One does not want to login interactively all the time. Azure provides service principal authentication as a secure way for silent login.
This article provides detailed steps on creating a service principal via portal.
- Install the latest version of cli from the latest github release or from npm.
npm uninstall azure-cli -g
npm cache clear -g
npm install azure-cli -g
- Login to the azure-cli via azure login command to create a service principal for future use.
- For 2FA enabled user accounts
azure login
- For non 2FA enabled user accounts
azure login -u [email protected]
- For 2FA enabled user accounts
After successful login, please follow the steps mentioned below to create a serviceprincipal:
Step 0. Please make sure you have selected the correct subscription. The service principal will have access to your current subscription.
- To list all your subscriptions:
azure account list
- To set the subscription of your choice:
azure account set "your subscription name"
Let us create a serviceprincipal with a password. The default start-date will be the day of application creation and the default end-date will be 1 year from the day of creation.
D:\sdk>azure ad sp create -n testap908 -p P@ssw0rd
info: Executing command ad sp create
+ Creating application testap674
+ Creating service principal for application 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2
data: Object Id: weewrerer-e329-4e9b-98c6-7878787
data: Display Name: testap674
data: Service Principal Names:
data: 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< also known as clientId
data: https://testap908
info: ad sp create command OK
- You can get a list of available roles by
azure role list
- In this example we are creating the serviceprincipal as a Contributor at the subscription level.
- Definition of a Contributor
data: Name : Contributor
data: Actions : 0=*
data: NotActions : 0=Microsoft.Authorization/*/Delete, 1=Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write
data: IsCustom : false
This will associate the serviceprincipal to your current subscription
D:\sdk>azure role assignment create --spn 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2 -o Contributor
info: Executing command role assignment create
+ Finding role with specified name
data: RoleAssignmentId : /subscriptions/abcdefgh-1234-4cc9-89b5-12345678/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/987654-ea85-40a5-80c2-abcdferghtt
data: RoleDefinitionName : Contributor
data: RoleDefinitionId : jhfskjf-6180-42a0-ab88-5656eiu677e23e
data: Scope : /subscriptions/abcdefgh-1234-4cc9-89b5-12345678
data: Display Name : testap674
data: SignInName :
data: ObjectId : weewrerer-e329-4e9b-98c6-7878787
data: ObjectType : ServicePrincipal
info: role assignment create command OK
D:\sdk>azure login -u 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2 -p P@ssw0rd --tenant <a guid OR your domain( --service-principal
info: Executing command login
info: Added subscription TestSubscription
info: login command OK
You can run a script to create an SP programmaticaly in node.js. Please see the link over here for more info.
- Interactive Login is the simplest and the best way to authenticate. It provides a url and code that needs to be copied and pasted in a browser and authenticated over there. If successful, the user will get a DeviceTokenCredentials object.
var someAzureServiceClient = require('azure-arm-someService');
msRestAzure.interactiveLogin(function(err, credentials) {
if (err) {
var client = new someAzureServiceClient(credentials, 'your-subscriptionId');
client.someOperationGroup.method(param1, param2, function(err, result) {
if (err) console.log(err);
NOTE: Please provide the domain i.e. the tenantID, if you are going to authenticate with a LiveID(your outlook, yahoo, gmail, etc. account). This will give you the credential object pertaining to the specified tenant. This credential object can then be used for creating the client. Please refer to this issue for detailed explanation.
- Service Principal Authentication This is useful in automation scenarios. The experience for loginWithServicePrincipalSecret is the same as the one described above for azure-cli in step 4.
var someAzureServiceClient = require('azure-arm-someService');
msRestAzure.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret(clientId, secret, domain, function(err, credentials) {
if (err) {
var client = new someAzureServiceClient(credentials, 'your-subscriptionId');
client.someOperationGroup.method(param1, param2, function(err, result) {
if (err) console.log(err);
- Login with username and password This mechanism will only work for non 2FA enabled organizational ids. Otherwise it is better to use the above mechanism (interactive login).
var someAzureServiceClient = require('azure-arm-someService');
msRestAzure.loginWithUsernamePassword(username, password, function(err, credentials) {
if (err) {
var client = new someAzureServiceClient(credentials, 'your-subscriptionId');
client.someOperationGroup.method(param1, param2, function(err, result) {
if (err) console.log(err);