A package for casting audio to streaming devices such as Hi-Fi systems and streaming sticks, written in pure Dart.
This project is under active development. Features might not work as expected. Chromecast and Airplay support will be added in the future.
AudioCast.initialize(); //start discovery
AudioCast.deviceStream.listen((devices){}) //monitor devices
await AudioCast.connectToDevice(device); //connect to a device
await AudioCast.castAudioFromUrl('https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-1.mp3'); //cast audio
await AudioCast.pause(); //pause audio
await AudioCast.play(); //resume audio
await AudioCast.fastForward(); //(10 seconds by default)
await AudioCast.rewind(); //(10 seconds by default)
Duration position = await AudioCast.getPosition(); //get the current playback position
await AudioCast.setPosition(const Duration(seconds: 30)); //set the playback position to 00:00:30
await AudioCast.increaseVolume(); //increase the volume (1 by default)
await AudioCast.lowerVolume(); //lower the volume (1 by default)
int currentVolume = await AudioCast.getVolume(); //get the current volume
await AudioCast.setVolume(3); // set the volume of the connected device to 3
await AudioCast.disconnect(); //disconnect from the connected device
AudioCast.shutdown(); //stop device discovery
Feature | Android | iOS | Linux | macOS | Windows |
Chromecast | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | |
DLNA / UPnP | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Airplay |