...

// inherit from Node worker
ssStruct := am.StructMerge(ssnode.WorkerStruct, am.Struct{
    "Foo": {Require: am.S{"Bar"}},
    "Bar": {},
ssNames := am.SAdd(ssnode.WorkerStates.Names(), am.S{"Foo", "Bar"})

// init
mach := am.New(ctx, ssStruct, nil)
worker, err := NewWorker(ctx, workerKind, mach.GetStruct(), mach.StateNames(), nil)


Supervisor needs a path to the worker's binary (with optional parameters) for exec.Command. It exposes states like Ready, PoolReady, WorkersAvailable and awaits ProvideWorker.

import (
    am ""
    amnode ""

// ...

var ssNames am.S
var ssStruct am.Struct
var workerKind string
var workerBin []string

// supervisor
super, err := amnode.NewSupervisor(ctx, workerKind, workerBin, ssStruct, ssNames, nil)
if err != nil {
err := amhelp.WaitForAll(ctx, 2*time.Second,
    super.When1(ssnode.SupervisorStates.PoolReady, ctx))


Any state machine can a Node Client, as long as it implements /pkg/node/states.ClientStructDef. This can be done either manually, or by using state helpers (StructMerge, SAdd), or by generating a states file with am-gen. Client also needs to know his worker's states structure and order. To connect to the worker pool, client accepts a list of supervisor addresses (PubSub discovery in on the roadmap), and will be trying to connect to them in order. After SuperReady activates, client can call Client.ReqWorker(ctx), which will request a worker from the supervisor, resulting in WorkerReady. At this point client can access the worker at Client.WorkerRpc.Worker, add WorkRequested multiple times, and handle WorkerPayload.

import (
    am ""
    amnode ""

// ...

var ssWorkerNames am.S
var ssWorkerStruct am.Struct
var workerKind string
var superAddrs []string

// inherit from Node client
ssStruct := am.StructMerge(ssnode.ClientStruct, am.Struct{
    "Foo": {Require: am.S{"Bar"}},
    "Bar": {},
ssNames := am.SAdd(ssnode.ClientStates.Names(), am.S{"Foo", "Bar"})

// describe client and worker
deps := &ClientStateDeps{
    WorkerSStruct: ssWorkerStruct,
    WorkerSNames:  ssWorkerNames,
    ClientSStruct: states.ClientStruct,
    ClientSNames:  states.ClientStates.Names(),

// init
client, err := amnode.NewClient(ctx, "myclient", workerKind, deps, nil)
err := amhelp.WaitForAll(ctx, 2*time.Second,
    super.When1(ssnode.ClientStates.SuperReady, ctx))

// request a worker
err := amhelp.WaitForAll(ctx, 2*time.Second,
    super.When1(ssnode.ClientStates.WorkerReady, ctx))
worker := client.WorkerRpc.Worker
worker.Add1(ssnode.WorkerStates.WorkRequested, am.A{"input": 2})


  • supervisor redundancy
  • connecting to a pool of supervisors +rotation



At this point only a test suite exists, but a reference implementation is on the way. See /pkg/node/node_test.go, eg TestClientWorkerPayload and uncomment amhelp.EnableDebugging. Below a command to run an exported debugging session (no installation needed).

go run \
  --select-machine ns-TCSF-dev-170605-0 \
  --select-transition 1 \


Alpha, work in progress, not semantically versioned.


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