/* error_message: db1: Hook early check failed: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.4(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v8.2.0-alpha-216-gfe5858b]runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference db2: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.4(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v8.2.0-alpha-216-gfe5858b]runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference */ /* query_plan: */ WITH cte_0 AS (select cast( (-8800157443070390424 + ((EXISTS ( select -1440099868 as c0, 149107573 as c1, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c2, 1836198909 as c3, 1013929331 as c4, 1980034606 as c5, 270172613 as c6, 92389635 as c7, 812468464 as c8, 460071425 as c9 from t_db8a as ref_3 where (cast(null as signed) not in ( select -7253915588904878309 as c0 from t__ as ref_4 where 0<>0))))) or (((NOT NOT(cast( (17.55 > cast(null as decimal)) as unsigned)))) or (('zzf5o' like 'drq6%u')))) as signed) as c0, subq_0.c0 as c1, radians( cast((select count(c_kq8lwb) from t_tjov) as unsigned)) as c2, case when 0<>0 then substring_index( cast(cast(null as char) as char), cast(cast( (cast(subq_0.c0 as unsigned) >> cast(subq_0.c0 as decimal)) as char) as char), cast((select count(c_d) from t_db8a) as double)) else 's' end as c3, (select avg(c_tutmh1) from t_tjov) as c4, (select c_yh_3 from t_db8a order by c_yh_3 limit 1 offset 1) as c5, substring( cast(cast(null as char) as char), cast(subq_0.c0 as unsigned)) as c6 from (select ref_1.c_kq8lwb as c0 from (t_n as ref_0 inner join t_tjov as ref_1 on (0<>0)) where (EXISTS ( select -660866542 as c0, 1354723586 as c1, -642004727 as c2, -1243316835 as c3, -1182697207 as c4, -1783836185 as c5, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c6, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c7, cast(null as signed) as c8, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c9, -565483318 as c10 from t_db8a as ref_2 where ('sgnjeqimw7' not like '_3bv')))) as subq_0 where (NOT NOT(cast( (hex( cast((select count(c_v13rl) from t_n) as char)) <> cast(null as char)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 desc limit 19), cte_1 AS (select subq_1.c4 as c0 from (select ref_5.c__57bl_eu6 as c0, (select c_vwm from t__ order by c_vwm limit 1 offset 91) as c1, ref_5.c_mm8jnf as c2, (select c_v13rl from t_n order by c_v13rl limit 1 offset 3) as c3, (select c_yh_3 from t_db8a order by c_yh_3 limit 1 offset 2) as c4, ref_5.c_mm8jnf as c5, ref_5.c_fr3uo as c6, ref_5.c_v13rl as c7, ref_5.c_v as c8, substring( cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 6) as char), cast(ref_5.c_pf6z4p as signed)) as c9 from t_n as ref_5 where (case when (1=1) and (1=1) then (select c_kq8lwb from t_tjov order by c_kq8lwb limit 1 offset 4) else 1=1 end >= ( select 1=1 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_8 where 0<>0 union ( select distinct 1=1 as c0 from t__ as ref_9 where 1=1 ) order by c0 limit 1))) as subq_1 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cot( cast(cast(nullif( cast(subq_1.c4 as signed), cast(subq_1.c4 as signed) ) as signed) as signed)) as double) || cast((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(subq_1.c9 as char) <> cast(subq_1.c9 as char)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))) order by c0 asc limit 75), cte_2 AS (select cast(coalesce( substring( cast(case when ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as char) = cast(null as char)) as unsigned)))) or (1=1) then substring( cast((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 80) as char), cast(ref_11.c_yh_3 as signed), cast(ref_11.c_jr2kq78hqt as signed)) else cast( (cast(ref_11.c_jr2kq78hqt as signed) * cast(-5316682317410536223 as signed)) as char) end as char), cast((EXISTS ( select cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c0, -276902389 as c1, -454846930 as c2, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c3, 1919651490 as c4, -2026543968 as c5, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c6, -590738459 as c7, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c8, cast(null as signed) as c9, -1594883405 as c10 from t__ as ref_13 where (1802597069 is not NULL))) as unsigned)), '__b93yu47' ) as char) as c0, ref_11.c_t9 as c1, subq_2.c0 as c2, ref_11.c_yh_3 as c3 from ((select (select c__57bl_eu6 from t_n order by c__57bl_eu6 limit 1 offset 3) as c0 from t_tjov as ref_10 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(2317365865489514971 as signed) <=> cast(31.15 as double)) as unsigned)))) as subq_2 cross join t_db8a as ref_11 ) where (EXISTS ( select ref_12.c_d as c0, ref_12.c_yh_3 as c1, 2141076391 as c2, ref_12.c_yh_3 as c3, ref_11.c_t9 as c4, (select c_digrw4kb7 from t__ order by c_digrw4kb7 limit 1 offset 3) as c5, ref_12.c_yh_3 as c6, ref_12.c_d as c7, case when (ref_12.c_d is NULL) then ref_11.c_t9 else ref_11.c_yh_3 end as c8, ref_12.c_jr2kq78hqt as c9, ref_12.c_d as c10, cast( (cast(ref_12.c_w9w9q8pvv as signed) & cast(ref_12.c_jr2kq78hqt as unsigned)) as signed) as c11 from t_db8a as ref_12 where (ref_12.c_yh_3 is NULL) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11 desc limit 100))), cte_3 AS (select subq_3.c4 as c0, subq_3.c1 as c1, substring( cast(subq_3.c0 as char), cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as c2, case when (subq_3.c2 = ( select (select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 4) as c0 from t_db8a as ref_17 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(2578287968795707833 as signed) <=> cast(41.18 as double)) as unsigned))) order by c0 asc limit 1)) then subq_3.c0 else subq_3.c3 end as c3, atan( cast((select count(c_gp1shyj16) from t__) as signed)) as c4, case when ((select c_jr2kq78hqt from t_db8a order by c_jr2kq78hqt limit 1 offset 5) < ( select 1=1 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_18 where ('l04x' not like '%_4%ujk') union ( select 1=1 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_19 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as double) as double) <=> cast(-18544 as signed)) as unsigned))) ) order by c0 limit 1)) then subq_3.c0 else subq_3.c0 end as c5 from (select (select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 5) as c0, (select c_d from t_db8a order by c_d limit 1 offset 5) as c1, ref_14.c_digrw4kb7 as c2, ref_14.c_digrw4kb7 as c3, ref_14.c_vwm as c4 from t__ as ref_14 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_14.c_v as double) && cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4 asc limit 102) as subq_3 where (-1527460596 not in ( select ref_16.c_pwz0 as c0 from (t_tjov as ref_15 left outer join t__ as ref_16 on ((-1584552958 between 868116627 and -933322218))) where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_15.c_irfjyds3 as signed) XOR cast((0<>0) and (0<>0) as unsigned)) as unsigned)))))), cte_4 AS (select subq_4.c2 as c0, subq_4.c4 as c1 from (select ref_20.c_pf6z4p as c0, ref_20.c_tf_us39fv as c1, ref_20.c_pf6z4p as c2, (select c_t9 from t_db8a order by c_t9 limit 1 offset 2) as c3, cast((select avg(c_pwz0) from t__) as signed) as c4 from t_n as ref_20 where 0<>0) as subq_4 where (subq_4.c2 is not NULL)), cte_5 AS (select first_value( cast(ref_21.c_v13rl as double)) over (partition by ref_21.c__57bl_eu6, ref_21.c_v order by ref_21.c_tf_us39fv, ref_21.c_pf6z4p, ref_21.c_v13rl, ref_21.c_fr3uo, ref_21.c_v, ref_21.c_mm8jnf, ref_21.c__57bl_eu6) as c0, (select c_d from t_db8a order by c_d limit 1 offset 2) as c1, ref_21.c_v as c2, ref_21.c_mm8jnf as c3, round( cast(1907773348105485361 as signed), cast((select count(c_mzh) from t_tjov) as char)) as c4, ref_21.c_tf_us39fv as c5, (select c_jrdd2zy550 from t_tjov order by c_jrdd2zy550 limit 1 offset 5) as c6, is_ipv4( cast(cast( (case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as char) <> cast(null as char)) as unsigned))) then 7988266286832409856 else -6557205384822727810 end DIV ref_21.c_mm8jnf) as char) as char)) as c7, (select c_tutmh1 from t_tjov order by c_tutmh1 limit 1 offset 4) as c8 from t_n as ref_21 where (((ref_21.c__57bl_eu6 = ( select ref_21.c_v13rl as c0 from t_n as ref_22 where ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(8055803 as signed) XOR cast(-13551 as signed)) as unsigned)))) or (0<>0) order by c0 asc limit 1))) and ((ref_21.c_pf6z4p between 1763109039 and -2080137615))) and ((EXISTS ( select cos( cast((select count(c_mm8jnf) from t_n) as unsigned)) as c0, cast((select max(c_mm8jnf) from t_n) as signed) as c1, ref_23.c_jrdd2zy550 as c2, ref_24.c_v13rl as c3, ref_23.c_irfjyds3 as c4, 199534350 as c5, ref_24.c_pf6z4p as c6, ref_23.c_k4duc4l as c7, -989438729 as c8 from (t_tjov as ref_23 left outer join t_n as ref_24 on (ref_23.c_irfjyds3 = ref_24.c_tf_us39fv )) where ((EXISTS ( select 1793924685 as c0, 1203808270 as c1 from t__ as ref_25 where 1=1))) or (('mel8' not like '__y8o7')) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 asc limit 59))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 asc), cte_6 AS (select subq_6.c4 as c0, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(74.1 as double) && cast(subq_6.c3 as signed)) as unsigned))) then case when ((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 6) not like 'j%') then subq_6.c4 else subq_6.c3 end else lead( cast(subq_6.c3 as signed), 84) over (partition by subq_6.c4 order by subq_6.c0, subq_6.c1, subq_6.c2, subq_6.c3, subq_6.c4, subq_6.c5, subq_6.c6, subq_6.c7) end as c1, case when (subq_6.c2 between (select c_pwz0 from t__ order by c_pwz0 limit 1 offset 5) and subq_6.c2) then subq_6.c4 else subq_6.c3 end as c2, subq_6.c4 as c3, subq_6.c6 as c4, avg( cast(length( cast((select count(c_gp1shyj16) from t__) as char)) as signed)) over (partition by subq_6.c7 order by subq_6.c0, subq_6.c1, subq_6.c2, subq_6.c3, subq_6.c4, subq_6.c5, subq_6.c6, subq_6.c7) as c5, cast( (cast(subq_6.c7 as signed) / cast(32768.4 as double)) as double) as c6, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as char) as char) = cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))) then subq_6.c5 else 663702822 end as c7, cast( (cast(subq_6.c4 as signed) % cast(bit_length( cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as signed)) as signed) as c8, to_base64( cast(cast( (cast(subq_6.c4 as decimal) ^ cast(subq_6.c4 as signed)) as char) as char)) as c9, case when (subq_6.c7 = ( select subq_6.c3 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_30 where (EXISTS ( select 493891354 as c0, -923418367 as c1, cast(null as signed) as c2, -634322205 as c3, -1622869404 as c4, -1263244809 as c5, 1720300789 as c6, 335161509 as c7, -687872383 as c8, -1295612058 as c9, 1783177637 as c10, -894136254 as c11, -1499680636 as c12, 1844139989 as c13, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c14, -2038206466 as c15, -1336769108 as c16, 1658816171 as c17, -317829664 as c18, 877850368 as c19, 337749087 as c20 from t_tjov as ref_31 where 1=1)) order by c0 asc limit 1)) then tan( cast(cast(null as double) as double)) else cast(null as double) end as c10, subq_6.c1 as c11, cast( (subq_6.c6 <> round( cast(subq_6.c4 as signed))) as unsigned) as c12, subq_6.c3 as c13, subq_6.c5 as c14, subq_6.c4 as c15, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(1870349868 as signed) <> cast(subq_6.c6 as signed)) as unsigned))) then subq_6.c3 else subq_6.c0 end as c16, subq_6.c7 as c17, subq_6.c3 as c18, case when (((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(-30945 as signed) <=> cast(0<>0 as unsigned)) as unsigned)))) and (1=1)) or ((cast(null as char) like '%')) then subq_6.c1 else round( cast(subq_6.c3 as signed), cast(subq_6.c4 as signed)) end as c19, cast(nullif( subq_6.c7, cast( (cast(-8776791555643906008 as signed) >> cast(ascii( cast(case when (1=1) or (1=1) then cast(cast(null as char) as char) else cast(cast(null as char) as char) end as char)) as signed)) as signed) ) as signed) as c20, subq_6.c6 as c21, subq_6.c4 as c22, (select c_v from t_n order by c_v limit 1 offset 6) as c23, subq_6.c5 as c24, is_ipv4_mapped( cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast( ((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 3) <> 'janko2ae') as unsigned))) then cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 5) as char) else cast( (cast(-5338902081722862778 as signed) * cast(-7210583139238339631 as signed)) as char) end as char)) as c25, 2017343465 as c26, cast( (cast(subq_6.c3 as decimal) <=> cast(subq_6.c1 as signed)) as unsigned) as c27, case when ((cast(null as char) like 'ce4_')) or ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(subq_6.c0 as decimal) <> cast(subq_6.c2 as decimal)) as unsigned)))) then subq_6.c3 else subq_6.c0 end as c28, subq_6.c6 as c29, subq_6.c1 as c30, subq_6.c4 as c31, cast( (cast(subq_6.c1 as signed) <> cast(case when ((select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 2) not in ( select -1250250120 as c0 from t_n as ref_32 where (1=1) or (1=1))) then truncate( cast(cast(null as double) as double), cast(subq_6.c1 as signed)) else cast(14.78 as double) end as double)) as unsigned) as c32, subq_6.c1 as c33, case when ((select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 16) is not NULL) then case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(subq_6.c5 as signed) <= cast((select c_tutmh1 from t_tjov order by c_tutmh1 limit 1 offset 3) as double)) as unsigned))) then (select avg(c_mm8jnf) from t_n) else 98.75 end else cast(null as double) end as c34, subq_6.c2 as c35, cast((select count(c_mzh) from t_tjov) as char) as c36, subq_6.c7 as c37, subq_6.c3 as c38, cast( (cast(subq_6.c3 as signed) < cast(-6789973 as signed)) as unsigned) as c39, subq_6.c6 as c40, substring( cast('vzvok0cnfh' as char), cast(((NOT NOT(cast( (53.3 <> cast(null as double)) as unsigned)))) and ((subq_6.c1 is NULL)) as unsigned)) as c41, subq_6.c2 as c42, case when (subq_6.c0 = ( select 43848459 as c0 from t__ as ref_33 where (NOT NOT(cast( (4708804414899825084 && 69.15) as unsigned))) union ( select 1799373472 as c0 from t_db8a as ref_34 where (1630292579 not in ( select 733865132 as c0 from t__ as ref_35 where 0<>0)) ) order by c0 limit 1)) then (select c_v from t_n order by c_v limit 1 offset 2) else (select c_d from t_db8a order by c_d limit 1 offset 1) end as c43, cast( (cast(subq_6.c4 as signed) / cast(cast(nullif( cast(10.25 as double), cast( (subq_6.c1 - (select c_v from t__ order by c_v limit 1 offset 2) ) as double) ) as double) as double)) as double) as c44, case when (NOT NOT(cast( ((select count(c_pwz0) from t__) <=> subq_6.c6) as unsigned))) then cast(nullif( subq_6.c1, subq_6.c1 ) as signed) else (select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 6) end as c45, cast((select avg(c_jr2kq78hqt) from t_db8a) as signed) as c46, round( cast(cast( (cast(-4909253 as signed) % cast(char_length( cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 4) as char)) as signed)) as signed) as signed), cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast( (66.78 > -4389500921625796919) as unsigned))) then subq_6.c3 else (select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 26) end as signed)) as c47, subq_6.c5 as c48 from (select subq_5.c0 as c0, count( cast(case when 0<>0 then 'syj9otf' else 'imhf' end as char)) as c1, count( cast(-23557 as signed)) as c2, count(*) as c3, count( cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 45) as char)) as c4, count( cast(subq_5.c0 as signed)) as c5, count( cast(subq_5.c0 as signed)) as c6, count( cast(cast( (cast(subq_5.c0 as signed) * cast((EXISTS ( select distinct -244259652 as c0, -1648877867 as c1, -1072710734 as c2, -1854497871 as c3, 666002187 as c4, 982747570 as c5 from t_db8a as ref_29 where 1=1)) as unsigned)) as signed) as signed)) as c7 from (select 709453173 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_26 where 1=1 order by c0 desc limit 142) as subq_5 where (subq_5.c0 <= ( select distinct -681122347 as c0 from t__ as ref_27 where 1=1 union ( select cast(null as signed) as c0 from t_tjov as ref_28 where 0<>0 ) order by c0 limit 1)) group by subq_5.c0) as subq_6 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast( (crc32( cast('bt74q4g' as char)) - (subq_6.c5 between (select c_irfjyds3 from t_tjov order by c_irfjyds3 limit 1 offset 5) and subq_6.c4)) as signed) >= round( cast(subq_6.c1 as signed))) as unsigned)))), cte_7 AS (select cast(nullif( cast( (cast(ref_36.c_v13rl as double) || cast(ref_36.c_v as double)) as unsigned), (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(nullif( cast((select count(c_vwm) from t__) as signed), cast(ref_36.c_tf_us39fv as signed) ) as char) as char) < cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))) ) as unsigned) as c0, 1529944018 as c1 from t_n as ref_36 where ('ih' like '_6_588oj_')), cte_8 AS (select distinct subq_7.c2 as c0, subq_7.c0 as c1, truncate( cast(cast( (cast(subq_7.c1 as decimal) << cast((select count(c_gp1shyj16) from t__) as char)) as signed) as signed), cast( lead( cast(subq_7.c1 as unsigned), 86) over (partition by subq_7.c2 order by subq_7.c0, subq_7.c1, subq_7.c2) as signed)) as c2, subq_7.c0 as c3, subq_7.c0 as c4, subq_7.c0 as c5, unhex( cast(subq_7.c2 as char)) as c6, cast( (cast(cast( (cast(1732704979296483440 as signed) ^ cast(subq_7.c1 as decimal)) as signed) as signed) ^ cast(cast(nullif( subq_7.c1, (NOT NOT(cast( ((select c_v13rl from t_n order by c_v13rl limit 1 offset 91) < (select c_v13rl from t_n order by c_v13rl limit 1 offset 4) ) as unsigned))) ) as decimal) as decimal)) as signed) as c7, subq_7.c1 as c8, subq_7.c0 as c9 from (select ref_37.c_mzh as c0, count( cast(ref_37.c_jrdd2zy550 as char)) as c1, count( cast(ref_37.c_k4duc4l as signed)) as c2 from t_tjov as ref_37 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_37.c_tutmh1 as double) || cast((1769632372 between -240007327 and 937858214) as unsigned)) as unsigned))) group by ref_37.c_mzh) as subq_7 where (subq_7.c0 not like '%%xhhf')), cte_9 AS (select case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast((select c_kq8lwb from t_tjov order by c_kq8lwb limit 1 offset 2) as unsigned) < cast(ref_38.c_pf6z4p as signed)) as unsigned))) then ref_38.c_mm8jnf else (cast(nullif( 'kttksj', cast(null as char) ) as char) like '%73a%7j') end as c0, ref_38.c_mm8jnf as c1, ref_38.c__57bl_eu6 as c2, ref_38.c_v as c3, instr( cast(substring( cast((select count(c_gp1shyj16) from t__) as char), cast(ref_38.c_pf6z4p as signed), cast(991674 as signed)) as char), cast(cast( (cast( (cast(ref_38.c_mm8jnf as signed) >> cast(ref_38.c_tf_us39fv as signed)) as signed) >> (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_38.c_tf_us39fv as signed) <= cast(ref_38.c_mm8jnf as signed)) as unsigned)))) as char) as char)) as c4, ref_38.c_v as c5, -942271351 as c6, cast( (ref_38.c_pf6z4p + ref_38.c_fr3uo) as signed) as c7, ref_38.c_mm8jnf as c8, ref_38.c_pf6z4p as c9, ref_38.c__57bl_eu6 as c10, locate( cast((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 6) as char), cast(cast( (ref_38.c_fr3uo & 2439903464309482293) as char) as char), cast((ref_38.c_pf6z4p > ( select -1309947196 as c0 from t__ as ref_39 where (-1770449008 in ( select 445699793 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_40 where 0<>0 order by c0 asc)) union ( select 757871462 as c0 from t_n as ref_41 where (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) > ( select cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c0 from t_db8a as ref_42 where 0<>0 order by c0 desc limit 1)) ) order by c0 limit 1)) as unsigned)) as c11 from t_n as ref_38 where ((ref_38.c_v is NULL)) and ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(0<>0 as unsigned) > cast(1=1 as unsigned)) as unsigned))) then cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 4) as char) else cast( (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) << cast(ref_38.c_tf_us39fv as decimal)) as char) end as char) < cast((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 4) as char)) as unsigned)))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11 asc limit 4), cte_10 AS (select cast( (cast(ref_43.c_pwz0 as signed) + cast(ref_43.c_pwz0 as signed)) as signed) as c0, abs( cast(2909265 as signed)) as c1, ref_44.c_mm8jnf as c2, ref_45.c_jrdd2zy550 as c3, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (ref_45.c_jrdd2zy550 <=> ref_45.c_qk) as unsigned))) then ref_44.c_pf6z4p else abs( cast(ref_44.c_pf6z4p as signed)) end as c4, ref_45.c_kq8lwb as c5, case when (NOT NOT(cast( ((ref_44.c_pf6z4p between ref_44.c_tf_us39fv and ref_43.c_pwz0) <= 3916315065170598141) as unsigned))) then ref_43.c_gn else (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) > cast(69.86 as double)) as unsigned)))) or ((1=1) or (0<>0)) as unsigned) = cast((ref_44.c_fr3uo between ref_44.c_pf6z4p and ref_43.c_pwz0) as unsigned)) as unsigned))) end as c6, case when (EXISTS ( select ref_46.c_w9w9q8pvv as c0, ref_44.c_tf_us39fv as c1, ref_44.c_v as c2, ref_46.c_d as c3, ref_46.c_jr2kq78hqt as c4, ref_46.c_yh_3 as c5, ref_46.c_d as c6, ref_46.c_d as c7, ref_46.c_w9w9q8pvv as c8, (select c_k4duc4l from t_tjov order by c_k4duc4l limit 1 offset 5) as c9, 1571463368 as c10 from t_db8a as ref_46 where (EXISTS ( select distinct -1708697975 as c0, 344923233 as c1, 1485280591 as c2 from t__ as ref_47 where 1=1 order by c0, c1, c2 asc limit 134)))) then ref_43.c_er else ref_43.c_er end as c7, lead( cast(ref_43.c_digrw4kb7 as char), 20) over (partition by ref_43.c_vwm order by ref_43.c_pwz0, ref_43.c_vwm, ref_43.c_gp1shyj16, ref_43.c_v, ref_43.c_gn, ref_43.c_r, ref_43.c_digrw4kb7, ref_43.c_er, ref_44.c_tf_us39fv, ref_44.c_pf6z4p, ref_44.c_v13rl, ref_44.c_fr3uo, ref_44.c_v, ref_44.c_mm8jnf, ref_44.c__57bl_eu6, ref_45.c_irfjyds3, ref_45.c_mzh, ref_45.c_k4duc4l, ref_45.c_tutmh1, ref_45.c_qk, ref_45.c_kq8lwb, ref_45.c_jrdd2zy550) as c8 from ((t__ as ref_43 inner join t_n as ref_44 on (0<>0)) inner join t_tjov as ref_45 on ((NOT NOT(cast( (ref_44.c_pf6z4p != ref_45.c_k4duc4l) as unsigned))))) where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(616831307664034616 as signed) <=> cast(685266631819256647 as signed)) as unsigned)))), cte_11 AS (select ref_48.c_t9 as c0, ref_48.c_jr2kq78hqt as c1, ref_48.c_w9w9q8pvv as c2 from t_db8a as ref_48 where (NOT NOT(cast( (ref_48.c_t9 <= cast( (cast(ref_48.c_t9 as signed) - cast(ref_48.c_yh_3 as signed)) as signed)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1, c2 desc limit 156), cte_12 AS (select (select c__57bl_eu6 from t_n order by c__57bl_eu6 limit 1 offset 6) as c0, cast((select max(c_v13rl) from t_n) as double) as c1, cast( (cast(ref_49.c_gn as signed) * cast((select avg(c_jr2kq78hqt) from t_db8a) as signed)) as double) as c2, ref_49.c_pwz0 as c3, ref_49.c_v as c4, ref_49.c_r as c5, ref_49.c_digrw4kb7 as c6, ref_49.c_gn as c7 from t__ as ref_49 where (((NOT NOT(cast( (ref_49.c_er <= (select c_mm8jnf from t_n order by c_mm8jnf limit 1 offset 1) ) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as signed) >= 7552948673882228160) as unsigned))))) and (1=1) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 asc), cte_13 AS (select ref_50.c_pf6z4p as c0 from t_n as ref_50 where 0<>0), cte_14 AS (select is_ipv4( cast( count( cast(-1817812743529706873 as signed)) over (partition by subq_8.c0 order by subq_8.c0, subq_8.c1) as char)) as c0, cast(coalesce( length( cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(null as char) <> 'zrlbpllgfv') as unsigned))) then cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 4) as char) else cast( (cast(subq_8.c1 as decimal) & cast(subq_8.c1 as signed)) as char) end as char)), round( cast(cast(nullif( -6140824423462508788, cast((select c_kq8lwb from t_tjov order by c_kq8lwb limit 1 offset 5) as signed) ) as signed) as signed), cast(subq_8.c1 as signed)) ) as signed) as c1, -15998054 as c2, subq_8.c1 as c3, case when (subq_8.c0 not in ( select 1.96 as c0 from t__ as ref_60 where (0<>0) or (0<>0) union ( select distinct 126.1 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_61 where 1=1 ))) then subq_8.c1 else (EXISTS ( select ref_62.c_k4duc4l as c0, ref_62.c_irfjyds3 as c1, ref_62.c_jrdd2zy550 as c2, (select c_er from t__ order by c_er limit 1 offset 4) as c3, cast((select max(c_vwm) from t__) as unsigned) as c4, subq_8.c0 as c5, ref_62.c_jrdd2zy550 as c6, ref_62.c_jrdd2zy550 as c7, (select c_w9w9q8pvv from t_db8a order by c_w9w9q8pvv limit 1 offset 3) as c8, ref_62.c_k4duc4l as c9, ref_62.c_tutmh1 as c10 from t_tjov as ref_62 where (EXISTS ( select -435264022 as c0, 311899284 as c1, -985004454 as c2, -592936720 as c3, 38632631 as c4 from t__ as ref_63 where 1=1 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4 asc limit 95)))) end as c4, atan2( cast((select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 2) as signed), cast(subq_8.c1 as unsigned)) as c5, subq_8.c1 as c6 from (select ref_51.c_v as c0, ref_51.c_mm8jnf as c1 from t_n as ref_51 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_51.c_tf_us39fv as signed) < cast(ref_51.c_fr3uo as decimal)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1 asc limit 73) as subq_8 where ((EXISTS ( select cast((select max(c_d) from t_db8a) as double) as c0 from (t_tjov as ref_52 left outer join t_tjov as ref_53 on (1=1)) where (ref_52.c_tutmh1 in ( select 4294967297.4 as c0 from t__ as ref_54 where 0<>0 union ( select distinct 76.65 as c0 from t_db8a as ref_55 where 0<>0 ))) order by c0 desc limit 84))) or ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(round( cast(subq_8.c1 as unsigned), cast(case when (864099009 not in ( select 1677163457 as c0 from t_n as ref_58 where 0<>0 union all ( select distinct 1660885703 as c0 from t_n as ref_59 where 1=1 ))) then cast(subq_8.c1 as signed) else cast(subq_8.c1 as signed) end as signed)) as signed) = cast(subq_8.c1 as decimal)) as unsigned)))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 asc limit 140), cte_15 AS (select cast( (cast(atan2( cast(case when (ref_64.c_k4duc4l is NULL) then cast(ref_67.c_t9 as signed) else cast(ref_64.c_kq8lwb as signed) end as signed), cast(ref_64.c_kq8lwb as unsigned)) as double) / cast(ref_64.c_kq8lwb as decimal)) as decimal) as c0, cast( (cast(ref_67.c_d as double) || cast(cast( (cast(ref_66.c_pwz0 as signed) / cast(ref_65.c_v13rl as double)) as double) as double)) as unsigned) as c1, ref_64.c_kq8lwb as c2, ref_65.c_fr3uo as c3, lag( cast(ref_64.c_irfjyds3 as signed)) over (partition by ref_65.c_v13rl order by ref_64.c_irfjyds3, ref_64.c_mzh, ref_64.c_k4duc4l, ref_64.c_tutmh1, ref_64.c_qk, ref_64.c_kq8lwb, ref_64.c_jrdd2zy550, ref_65.c_tf_us39fv, ref_65.c_pf6z4p, ref_65.c_v13rl, ref_65.c_fr3uo, ref_65.c_v, ref_65.c_mm8jnf, ref_65.c__57bl_eu6, ref_66.c_pwz0, ref_66.c_vwm, ref_66.c_gp1shyj16, ref_66.c_v, ref_66.c_gn, ref_66.c_r, ref_66.c_digrw4kb7, ref_66.c_er, ref_67.c_t9, ref_67.c_d, ref_67.c_jr2kq78hqt, ref_67.c_yh_3, ref_67.c_w9w9q8pvv) as c4 from (((t_tjov as ref_64 inner join t_n as ref_65 on ((913519413 between 1792631133 and -2078997475))) inner join t__ as ref_66 on ((NOT NOT(cast( (3057167529369172939 <= cast(null as decimal)) as unsigned))))) cross join t_db8a as ref_67 ) where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(case when (ref_66.c_gp1shyj16 is NULL) then case when (ref_66.c_pwz0 between ref_64.c_irfjyds3 and ref_65.c_fr3uo) then cast(ref_66.c_gp1shyj16 as char) else cast(ref_64.c_jrdd2zy550 as char) end else cast((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 20) as char) end as char) <=> cast(ref_64.c_mzh as char)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4 desc limit 69), cte_16 AS (select ref_68.c_r as c0, ref_68.c_vwm as c1, inet_ntoa( cast(ref_68.c_gn as signed)) as c2, repeat( cast(substring( cast(ref_68.c_digrw4kb7 as char), cast(ref_68.c_gn as unsigned), cast(ref_68.c_gn as signed)) as char), 73) as c3, ref_68.c_vwm as c4, ref_68.c_vwm as c5, (select c_v from t_n order by c_v limit 1 offset 96) as c6, ref_68.c_digrw4kb7 as c7, ref_68.c_pwz0 as c8 from t__ as ref_68 where (ref_68.c_gp1shyj16 in ( select 'valhx3923' as c0 from t_n as ref_69 where 0<>0 union ( select 'nik1qulj' as c0 from t_n as ref_70 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_70.c_v13rl as double) || cast(('leeo1w69b' like 'syt27%') as unsigned)) as unsigned))) ))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 asc limit 98), cte_17 AS (select first_value( cast(ref_71.c_t9 as decimal)) over (partition by ref_71.c_jr2kq78hqt, ref_71.c_t9 order by ref_71.c_t9, ref_71.c_d, ref_71.c_jr2kq78hqt, ref_71.c_yh_3, ref_71.c_w9w9q8pvv) as c0, cast( (cast(ref_71.c_yh_3 as signed) != cast(ref_71.c_w9w9q8pvv as signed)) as unsigned) as c1, cast(coalesce( ref_71.c_w9w9q8pvv, (round( cast(ref_71.c_t9 as signed)) between ref_71.c_t9 and ref_71.c_yh_3) ) as unsigned) as c2, (select c_digrw4kb7 from t__ order by c_digrw4kb7 limit 1 offset 3) as c3, ref_71.c_yh_3 as c4, cast( ((ref_71.c_d in ( select ref_72.c_tutmh1 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_72 where ((1=1) or (1=1)) or (('dwlxd7hvf' like 'sxl7%iv%y_')))) >> (log( cast(ref_71.c_d as double), cast(ref_71.c_d as double)) <= ( select 9.52 as c0 from t__ as ref_73 where ('c2' like 'ckr4c_bhc') union all ( select 46.38 as c0 from t_n as ref_74 where (EXISTS ( select 678658455 as c0, 962891174 as c1 from t_n as ref_75 where 1=1 order by c0, c1 desc limit 50)) ) order by c0 limit 1))) as signed) as c5, ref_71.c_w9w9q8pvv as c6, ref_71.c_jr2kq78hqt as c7, right( cast(cast(coalesce( case when (NOT NOT(cast( (25160 && 5993938) as unsigned))) then cast((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 61) as char) else cast(cast(null as char) as char) end , right( cast((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 5) as char), cast((EXISTS ( select 497433168 as c0, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) as c1, -1003139152 as c2, -1626781359 as c3, -802554521 as c4, -1506138897 as c5, 415281656 as c6, 2000928816 as c7, 533096765 as c8, 1017144926 as c9, 1935429366 as c10, -784100332 as c11 from t_n as ref_76 where 0<>0)) as unsigned)) ) as char) as char), cast(1707372104625283292 as signed)) as c8 from t_db8a as ref_71 where (ref_71.c_w9w9q8pvv is not NULL) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 asc limit 91), cte_18 AS (select ref_77.c_digrw4kb7 as c0, ref_77.c_v as c1, case when (ref_77.c_er is not NULL) then is_ipv4_mapped( cast(ref_77.c_digrw4kb7 as char)) else cast(null as signed) end as c2, ref_77.c_v as c3 from t__ as ref_77 where (ref_77.c_pwz0 not in ( select ref_78.c_t9 as c0 from t_db8a as ref_78 where (ref_78.c_d is not NULL) order by c0 asc))), cte_19 AS (select case when 0<>0 then subq_9.c0 else (select c_t9 from t_db8a order by c_t9 limit 1 offset 2) end as c0, subq_9.c5 as c1, subq_9.c0 as c2, subq_9.c1 as c3, (select c_k4duc4l from t_tjov order by c_k4duc4l limit 1 offset 5) as c4, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast((select c_kq8lwb from t_tjov order by c_kq8lwb limit 1 offset 4) as signed) && cast(case when (815901153 not in ( select 418987050 as c0 from t_db8a as ref_80 where 1=1)) then subq_9.c1 else subq_9.c3 end as signed)) as unsigned))) then subq_9.c0 else subq_9.c3 end as c5 from (select ref_79.c_fr3uo as c0, ref_79.c_fr3uo as c1, ref_79.c_fr3uo as c2, ref_79.c_tf_us39fv as c3, ref_79.c_v13rl as c4, ref_79.c_v13rl as c5, ref_79.c_v13rl as c6 from t_n as ref_79 where ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(cast(null as char) as char) >= cast('vm0' as char)) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(-3173978602125849275 as signed) = cast(0<>0 as unsigned)) as unsigned)))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 asc) as subq_9 where 1=1 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 desc limit 86), cte_20 AS (select substring_index( cast(ref_81.c_digrw4kb7 as char), cast(ref_81.c_digrw4kb7 as char), cast((select c_irfjyds3 from t_tjov order by c_irfjyds3 limit 1 offset 4) as signed)) as c0, ref_81.c_v as c1, is_ipv4( cast(cast( (cast(ref_81.c_pwz0 as signed) ^ cast((select count(c_mzh) from t_tjov) as char)) as char) as char)) as c2, inet_aton( cast( nth_value( cast(ref_81.c_digrw4kb7 as char), 31) over (partition by ref_81.c_gp1shyj16, ref_81.c_vwm, ref_81.c_pwz0, ref_81.c_r order by ref_81.c_pwz0, ref_81.c_vwm, ref_81.c_gp1shyj16, ref_81.c_v, ref_81.c_gn, ref_81.c_r, ref_81.c_digrw4kb7, ref_81.c_er) as char)) as c3 from t__ as ref_81 where (atan( cast(ref_81.c_pwz0 as signed)) is NULL) order by c0, c1, c2, c3 asc), cte_21 AS (select distinct ref_82.c_jr2kq78hqt as c0 from t_db8a as ref_82 where (case when ((ref_82.c_yh_3 <> ( select -1401726618 as c0 from t__ as ref_83 where 0<>0 union ( select 1466957442 as c0 from t_tjov as ref_84 where 0<>0 ) order by c0 limit 1))) and ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_82.c_t9 as signed) < cast(ref_82.c_d as double)) as unsigned)))) then (select c_mm8jnf from t_n order by c_mm8jnf limit 1 offset 1) else ('js22h710k' like 'nnomx_1%f') end > ( select (ref_85.c_irfjyds3 between cast(null as signed) and cast( (cast(ref_85.c_kq8lwb as signed) DIV cast((0<>0) or (0<>0) as unsigned)) as signed)) as c0 from t_tjov as ref_85 where (ref_85.c_qk not like '_fx3') order by c0 asc limit 1)) order by c0 desc limit 59), cte_22 AS (select ref_86.c_v as c0, (select c_pwz0 from t__ order by c_pwz0 limit 1 offset 4) as c1, -1655220287 as c2, (select c_irfjyds3 from t_tjov order by c_irfjyds3 limit 1 offset 63) as c3, ref_86.c__57bl_eu6 as c4, ref_86.c_mm8jnf as c5, ref_86.c_fr3uo as c6, case when ('id08fk8hi' like 'h%') then ref_86.c_mm8jnf else (NOT NOT(cast( (cast((ref_86.c_tf_us39fv <= ( select -578052931 as c0 from t__ as ref_87 where 1=1 order by c0 asc limit 1)) as unsigned) XOR cast(ref_86.c__57bl_eu6 as double)) as unsigned))) end as c7, case when (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_86.c__57bl_eu6 as double) != cast(((select c_gp1shyj16 from t__ order by c_gp1shyj16 limit 1 offset 2) not like 'g%9') as unsigned)) as unsigned))) then ref_86.c_v13rl else cast(nullif( ref_86.c_v, cast( (cast(536700804497512601 as signed) / cast(ref_86.c_mm8jnf as signed)) as double) ) as double) end as c8, bin( cast(ref_86.c_mm8jnf as signed)) as c9 from t_n as ref_86 where 1=1 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 desc limit 195), cte_23 AS (select ref_88.c_v as c0, ref_88.c_mm8jnf as c1 from t_n as ref_88 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(right( cast(case when ((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(73.40 as double) >= cast(12417 as signed)) as unsigned)))) and ((1=1) or (0<>0)) then cast(cast(null as char) as char) else cast(cast(null as char) as char) end as char), cast(ref_88.c_tf_us39fv as signed)) as char) <= cast('m6a' as char)) as unsigned)))), cte_24 AS (select cast( (cast(('xdm1u' like '_z4') as unsigned) < cast(19.28 as double)) as unsigned) as c0 from (select (select count(c_mm8jnf) from t_n) as c0, ref_89.c_yh_3 as c1, (select c_tf_us39fv from t_n order by c_tf_us39fv limit 1 offset 1) as c2, count( cast(21048 as signed)) over (partition by ref_89.c_yh_3, ref_89.c_jr2kq78hqt order by ref_89.c_t9, ref_89.c_d, ref_89.c_jr2kq78hqt, ref_89.c_yh_3, ref_89.c_w9w9q8pvv) as c3, ref_89.c_w9w9q8pvv as c4 from t_db8a as ref_89 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast((select c_irfjyds3 from t_tjov order by c_irfjyds3 limit 1 offset 4) as signed) > cast(ref_89.c_yh_3 as signed)) as unsigned)))) as subq_10 where (subq_10.c3 is NULL)) select subq_11.c1 as c0, cast(nullif( subq_11.c0, subq_11.c0 ) as signed) as c1, subq_11.c0 as c2, subq_11.c0 as c3, subq_11.c1 as c4, cast( (((EXISTS ( select 681089936 as c0, cast(null as signed) as c1, -634459808 as c2, -7472633 as c3, 1853142258 as c4, 1989815255 as c5, -1017196316 as c6, -9696130 as c7, 120199223 as c8, -265159234 as c9 from cte_24 as ref_92 where (0<>0) or (1=1)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast( ((select c_mzh from t_tjov order by c_mzh limit 1 offset 74) >= cast(null as char)) as unsigned)))) != (subq_11.c2 > ( select subq_11.c2 as c0 from cte_4 as ref_93 where (NOT NOT(cast( (5189131 > -7751222) as unsigned))) order by c0 asc limit 1))) as unsigned) as c5, subq_11.c0 as c6, cast( (cast(case when ((NOT NOT(cast( (-138496992 <=> cast(null as signed)) as unsigned)))) or ((subq_11.c0 between subq_11.c0 and subq_11.c0)) then round( cast(subq_11.c0 as signed)) else 1708334 end as signed) || cast(sign( cast((subq_11.c0 between cast( (cast(('by31r' not like '%u') as unsigned) ^ cast((NOT NOT(cast( (cast(47.22 as double) && cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as signed) and subq_11.c0) as unsigned)) as signed)) as unsigned) as c7, subq_11.c0 as c8, cast( (cast(subq_11.c0 as signed) * cast(subq_11.c0 as signed)) as signed) as c9 from (select ref_90.c5 as c0, ref_90.c1 as c1, ref_90.c0 as c2 from cte_0 as ref_90 where (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(ref_90.c1 as signed) || cast((select c_kq8lwb from t_tjov order by c_kq8lwb limit 1 offset 6) as signed)) as unsigned)))) as subq_11 where ((cast( ((subq_11.c0 between subq_11.c0 and subq_11.c0) > case when 1=1 then 13.31 else 89.96 end ) as unsigned) not in ( (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(4294967296.6 as double) < cast((subq_11.c2 in ( subq_11.c2, subq_11.c2)) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), (NOT NOT(cast( (cast(subq_11.c0 as decimal) <> cast(subq_11.c0 as signed)) as unsigned))), ('eww3z5a' like '___b%0rlhz')))) or (1=1) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 asc limit 91;