Breaking changes are in 🔥 bold and on fire.
ReactPlayer v2.0 uses React lazy loading to only load the players required based on the url
prop passed in. Previous versions of ReactPlayer would include the code for all players, regardless of what type of player is used.
Because of this, 🔥 single player imports are now redundant, and have been removed. Instead of importing single players, you can safely import from react-player
and only the relevant player will be loaded if you only use one type of url
// Before
import YouTubePlayer from 'react-player/lib/players/YouTube'
// After
import YouTubePlayer from 'react-player'
Due to the use of lazy
and Suspense
, 🔥 React 16.6 or later is now required.
The preload
config option was originally added to solve a very specific use case a very long time ago. Modern browsers are trending towards disabling autoplay by default, which makes the preload behaviour quite useless. The implementation was also quite hacky, and added to the bundle size for a feature that seems to be very rarely used. For this reason, 🔥 the preload
option has been removed.
🔥 Deprecated config props have been removed. Previously these props still worked, but with a console warning.
// Before
youtubeConfig={{ playerVars: { showinfo: 1 } }}
// After
config={{ youtube: { playerVars: { showinfo: 1 } }}}
It is also worth noting that you no longer need to use separate config keys for different players. For example, if you are only ever using one type of url
you can put player-specific options directly inside config
// Before
youtubeConfig={{ playerVars: { showinfo: 1 } }}
// After
config={{ playerVars: { showinfo: 1 } }}
Previously, instance methods would be called using refs. They still can, but in v2.0, onReady
is called with the ReactPlayer instance, giving you the option of storing the instance and calling methods on it. This is especially useful when using getInternalPlayer
// Before
class Player extends Component {
ref = player => {
this.player = player // Store a player that may not be ready for methods
this.player.getInternalPlayer() // Returns null if player is not ready
handleReady = () => {
this.player.getInternalPlayer() // Internal player now ready
render () {
return (
<ReactPlayer ref={this.ref} onReady={this.handleReady} />
// After
class Player extends Component {
handleReady = player => {
this.player = player // Store a player that is ready for methods
this.player.getInternalPlayer() // Internal player now ready
render () {
return (
<ReactPlayer onReady={this.handleReady} />