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Awesome Jekyll Plugins - Scripts & Pasties Version

A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (scripts, pasties, etc.) adding converters, generators, filters & tags, importers, new commands & switches, and more.

Note: For all gem-packaged plugins, see the main page, that is,



  • Full-text search ★141 by Pascal Widdershoven -- adds full-text search to your site with a plugin and a bit of JavaScript

Feeds & Syndication


Bibliography & Citiations


  • Scholar Extras ★17 by John Goodall -- extras for jekyll-scholar
  • Bib ★28 -- Render BibTeX-formatted bibliographies/citations included in posts and pages using bibtex2html.
  • Citation ★36 -- Render BibTeX-formatted bibliographies/citations included in posts and pages (pure Ruby).



  • Sitemap.xml Generator ★202 by Michael Levin -- Generates a sitemap.xml file by traversing all of the available posts and pages.
  • AliasGenerator ★121 by Thomas Mango -- Generates redirect pages for posts when an alias is specified in the YAML Front Matter.
  • Pageless Redirect Generator ★61 by Nick Quinlan -- Generates redirects based on files in the Jekyll root, with support for htaccess style redirects.
  • RssGenerator ★81 by Assaf Gelber -- Automatically creates an RSS 2.0 feed from your posts.
  • Monthly archive generator ★30 by Shigeya Suzuki -- Generator and template which renders monthly archive like MovableType style, based on the work by Ilkka Laukkanen and others above.
  • Category archive generator ★74 by Shigeya Suzuki -- Generator and template which renders category archive like MovableType style, based on Monthly archive generator.
  • Pages Directory ★45 by Ben Baker-Smith -- Defines a _pages directory for page files which routes its output relative to the project root.
  • Page Collections ★19 by Jeff Kolesky -- Generates collections of pages with functionality that resembles posts.
  • Windows 8.1 Live Tile Generation ★9 by Matt Sheehan -- Generates Internet Explorer 11 config.xml file and Tile Templates for pinning your site to Windows 8.1.
  • Typescript Generator ★3 by Matt Sheehan -- Generate Javascript on build from your Typescript.
  • Jekyll Portfolio Generator ★21 by Shannon Babincsak -- Generates project pages and computes related projects out of project data files.
  • Jekyll Flickr Plugin ★6 by Lawrence Murray -- Generates posts for photos uploaded to a Flickr photostream.
  • AMP-Jekyll ★31 by Juuso Mikkonen -- Generate Accelerated Mobile Pages of Jekyll posts.

Gist Pasties



Gist Pasties



  • Truncate HTML ★46 by Matt Hall -- A Jekyll filter that truncates HTML while preserving markup structure.
  • Domain Name Filter 3★ by Lawrence Woodman -- Filters the input text so that just the domain name is left.
  • i18n_filter -- Liquid filter to use I18n localization.
  • Smilify ★6 by Saswat Padhi -- Convert text emoticons in your content to themeable smiley pics.
  • Table of Content Generator ★63 by Davide Ficano -- Generate the HTML code containing a table of content (TOC), the TOC can be customized in many way, for example you can decide which pages can be without TOC.
  • humanize ★20 by Ryan Morrissey -- This is a port of the Django app humanize which adds a "human touch" to data. Each method represents a Fluid type filter that can be used in your Jekyll site templates. Given that Jekyll produces static sites, some of the original methods do not make logical sense to port (e.g. naturaltime).
  • Ordinal ★9 -- Jekyll liquid filter to output a date ordinal such as "st", "nd", "rd", or "th".
  • Deprecated articles keeper ★5 by Kazuya Kobayashi -- A simple Jekyll filter which monitor how old an article is.
  • jalali ★4 by Mehdi Sadeghi -- A simple Gregorian to Jalali date converter filter.
  • Thumbnail Filter ★10 by Carlos Matallín -- Related posts thumbnail filter.

Gist Pasties

  • Summarize Filter by Mathieu Arnold -- Remove markup after a <div id="extended"> tag
  • Read in X Minutes by Zach Leatherman -- Estimates the reading time of a string (for blog post content)



  • Asset Path Tag ★53 by Sam Rayner -- Allows organisation of assets into subdirectories by outputting a path for a given file relative to the current post or page.
  • Delicious Plugin ★18 by Christian Hellsten -- Fetches and renders bookmarks from
  • Client ★24 by Robert Böhnke -- Autogenerate embeds from URLs using oEmbed.
  • FlickrSetTag ★50 by Thomas Mango -- Generates image galleries from Flickr sets.
  • Tweet Tag ★71 by Scott W. Bradley -- Liquid tag for Embedded Tweets using Twitter’s shortcodes.
  • Dribbble Set Tag ★18 -- Builds Dribbble image galleries from any user.
  • GalleryTag ★55 -- Generates thumbnails from a directory of images and displays them in a grid.
  • Image Tag ★82 -- Better images for Jekyll. Save image presets, generate resized images, and add classes, alt text, and other attributes.
  • Ditaa Tag ★23 by Matthias Vogelgesang -- Renders ASCII diagram art into PNG images and inserts a figure tag.
  • Suggested Tweet ★11 by David Ensinger -- A Liquid tag for Jekyll that allows for the embedding of suggested tweets via Twitter’s Web Intents API.
  • Image Set/Gallery Tag ★26 by Erik Dungan -- Renders HTML for an image gallery from a folder in your Jekyll site. Just pass it a folder name and class/tag options.
  • Piwigo Gallery ★2 by Alessandro Lorenzi -- Jekyll plugin to generate thumbnails from a Piwigo gallery and display them with a Liquid tag
  • mathml.rb ★4 by Tom Thorogood -- A plugin to convert TeX mathematics into MathML for display.
  • 500px Embed ★10 by Luke Korth -- A Liquid tag plugin that embeds 500px photos.
  • twa ★2 -- Twemoji Awesome plugin for Jekyll. Liquid tag allowing you to use twitter emoji in your jekyll pages.
  • Fetch remote file content ★1 by Dimitri König -- Using remote_file_content tag you can fetch the content of a remote file and include it as if you would put the content right into your markdown file yourself. Very useful for including code from github repo's to always have a current repo version.
  • Flickr ★6 by Lawrence Murray -- Embeds Flickr photosets (albums) as a gallery of thumbnails, with lightbox links to larger images.
  • Video Embed ★4 -- It provides several tags to easily embed videos (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, UStream and Ted Talks)
  • ★42 by Aaron Gustafson -- A plugin to enable webmention integration using Includes an optional JavaScript for updating webmentions automatically between publishes and, if available, in realtime using WebSockets.

Gist Pasties

  • Ultraviolet by Steve Alex -- Jekyll tag for the Ultraviolet code highligher
  • Tag Cloud by Ilkka Laukkanen -- Generate a tag cloud that links to tag pages.
  • Git Tag by Alexandre Girard -- Add Git activity inside a list.
  • MathJax Liquid Tags by Jessy Cowan-Sharp -- Simple liquid tags for Jekyll that convert inline math and block equations to the appropriate MathJax script tags.
  • Non-JS Gist Tag by Brandon Tilley -- A Liquid tag that embeds Gists and shows code for non-JavaScript enabled browsers and readers.
  • Render Time Tag by Blake Smith -- Displays the time a Jekyll page was generated.
  • Tag -- Displays the notices in a given feed.
  • Logarithmic Tag Cloud -- Flexible. Logarithmic distribution. Documentation inline.
  • oEmbed Tag by Tammo van Lessen -- Enables easy content embedding (e.g. from YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare) via oEmbed.
  • Generate YouTube Embed by Joel Verhagen -- Jekyll plugin which allows you to embed a YouTube video in your page with the YouTube ID. Optionally specify width and height dimensions. Like “oEmbed Tag” but just for YouTube.
  • Jsonball -- Reads json files and produces maps for use in Jekyll files.
  • Debbugs -- Allows posting links to Debian BTS easily.
  • devonly_tag -- A block tag for including markup only during development.
  • Youku and Tudou Embed -- Liquid plugin for embedding Youku and Tudou videos.
  • font-awesome -- Quickly and easily add Font Awesome icons to your posts.
  • Lychee Gallery Tag by Tobias Brunner -- Include Lychee albums into a post

Plugin Collections


  • Pluginsive Design ★198 -- Plugins to generate Project pages from GitHub readmes, a Category page, and a Sitemap generator.
  • Company website and blog plugins ★137 by Flatterline -- Portfolio/project page generator, team/individual page generator, an author bio liquid tag for use on posts, and a few other smaller plugins.
  • Plugins ★28 by Aucor -- Plugins for trimming unwanted newlines/whitespace and sorting pages by weight attribute.



  • ditaa-ditaa ★9 by Tom Thorogood -- a drastic revision of ditaa that renders diagrams drawn using ASCII art into PNG images.
  • Pygments Cache Path ★14 by Raimonds Simanovskis -- Plugin to cache syntax-highlighted code from Pygments.
  • Related Posts ★72 by Lawrence Woodman -- Overrides site.related_posts to use categories to assess relationship.
  • asset_bundler ★98 -- Bundles and minifies JavaScript and CSS.
  • Singlepage ★46 by Jacob Klapwijk -- Turns Jekyll into a dynamic one-page website.
  • generator ★606 -- A generator that wraps Jekyll in Yeoman, a tool collection and workflow for building modern web apps.
  • grunt ★230 -- A straightforward Grunt plugin
  • postfiles ★37 -- Add _postfiles directory and {% raw %}{{ postfile }}{% endraw %} tag so the files a post refers to will always be right there inside your repo.
  • A layout that compresses HTML ★210 -- GitHub Pages compatible, configurable way to compress HTML files on site build.
  • CO₂ ★1 -- Generates HTML showing the monthly change in atmospheric CO₂ at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii.
  • remote-include ★6 -- Includes files using remote URLs
  • views router -- Simple router between generator plugins and templates.

Gist Pasties



The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the jekyll talk forum. Thanks!