注:Meta Path 是一条包含relation序列的路径,而这些 relation 定义在不同类型object之间
Heterogeneous graphs (HGs) are composed of different types of entities and relations
aiming to learn a function that maps input space into lower-dimensional space while preserving heterogeneous structure and semantic
specific in HG
- Semantic dependent graph structure, e.g., meta-path structure can be very different when considering different types of relations; (如何定义异质图)
- different types of nodes and edges have different attributes located in different feature spaces;(不同类型的节点和边怎么定义特征、初始化)
- Application dependent, need sufficient domain knowledge for meta-path/meta-graph selection
Shallow models
Deep models
- message-passing based
- encoder-decoder based
- adversarial based
heterogeneous graph Definition
A HG is defned as a graph
Each node
Meta-path Definition
A meta-path
with node types
For example, the meta-path APA indicates the co-author relationship and APCPA represents the co-conference relation
Meta-graph Definition
A directed acyclic graph (DAG) composed of multiple meta-paths with common nodes. Formally, meta-graph is defned as
Heterogeneous Graph Embedding Definition
Heterogeneous graph embedding aims to learn a function