- if permissions are not given to a user for a file the user can copy the file to another path and he will have all permissions to play with it
- sticky-bit is default applied in tmp directory
- dev directory is devices
- etc is extended configuration
- hard-disk should be purchased from same active region of service
- hard - disk is purchased from EBS under Volume
- Mailinator is a website where free email id is provided without credentials.
- to make multiple directory at single time
mkdir -p A/B/D/H A/C/F A/B/E
- By default mkdir make directory with permission 777 - umask(002)
- By default text-files are given permission 662
indicates ACL is being applied at some file- when we check ACL permissions on a file it shows a type mask which indicates highest permission on file
- lsblk # shows partitions and hard disks in red Redhat
- fdisk -l # shows partitions in present hard-disk
- $ setfacl -b file.ext # Remove all ACL permissions
- $ setfacl -x u:user-name file.ext # Remove single user ACL
- $ yum provides package-name # it tells us which repo provides the specific package
- $ yum reinstall package-name #reinstalls the specified package
- Make two groups
- in group 1 add 3 users
- in group 2 add 5 users
- create folders A to M as in pic
- in K directory only permissions will be given to group 2
- in L directory the permissions will be given to group 1
- top 3 levels of architecture should not be touched by any of the groups
- use stickybit and gsid
- make the architecture using mkdir only once
- read = 4
- write = 2
- execute = 1
- sticky bit = 1
- SGID = 2
- None = -
- example
$ chmod 421 file.ext # 421 == owner group other
- all permission = 7
- remove all permission = 000
- add all permission = 777
- read + execute = 4 + 1 = 5
chmod u own g oth
special owner group other
example $chmod 2777 /check # add SGID
- root - all permissions
- group - name = Tech - has 2 users - all permission
- other - has many users - no permissions
- provide rx permission to single user in other * it can be done using ACL
- extended permission to be given to different users and permissions will be different
- setfacl - > set file access control list
- -m - > modify , user:user-name:permission
$ setfacl -m u:u4:rx file.extension
$ getfacl file.extension
to check ACL permission given to which user use
to remove ACL permission from a users
$ setfacl -x u:u4 file.extension
- As per Student , storage is of 2 types ~ :
- Primary - > RAM
- Secondary - > HDD
- By 2025 DNA will replace hard-disk to store data ( Project human as a storage device , 2kg DNA)
- Why partitions are necessary : partitions are necessary to use same hard disk for multiple OS installations
* No of partitions that are possible to br created in a storage depends on partition table.
* It is of 2 types ~ :
1. MBR
2. GPT
* in a hard disk , how many partitions can be made beyond hard disk size
* MBR (Master Boot Record) - > minimum 4 partitions are possible approximately
* GPT - > around 10 partitions are possible approximately
* partition table is made inside the hard - disk itself
* MBR does not work over 2 TB data hard-disk
* GPT has no limit or around ( 8 ETB)
* By default GPT partition table is used Windows nowadays
* 64 byte size for partition information
* Parttions are of 2 types :
1. Primary ( 4 partition possible)
2. Logical
* OS is installed in Primary partition
* Stores data fast, secure, easy to access in primary partition
* other then primary partition , we can make extended partition
* extended partition does not store data but inside it we can creates logical partition (60 possible) which stores information.
* total partitions present = primary + logical in reality but it shows total partitions = primary + extended + Logical
* Only single extended partition possible with 3 primary partitions
* without extended , we can make 4 primary partitions.
* maximum 2TB hard-disk size
* GUID Partition table
* Globally Unique Identifier
* No logic regarding extended partitions
* 128 primary partitions are possible
- it defines the allotment of permissions to newly created files in linux.
- to find current permissions to be given to file calculate umask value by 0777 - umask around
- check with file system permissions numbering
- other user has umask = 0002(default)
- root user has umask = 0022 (default)
- open 4 ~ 5 processes and save data of RAM to hard-disk and after reboot re-transfer data from hard-disk to RAM