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Releases: pieter-degroote/UltimateKEYS

Release - 2021-10-28

29 Oct 21:16
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey, MSKLC and Linux :
The capital Eszett (ẞ) has been brought to the main layout (Right Alt + Shift + S). The section sign (§) has moved to 'Right Alt + 3' (plus-minus sign (±) is now on a dead key).

  • AutoHotkey v1.1/v2.0 :  see this archive/repository (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see this archive/repository

Website :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-08-16

16 Aug 23:02
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey, MSKLC :
Some letters from the main layout have also been added back to their dead keys making it more consistent.

Linux :
The symbol 'almost equal to' has been removed since it is now usually included in the base 'Compose' file.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-08-03

03 Aug 22:53
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey, MSKLC and Linux :
Some smaller changes have been made concerning some dead keys definitions.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-30

30 Jul 22:12
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey, MSKLC and Linux :
In this version, all accented letters directly available on the main layout have been removed from their corresponding dead keys.
That way, some other letters (like ő/Ő and ű/Ű for Hungarian) got more favo[u]red places on their corresponding dead keys instead.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-26

26 Jul 15:54
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey and MSKLC :
Some minor changes have been made concerning the math symbols (dead key).
Support has been added for AutoHotkey v2.0 beta 1.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-25

25 Jul 21:54
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey and MSKLC :
Some small changes have been made to the math symbol 'equal to by definition'.
Support has been added for AutoHotkey v2.0 beta 1.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-24

24 Jul 22:27
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

AutoHotkey and MSKLC :
Some changes and rearrangements have been made to the dead key 'backslash/bar'.

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-17 build 2

20 Jul 22:43
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

A small error has been fixed (× and ÷ now have their places too on the 'math symbols' dead key).

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-17

18 Jul 20:07
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

Some changes have been made to a few dead keys (small rearrangements).

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !

Release - 2021-07-16

16 Jul 15:34
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Release of UltimateKEYS :

This version is based on a totally different layout and is more optimized for Western European languages. Lots of changes have been made !

  • AutoHotkey :  see the folder 'autohotkey-v1.1'  (recommended for Windows 10)

  • MSKLC sources :  see the attached ZIP file (compiled with MSKLC v1.4 2020-10-02)

  • Linux - XKB/Xmodmap :  see the corresponding folders in this archive/repository

Website :

Legacy :

Testing repository :

Enjoy and have fun ! - Veel plezier !