This repo is meant to stay in lockstep with the SVN repository and as such should not be modified on it's own. If there are changes in the SVN repository that should be pulled into this copy I would recommend the following steps
cd [local repository]
mkdir /tmp/new-gtm-oath2-read-only
svn export /tmp/new-gtm-oauth2-read-only
rm -rf .
mv /tmp/new-gtm-oauth2-read-only/* ./
git add --all .
git ci -m 'Updates to SVN revision [????]'
in your project directory run:
git submodule add [email protected]:pivotalshiny/gtm-oauth2.git Externals/gtm-oauth2
add Externals/gtm-oauth2/Source/GTMOAuth2.xcodeproj to your project
add OAuthTouchStaticLib (GTMOAuth2) to "Target Dependencies"
add libOAuthTouch2.a to "Link Binary With Libraries"
add "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/Externals/gtm-oauth2/Source" and "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/Externals/gtm-oauth2/HTTPFetcher" to "Header Search Paths"