Interested in Crypto Trading? Maybe you have just found the quickest way how to lose all investment with cool automatic way!
The bot use 2 APIs:
- Binance API for trading
- Taapi API for getting various Trade indicators
Evaluation of Trade indicator is handled each 1 minute. See index.js cron rule.
- Check the Trade Indicator
- Check Wallet
- Get strategy based on actual Portfolio and Trade Indicator
- Trade based on strategy
The current value of selected indicator. It comes from Taapi.
Using to get indicators like RSI, Fibonacci Retracement, ... See documentation for all supported indicators
Calls Binance to check wallet to optimize strategy.
"crypto": {
"symbol": "DOT",
"value": 1.01,
"estimateStable": 37.0001,
"askPrice": 37.73,
"bidPrice": 37.71,
"stable": {
"symbol": "BUSD",
"value": 63.0009,
"estimateCrypto": 1.692722425074527
"fee": {
"symbol": "BNB",
"value": 0.00383236
"total": {
"estimate": 100.001
Check the actual porfolio. Apply the defined strategy. Feel free to play with strategy. See strategy.js
const getStrategy = (indicator, wallet) => {
// code own strategy
// amonut is always value in stable coin eg. BUSD
// return { action: 'SELL', amount: 20};
// return { action: 'BUY', amount: 20};
// return { action: 'WAIT', amount: 20};
Using Binance API to open trades.
Please notice there is used 'MARKET' ORDER which might be considered as risky.
Install (setup once)
Rename .env-sample to .env and SET API KEYs (setup once)
- TAAPI Free api key
- BINANCE -> Profile -> API management. Ensure binance key have rights to set trade (Enable Spot & Margin Trading, Enable Reading)
- CRYPTO - crypto what you want to trade
- STABLE - stable coin you want to use. Notice the binance must suppot trade crypto with selected stable coin
- INDICATOR - trending strategy, see taapi for available indicators
- INTERVAL - interval applied to indicator
Ensure you have (setup once)
- CRYPTO or STABLE coin in wallet
- fraction of BNB coin for cheaper transaction fees
TAAPI_API_KEY=[your taapi api key]
BINANCE_API_KEY=[your binance api key]
BINANCE_SECREY_KEY=[your binance secrey key]
- Install (setup once) Run in project folder.
yarn install
- Start the trade bot (each time you wisth to start bot) Run in project folder.
Start trading
yarn start-backend
Start UI to see data generated from backend
yarn start-frontend
Logs from backend are collected in different places
- Trade logs are collected in frontend/src/data/trade-YYYY-MM-DD.log
- Warning logs are collected in backend/warning.log
- Error logs are collected in backend/error.log
pm2 start yarn --name trade-bot-trader -- start -- pm2 start yarn --name trade-bot-ui-backend -- start -- pm2 start yarn --name trade-bot-ui-frontend -- start -- pm2 save
Q1. I am getting "Timestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.".
A: Ensure your time is in sync. Try to synchronize your time manually.
- Right click on windows clocks
- Select "Adjust date/time"
- Ensure you have enabled both "Set time automatically" and "Set time zone automatically"
- Press "Sync now"
- Check if error disapear
It it helps I recommend update windows registry to sync time more often.
This will set to sync time each 17min (1020 seconds)
- Open Regedit
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient
- Adjust value SpecialPollInterval to 1020 as Decimal Value
Q2. I do not recieve value of indicator.
- Please ensure you have correct TAAPI key in .env file
- I have notices from time to time TAAPI have issues and do not sent correct response. This is usually fixed by TAAPI and it start to work normally in few minutes.