# Development options # App core values APP_DOMAIN="localhost:3000" APP_PROTOCOL="http://" FOREM_OWNER_SECRET="secret" # Community Related Variables COMMUNITY_NAME="DEV(local)" # Email related variables DEFAULT_EMAIL="yo@dev.to" # Service timeout length RACK_TIMEOUT_WAIT_TIMEOUT=100_000 RACK_TIMEOUT_SERVICE_TIMEOUT=100_000 # Heroku release slug used to bust caches on deploys HEROKU_RELEASE_CREATED_AT="" HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT="" # Redis caching storage REDIS_URL="redis://localhost:6379" # Redis sessions storage REDIS_SESSIONS_URL="redis://localhost:6379" SESSION_KEY="_Dev_Community_Session" # two weeks in seconds SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS=1209600 # Redis Sidekiq storage REDIS_SIDEKIQ_URL="redis://localhost:6379" # Redis Devices/Rpush storage REDIS_RPUSH_URL="redis://localhost:6379" # OpenResty OPENRESTY_URL="" # SSL config FORCE_SSL_IN_RAILS="not applicable in dev" # Postgres DB # Used when creating a db instance `rails db:create` DATABASE_NAME="Forem_development" # This takes precedence over `DATABASE_NAME` if they don't match DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost:5432/Forem_development" # Specifies the number of Puma threads RAILS_MAX_THREADS=5 # Specifies the number of `workers` to boot in clustered mode. WEB_CONCURRENCY=2 # The number of concurrent connections to Postgres. If unset the value of RAILS_MAX_THREADS will be used in it's place. DATABASE_POOL_SIZE=5 DATABASE_NAME_TEST=Forem_test # Differentiate test db from dev db. Test DB is wiped on each test run. DATABASE_URL_TEST="postgresql://localhost:5432/Forem_test" # Rails # Set to 'production' when deploying for security and performance. RAILS_ENV="development" # Node # Set to 'production' when deploying for security and performance. NODE_ENV="development" ################################################ ######### Optional 3rd Party Services ########## ################################################ # Honeybadger for error tracking # (https://docs.honeybadger.io/lib/ruby/getting-started/introduction.html) HONEYBADGER_API_KEY="Optional" HONEYBADGER_JS_API_KEY="Optional" # AWS for images storages AWS_ID= AWS_SECRET= AWS_BUCKET_NAME= AWS_UPLOAD_REGION= # AWS for video storage AWS_S3_INPUT_BUCKET="Optional" AWS_S3_VIDEO_ID="Optional" AWS_S3_VIDEO_KEY="Optional" # Buffer for sending to buffer # This is legacy, as Buffer no longer supports this functionality for NEW accounts. # DEV is still using this for now. # (https://buffer.com/developers/api) BUFFER_ACCESS_TOKEN="Optional" BUFFER_FACEBOOK_ID="Optional" BUFFER_LINKEDIN_ID="Optional" BUFFER_PROFILE_ID=0 BUFFER_TWITTER_ID="Optional" BUFFER_LISTINGS_PROFILE="Optional" # Cloudinary for image resizing and cache?? # (https://cloudinary.com/documentation/rails_integration) CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= CLOUDINARY_SECURE=true # HTML/CSS to Image for generating social preview images # (https://docs.htmlcsstoimage.com/example-code/ruby) HCTI_API_USER_ID="Optional" HCTI_API_KEY="Optional" # Fastly for edge caching # (https://docs.fastly.com/api/) FASTLY_API_KEY="" FASTLY_SERVICE_ID="" # Honeycomb for monitoring and observability # (https://www.honeycomb.io/) HONEYCOMB_API_KEY="" # Google analytics 3/Universal Analytics # (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4) # When blank don't render Google Analytics. GA_TRACKING_ID="" # Google analytics 4/Tag Manager # (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1) # When blank don't render Google Analytics 4. GA_ANALYTICS_4_ID="" # Mailchimp for mails # (https://mailchimp.com/developer/) MAILCHIMP_API_KEY="Optional-valid" # Google recaptcha (Optional) # (https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/intro) RECAPTCHA_SECRET= RECAPTCHA_SITE= # Slack for customer alerts # (https://api.slack.com/) SLACK_CHANNEL="" SLACK_DEPLOY_CHANNEL="" SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="" # For video calling in DEV Connect # (https://www.twilio.com/docs/video) TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID="Optional" TWILIO_VIDEO_API_KEY="Optional" TWILIO_VIDEO_API_SECRET="Optional" # For Twitch live stream integration # (https://dev.twitch.tv/docs) TWITCH_CLIENT_ID="Optional" TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET="Optional" TWITCH_WEBHOOK_SECRET="Optional" # For calling the Stack Exchange API # (https://api.stackexchange.com/docs) STACK_EXCHANGE_APP_KEY="" # For calling the Github API # (https://docs.github.com/) GITHUB_KEY="Optional" GITHUB_SECRET="Optional" # For SMTP configuration SMTP_ADDRESS= SMTP_PORT= SMTP_DOMAIN= SMTP_USER_NAME= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_AUTHENTICATION= # Disable simplecov coverage testing when running rspec locally COVERAGE="false"