diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/Makefile b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/Makefile
index 2bed38949e2a..12aacc61289e 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/Makefile
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF
 MASTER_SITES=	# empty
diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/bin/quaggactl b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/bin/quaggactl
index 28f8265d7e92..bac65dfa1a63 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/bin/quaggactl
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/bin/quaggactl
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ zebra)
 		daemon_command ${ZEBRA_PORT} ${ZEBRA_PASSWORD} "show ip route bgp"
+	run*)
+		daemon_command ${ZEBRA_PORT} ${ZEBRA_PASSWORD} "enable\nshow running-config "
+		;;
 	esac ;;
 	if [ "`pgrep ospfd`" = "" ]; then
@@ -87,6 +90,22 @@ ospf*)
 		daemon_command ${OSPF_PORT} ${OSPF_PASSWORD} "show ip ospf route"
+	run*)
+		daemon_command ${OSPF_PORT} ${OSPF_PASSWORD} "enable\nshow running-config"
+		;;
+	cos*)
+		if [ -z "$3" ] || [ -z "$4" ]; then
+			echo "interface or cost not properly specified."
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		case $4 in
+			0)
+				daemon_command ${OSPF_PORT} ${OSPF_PASSWORD} "enable\nconfig terminal\ninterface $3\nno ip ospf cost\nend"
+				;;
+			*)
+				daemon_command ${OSPF_PORT} ${OSPF_PASSWORD} "enable\nconfig terminal\ninterface $3\nip ospf cost $4\nend"
+				;;
+		esac ;;
 	esac ;;
         if [ "`pgrep bgpd`" = "" ]; then
@@ -115,5 +134,8 @@ bgp*)
 		shift; shift;
 		daemon_command ${BGP_PORT} ${BGP_PASSWORD} "show ip bgp summary $*"
+	run*)
+		daemon_command ${BGP_PORT} ${BGP_PASSWORD} "enable\nshow running-config"
+		;;
 	esac ;;
diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.inc b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.inc
index 894f4e01b7b3..e0a790038d8d 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.inc
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.inc
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() {
 	// generate ospfd.conf based on the assistant
 	if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'])) {
 		$ospfd_conf = &$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'][0];
-	} elseif (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])  ||
-	    isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospf6d']) ||
-	    isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd'])) {
+	} elseif (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])
+        || isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospf6d'])
+        || isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd'])) {
 		log_error("Quagga: No assistant generated config for OSPF, but found raw config for one or more daemon");
 	} else {
 		log_error("Quagga OSPFd: No config data found.");
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() {
 	if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])
-	    && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])) {
+        && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])) {
 		// if there is a raw config specifyed in tthe config.xml use that instead of the assisted config
 		$conffile = str_replace("\r","",base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd']));
 	} else {
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() {
 	/* Make zebra config */
 	if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra'])
-	    && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra'])) {
+        && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra'])) {
 		// if there is a raw config specifyed in tthe config.xml use that instead of the assisted config
 		$zebraconffile = str_replace("\r", "", base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra']));
 	} else {
@@ -291,11 +291,10 @@ function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() {
 	/* Make bgpd config, add password and logging */
 	if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd'])
-	    && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd'])) {
+        && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd'])) {
 		// if there is a raw config specified in the config.xml use that instead of the assisted config
 		$bgpdconffile = str_replace("\r","",base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['bgpd']));
-	}
-	else {
+	} else {
 		$bgpdconffile = "# This file was created by the pfSense package manager.  Do not edit!\n\n";
 		if ($ospfd_conf['password']) {
 			$bgpdconffile .= "password {$ospfd_conf['password']}\n";
@@ -324,39 +323,81 @@ function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() {
 			fwrite($fd, $bgpdaddmd5file);
 		if ($bgpddelmd5file != "") {
 			$fd = fopen("{$quagga_config_base}/bgpddelmd5pw.conf", "w");
 			fwrite($fd, $bgpddelmd5file);
-        /* Make ospf6 config */
+	/* Make ospf6 config */
 	if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospf6d'])
 	    && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospf6d'])) {
 		// if there is a raw config specified in the config.xml use that instead of the assisted config
 		$ospf6dconffile = str_replace("\r","",base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospf6d']));
 	} else {
-        	$ospf6dconffile = "";
+		$ospf6dconffile = "";
 	$fd = fopen("{$quagga_config_base}/ospf6d.conf", "w");
 	fwrite($fd, $ospf6dconffile);
+    //UPGRADE PATH - Checks if legacy "CARP Disable" mode was previously in use proior to 0.6.20; if previously in use, sets "carpmode" to "quaggadisable". If not in use, sets "carpmode" to "none".
+    if (!isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode'])) {
+        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP failover mode upgrade initializing");
+        if (strpos($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'],'_vip') !== false) {
+            $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] = "quaggadisable";
+            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP failover mode established as 'quaggadisable'");
+        } else {
+            $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] = "none";
+            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP failover mode established as 'none'");
+        }
+        write_config( $desc = gettext("Quagga_OSPFd: Upgraded failover method for legacy configurations of Quagga_OSPFD") );
+        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP failover upgrade complete");
+    }
 	$carp_ip_status_check = "";
-	if (isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) && $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] != "none") {
-		$vip = get_configured_vip($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']);
-		$carpcheckinterface = escapeshellarg(get_real_interface($vip['interface']));
-		$vhid = escapeshellarg("vhid {$vip['vhid']}");
-		$carp_ip_status_check = <<<EOF
+    if ((isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) && $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "quaggadisable") && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) && $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] != "none")) {
+        $vip = get_configured_vip($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']);
+        $carpcheckinterface = escapeshellarg(get_real_interface($vip['interface']));
+        $vhid = escapeshellarg("vhid {$vip['vhid']}");
+        $carp_ip_status_check = <<<EOF
 CARP_STATUS=`/sbin/ifconfig {$carpcheckinterface} | /usr/bin/grep 'carp:' | /usr/bin/grep {$vhid} | /usr/bin/awk '{print \$2;}'`
 if [ \${CARP_STATUS} != "MASTER" ]; then
+	logger "Quagga: CARP \"Quagga Disable\" Mode - Interface {$carpcheckinterface} is NOT in MASTER state, exiting";
-	}
+    }
+    $carp_ospfcost_status_check = "";
+    if ((isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) && $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "ospfcost")
+        && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid']) && substr($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid'],0,4) != "none")
+        && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']) && isset($ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost']))
+        && ($ospfd_conf['carpactivecost'] >= 0 && $ospfd_conf['carpactivecost'] <= 65535)
+        && ($ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost'] >= 0 && $ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost'] <= 65535)) {
+        $control_script = "/usr/local/bin/quaggactl";
+        $carpvips = explode(",",$ospfd_conf['carpcostvid']);
+        foreach ($carpvips as $vips) {
+            $vip = get_configured_vip($vips);
+            $phyint = get_real_interface($vip['interface']);
+            $carpcheckinterface = escapeshellarg(get_real_interface($vip['interface']));
+            $vhid = escapeshellarg("vhid {$vip['vhid']}");
+            $carp_ospfcost_status_check .= <<<EOF
+CARP_STATUS=`/sbin/ifconfig {$carpcheckinterface} | /usr/bin/grep 'carp:' | /usr/bin/grep {$vhid} | /usr/bin/awk '{print \$2;}'`
+if [ \${CARP_STATUS} == "MASTER" ]; then
+	{$control_script} ospf cost {$phyint} {$ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']};
+	logger "Quagga: CARP \"OSPF Cost\" Mode - Interface {$carpcheckinterface} is in MASTER state, OSPF cost set to {$ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']}";
+	{$control_script} ospf cost {$phyint} {$ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost']};
+	logger "Quagga: CARP \"OSPF Cost\" Mode - Interface {$carpcheckinterface} is NOT in MASTER state, OSPF cost set to {$ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost']}";
+        }
+    }
 	// Create rc.d file
@@ -422,6 +463,7 @@ fi
 [ -s {$quagga_config_base}/ospf6d.conf ] && /usr/local/sbin/ospf6d -d -f {$quagga_config_base}/ospf6d.conf
 [ -s {$quagga_config_base}/bgpdaddmd5pw.conf ] && /sbin/setkey -f {$quagga_config_base}/bgpdaddmd5pw.conf
 [ -s {$quagga_config_base}/bgpd.conf ] && /usr/local/sbin/bgpd -d -f {$quagga_config_base}/bgpd.conf
@@ -439,18 +481,20 @@ EOF;
 	mwexec("/bin/chmod u+rw,go-rw {$quagga_config_base}/bgpd.conf");
 	// Kick off newly created rc.d script
-	if (isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) && $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] != "none") {
+	if ((isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) && $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "quaggadisable") && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) && $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] != "none")) {
 		$status = get_carp_interface_status($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']);
 		switch (strtoupper($status)) {
 			// Stop the service if the VIP is in BACKUP or INIT state.
 			case "BACKUP":
 			case "INIT":
 				mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh stop");
+				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP \"Quagga Disable\" Mode - Interface {$carpcheckinterface} is NOT in MASTER state, exiting");
 			// Start the service if the VIP is MASTER state.
 			case "MASTER":
 			// Assume it's up if the status can't be determined.
+				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: CARP \"Quagga Disable\" Mode - Interface {$carpcheckinterface} is in MASTER state, starting");
 				mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh restart");
@@ -517,22 +561,83 @@ function quagga_ospfd_plugin_carp($pluginparams) {
 		return null;
 	/* If there is no properly configured CARP status check IP, then stop */
-	if (!isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) || $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] == "none") {
-		return null;
-	}
-	list($vhid, $iface) = explode("@", trim($pluginparams['interface']));
-	$friendly = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($iface);
-	$vip = get_configured_vip($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']);
-	if ($vip['vhid'] != $vhid || $vip['interface'] != $friendly) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	/* Start or stop the service as needed based on the CARP transition. */
-	if ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpmaster") {
-		start_service("Quagga OSPFd");
-	} elseif ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpbackup") {
-		stop_service("Quagga OSPFd");
-	}
+    if (!isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) || $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "none") {
+        syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Quagga: CARP failover mode not set.");
+        return null;
+    }
+    /* Verify "quaggadisable" parameters are properly set.*/
+    if ( $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "quaggadisable" && (!isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) || $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] == "none")) {
+        syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Quagga: Failed checking CARP mode parameters: {$ospfd_conf['carpmode']}");
+    return null;
+    }
+    /* Verify "carpmode" parameters are properly set.*/
+    if ( $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "ospfcost" && (!isset($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid'])
+        || substr($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid'],0,4) == "none")
+        || !isset($ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']) || !isset($ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost'])
+        || ($ospfd_conf['carpactivecost'] < 0 || $ospfd_conf['carpactivecost'] > 65535)
+        || ($ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost'] < 0 || $ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost'] > 65535)) {
+        syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Quagga: Failed checking CARP mode parameters: {$ospfd_conf['carpmode']}");
+        return null;
+    }
+    list($vhid, $iface) = explode("@", trim($pluginparams['interface']));
+    $friendly = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($iface);
+    switch ($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) {
+        case "quaggadisable":
+            syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: CARP mode {$ospfd_conf['carpmode']}");
+            $vip = get_configured_vip($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']);
+            syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: CARP VHID and Interface {$vip['vhid']},{$vip['interface']}");
+            if ($vip['vhid'] != $vhid || $vip['interface'] != $friendly) {
+                return null;
+            }
+            /* Start or stop the service as needed based on the CARP transition. */
+            if ((isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) && $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "quaggadisable") && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid']) && $ospfd_conf['carpstatusvid'] != "none")) {
+                if ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpmaster") {
+                    start_service("Quagga OSPFd");
+                } elseif ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpbackup") {
+                    stop_service("Quagga OSPFd");
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case "ospfcost":
+            syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: CARP mode {$ospfd_conf['carpmode']}");
+            $carpvips = explode(",",$ospfd_conf['carpcostvid']);
+            $match = FALSE;
+            $i = 0;
+            foreach ($carpvips as $vip) {
+                $vips[$i] = get_configured_vip($vip);
+                if (($vips[$i]['vhid'] == $vhid) && ($vips[$i]['interface'] == $friendly)){
+                    $match = TRUE;
+                    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: CARP VHID and Interface {$vips[$i]['vhid']} {$vips[$i]['interface']}");
+                    $phyint = get_real_interface($vips[$i]['interface']);
+                    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: CARP Interface identified {$phyint}");
+                    }
+                $i++;
+            }
+            unset($vip);
+            if ($match != TRUE){
+                syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Quagga: Couldn't find an Interface or VHID match!");
+                return null;
+            }
+            /* Shift OSPF cost up or downas needed based on the CARP transition. */
+            $control_script = "/usr/local/bin/quaggactl";
+            if ((isset($ospfd_conf['carpmode']) && $ospfd_conf['carpmode'] == "ospfcost") && (isset($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid']) && substr($ospfd_conf['carpcostvid'],0,4) != "none")) {
+                if ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpmaster") {
+                    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: Shifted OSPF Master cost on {$phyint} to {$ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']}");
+                    mwexec("{$control_script} ospf cost {$phyint} {$ospfd_conf['carpactivecost']}");
+                    return null;
+                } elseif ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpbackup") {
+                    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Quagga: Shifted OSPF Backup cost on {$phyint} to {$ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost']}");
+                    mwexec("{$control_script} ospf cost {$phyint} {$ospfd_conf['carpbackupcost']}");
+                    return null;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+    }
 /* The following function checks for the presence of and writes the contents of "/var/etc/quagga/$module.conf" into the $module . "running" field within the config.xml file  */
@@ -547,11 +652,10 @@ function write_quagga_running_config($module) {
 	if ( file_exists( $moduleRunningFile ) && ( filesize( $moduleRunningFile ) > 0 ) ) {
 		$moduleRunning = fopen( "$moduleRunningFile", "r" );
 		$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0][$module . "running"] = base64_encode( fread( $moduleRunning, filesize($moduleRunningFile) ));
- 	}
-	else {
+ 	} else {
 		$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0][$module . "running"] = base64_encode("!!!!! {$module}.conf does not exist or is empty.");
-	write_config( $write_config_only = true );
+	write_config( $desc = gettext("Quagga_OSPFd: Wrote {$module}.conf startup-config to pfSense config file."), $backup = false, $write_config_only = true );
diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.xml b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.xml
index 0c103aa7ebd1..5ccb6d967d99 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.xml
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/pkg/quagga_ospfd.xml
@@ -225,18 +225,68 @@
+		<field>
+			<fielddescr>CARP Mode</fielddescr>
+			<fieldname>carpmode</fieldname>
+			<description>
+				<![CDATA[
+				Determines OSPF behavior when used in conjunction with CARP.<br /><b>"Quagga Disable"</b> mode keeps Quagga disabled on backup unit until it is active.<br /><b>"OSPF Cost"</b> mode dynamically changes OSPF cost allowing both firwalls to have an active routing table.<br />
+				]]>
+			</description>
+			<type>select</type>
+			<default_value>none</default_value>
+			<options>
+				<option><name>None (Do not track CARP status) (default)</name><value>none</value></option>
+				<option><name>Quagga Disable (Disable Quagga if backup)</name><value>quaggadisable</value></option>
+				<option><name>OSPF Cost (Dynamically change OSPF cost)</name><value>ospfcost</value></option>
+			</options>
+		</field>
 			<fielddescr>CARP Status IP</fielddescr>
-				Used to determine the CARP status. When the CARP vhid is in BACKUP status, quagga will not be started.<br />
+				<b>For "Quagga Disable" mode.</b> Used to determine the CARP status. When the CARP vhid is in BACKUP status, quagga will not be started.<br />
+				]]>
+			</description>
+			<type>select_source</type>
+			<source><![CDATA[quagga_ospfd_get_carp_list()]]></source>
+			<source_name>name</source_name>
+			<source_value>value</source_value>
+		</field>
+		<field>
+			<fielddescr>OSPF Cost Interfaces</fielddescr>
+			<fieldname>carpcostvid</fieldname>
+			<description>
+				<![CDATA[
+				<b>For "OSPF Cost" mode.</b> Select interfaces for dynamic OSPF cost changes based on CARP Master/Backup status.<br />
+			<multiple></multiple>
+		</field>
+		<field>
+			<fielddescr>CARP OSPF Active Cost</fielddescr>
+			<fieldname>carpactivecost</fieldname>
+			<description>
+				<![CDATA[
+				<b>For "OSPF Cost" mode.</b> OSPF cost on selected interfaces when CARP Master. (Range 1-65535 or 0 for default/auto cost)<br />
+				]]>
+			</description>
+			<type>input</type>
+		</field>
+		<field>
+			<fielddescr>CARP OSPF Backup Cost</fielddescr>
+			<fieldname>carpbackupcost</fieldname>
+			<description>
+				<![CDATA[
+				<b>For "OSPF Cost" mode.</b> OSPF cost on selected interfaces when CARP Backup. (Range 1-65535 or 0 for default/auto cost)<br />
+				]]>
+			</description>
+			<type>input</type>
diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/www/status_ospfd.php b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/www/status_ospfd.php
index 57c2f4d044c2..cbb7eaa45273 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/www/status_ospfd.php
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-Quagga_OSPF/files/usr/local/www/status_ospfd.php
@@ -78,8 +78,11 @@ function doCmdT($title, $command) {
 defCmdT("Quagga BGP IPv6 Routes", "{$control_script} bgp6 route");
 defCmdT("Quagga BGP Neighbors", "{$control_script} bgp neighbor");
 defCmdT("Quagga BGP Summary", "{$control_script} bgp sum");
+defCmdT("Quagga ospfd running-config", "{$control_script} ospf run");
 defCmdT("Quagga ospfd.conf", "/bin/cat {$pkg_homedir}/ospfd.conf");
+defCmdT("Quagga bgpd running-config", "{$control_script} bgp run");
 defCmdT("Quagga bgpd.conf", "/bin/cat {$pkg_homedir}/bgpd.conf");
+defCmdT("Quagga zebra running-config", "{$control_script} zebra run");
 defCmdT("Quagga zebra.conf", "/bin/cat {$pkg_homedir}/zebra.conf");
 $tab_array = array();