- network/wifi
- auto-answer option
- auto-call option
- prompts to allow network connections on electron startup: use the same thread (remote?) -> sign electron app?
- block sending messages when server is disconnected/not available - queue them at a later stage
- root disconnect/connect vuex actions
- still all those udp errors in electron dev mode?
- scroll problem when list update (from poll)
- play sound and vibrations when ringing
- change front/rear camera
- settings: select camera/microphone: show a screen with the mic and video, and dropdown lists of the possible devices. Then persist the selected device ids. Blocked on this issue
- in the upper right button: change status disconnect/connect (start/stop server), and 'busy' status
- badges/toast when receiving new messages
- handle calls when the app runs in background
- handle messages when the apps runs in background (notifications/toasts)
- sort the list by status - available first, busy second, disconnected at last
- i18n
- i18n: moment
- i18n: change in settings
- i18n: select on initial start
- settings: reset
- capture avatar in electon. See https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/pwa-elements/
- mirror call/ring actions
- reconnect when connection is lost
- poll unconnected servers
- get rid of netcat/checkServer as it is implied when ws connection succeeds/fails
- archive offline servers when no messages history
- swipe item to call
- show chat duration
- stop using immutable in the servers vuex module, and uninstall the immutable package
- mute/unmute call
- turn the camera on/off
- start/stop video during call
- block calls when server is disconnected/not available
- first chat message is not set in the getter
- on start, remote server stays connected in the list (persisted that way)
- set 'busy' status when calling
- root pickup/hangup vuex actions
- show audio waves instead of video when video is off - of show avatar?
- add calls information (rejected/stared + duration) to chat messages
- implement WSS?
- limit animations in quasar.conf to the ones that are actually used
- swipe item to archive/delete? -> find a way to clean the list of former/disconnected devices
- change http(s) mDNS service type to something else e.g. ws(s) or a custom type
- call buttons on the left or right side of the screen depending on its size
- change favicons
- add more composable methods