In order to compile rosbag_wrapper into a mex function so that it can be used on a machine without ROS we need to statically compile all of the libraries that the C++ ROS bag API depends on. To make things harder, mex files are shared object files and so each statically linked library must have been compiled with the -fPIC flag. See this page for a description of -fPIC.
Even if you only want to compile code for your machine, Matlab comes with its own version of several libraries used by ROS -- most notably Boost -- and these versions may be incompatible with your system version. So, you'll either need to statically compile boost, or compile and link against the version that Matlab uses.
Generate install file and download necessary packages
mkdir ~/matbag_ws && cd ~/matbag_ws
wget -O base.rosinstall
rosinstall --catkin -n src base.rosinstall
rm src/CMakeLists.txt
src/catkin/bin/catkin_init_workspace src
Modify src/CMakeLists.txt so that the lines after cmake_minimum_required() are:
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo)
By compiling out logging with ROSCONSOLE_SEVERITY_NONE, we don't need to build log4cxx or any of its dependencies. Now build the ROS libraries.
All of the libraries should now be in matbag_ws/install/lib
./bjam cxxflags='-fPIC' --build-dir=mybuild --with-regex --with-system \
--stagedir=$HOME/matab_ws/install/ link=static stage
Add -fPIC to the CFLAGS line in the Makefile.
make install PREFIX=$HOME/matbag_ws/install
Clone the repository and use the build script
cd ~/matbag_ws/src
git clone git://
cd matlab_rosbag/src
You'll need to compile static libraries for the following packages:
rosbag rosconsole rostime roscpp_serialization roscpp
To compile static libraries go to a package's build folder and enter:
cmake .. -DROS_BUILD_STATIC_LIBS:=true && make
Now check in ../lib and copy the static version of the library to LIB_DIR. where LIB_DIR is a directory where you will put all of the static libraries.
./bjam cxxflags='-fPIC' --build-dir=mybuild \
--with-regex --with-thread --with-signals --with-filesystem \
--with-system link=static stag
cp stage/lib/* LIB_DIR
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/install
make install
cp install/lib/libexpt.a LIB_DIR
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/install
make install
cp .libs/libapr-1.a LIB_DIR
IMPORTANT: On OS X I had to compile the APR implementation of iconv() and compile apr-util against that. On Ubuntu 11.10, I didn't have to do this.
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --with-apr=../apr-1.4.6/ --prefix=$(pwd)/install
make install
cp lib/.libs/libapriconv-1.a LIB_DIR
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure \
--with-iconv=../apr-iconv-1.2.1/install \
--with-apr=../apr-1.4.6/install \
cp .libs/libapr-1.a LIB_DIR
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/install \
--with-apr=../apr-1.4.6/install \
make install
cp install/lib/liblog4cxx.a LIB_DIR