For a market, quote_asset:base_asset. your bot account have some quote_asset and base_asset. if quote_asset price is going up (relative to base_asset), sell some to get base_asset, otherwise buy some quote_asset using base_asset. the method is simple: put two orders in the market, and wait one is filled, after that, cancel the unfilled order, place two orders again.
- git clone
- cd node-bts-bot
- npm install
- cp apinodes.js.sample apinodes.js
- modify apinodes.js for your need
- create a file my_bot.js, contains:
'use strict'; var orders_bot = require('./bts-orders-bot'); const account = 'you bot account with initial funds with both assets'; const active_key_wif = 'the active private key in wif format starts with 5'; const strategy = { base_asset_symbol: 'CNY', quote_asset_symbol: 'BTS', price_diff: 0.1, ratio_diff: 0.04, min_ratio: 0.25, max_ratio: 0.75, price_adjust_ratio: 2 } orders_bot.simple_bot(account, active_key_wif, strategy);
- node ./my_bot.js
- happy trading