Releases: plantinformatics/pretzel
Release v3.5.0 Dataset Collections #465
Principal addition
#465 Dataset Collections
development branch feature/datasetCollections
Sub-issues of #465, and other issues completed in this branch :
#466 group datasets by meta.Crop
#467 Display crop names as tabs in the Dataset Explorer
#471 Add Category filter for Dataset Collections
#461 Improve performance of VCF Genotype Request processing
#472 Warn if dataset upload does not define meta.Crop
#473 Generate a CSV report of datasets and export as a file download
#463 Provide GUI error message when Genotype directory is not set up
#474 Streamline the upload of Crop and Category metadata
#417 Feature Search : add a clear button to enable remove the triangle after search
#404 Feature / marker names which are numbers are being converted to numeric type instead of string
#397 Change white-space filtering in text input fields for DNA Sequence search and Feature Search
#409 Genotype request : filter out duplicate sample names entered by the user
re-tested duplicate samples and SNPs - OK, closed with a comment with commit and test description. Found an issue in 460 :
#460 Add a minus sign to remove the dataset in Dataset Explorer - beacd7c changes required by loadBlock changing to a toggle
#477 Prepare metadata for software release
Release v3.4.0
PR: #470 Release v3.4.0
Work done under sub-issues of #443 :
#444 GUI feedback when no result
#445 Blast Search : move Reference input to the top
#446 Blast Search : separate and label the Optional Inputs
#447 Show a "loading" message, particularly where searches may be long
#448 Help button with link to docs pertinent to the component
#449 VCF Genotype Search error messages when inputs don't match in the selected Dataset
#453 Reduce initial right panel width
#457 In the Dataset Explorer, wrap dataset Recent / Favourites controls in a feature flag
#458 Rename the un-filtered group selection to 'All'
#459 Feature Table : Wrap in a feature flag : Editable and Save To Database
#460 Add a minus sign to remove the dataset in Dataset Explorer
Release v3.3.0
This PR is the completion of #431 Usability and GUI presentation improvements, which contains these sub-issues :
- #436 Make the Datasources component less prominent because it is only used by advanced users
- #437 Hide Selected Server in the Search tab when there is only the primary server connected
- #438 Default to All Datasets after closing and re-opening the Datasets panel-container
- #439 Add the margin to VCF Genotype Search
- #441 Sort chromosome names in VCF tab of Dataset Explorer
- #428 Upload error-report in GUI : typo in JSON upload displays in GUI as [object Object]
Development branch : feature/guiChangesLeftPanel
Release v3.2.0
Release v3.1.0
Release v3.0.0
Release 3.0.0
Main work items
- upgrade of frontend frameworks
- Working Group #3 addition of Genotype Search
- BrAPI additions
The PR #414 documents the work done in this release :
- #370 frontend upgrade
- #383 Working Group Use Case 3 : Request Genotype values for given Dataset, SNP Names, Samples
- #394 Working Group Use Case 3 Extensions
- #372 BrAPI Wittenberg Hackathon 2024 notes
- #373 Configure display of histograms to handle smaller VCF datasets
- #398 blast - errors are reported as 0 hits
- #399 Include blastServer in docker-compose yaml to enable single-command installation and startup
- #377 Standardisation of Pretzel Deployment
- #408 Pretzel server exits after Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
- #374 Change default position of right/bottom panel to right
- #375 Enable Germinate Datasource, without requiring url option
Development branches
Master Release v2.10.0
Master Release v2.8.0
Minor release.
- axis track: show detail of sub-elements
- add API to get
from server runtime environment to FE (afaf28f) - add DAWN JBrowse to External Lookup (1eed2da, afae988)
- plus 2-way flow of params from url to/from the axis zoom
- fixed example maps JSON - re-upload to your pretzel instance if paths are not being displayed