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File metadata and controls

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Tool Interfaces, MPICH Parameters, And Instrumentation

This page describes the design of the MPI Tool (MPI_T) Information Interfaces in MPI-3. MPI-T provides a set of interfaces for users to list, query, read and possibly write variables internal to an MPI implementation. Each such variable represents a particular property, setting or performance measurement from within the MPI implementation. MPI_T classifies the variables into two parts: control variables and performance variables. Control variables correspond to the current MPICH parameters, through which MPICH tunes its configuration. Performance variables correspond to the current MPICH internal instrumentation variables, through which MPICH understands its performance.

MPI_T Basics

Through MPI_T, a user can, for control variables (cvar), *Get the number of cvars by MPI_T_cvar_get_num();

  • Get attributes of each cvar, which include its name, verbosity, datatype, description, bind and scope;
  • Allocate a handle for a cvar;
  • Read / write a cvar through its handle.

For performance variables (pvar),

  • Get the number of cvars by MPI_T_pvar_get_num();
  • Get attributes of each pvar, which include its name, verbosity, datatype, description, bind, class;
  • Create a session so that accesses to pvars in different sessions won't conflict;
  • Allocate a handle for pvar in a specific session;
  • Start / stop / read / write / reset / readreset a pvar through its handle.

For cvars and pvars,

  • Know their categorization, i.e., how an MPI implementation categorizes its variables, which category contains which variables and sub-categories.

Design Requirements

We wish to have a framework through which components of MPICH can add their parameters and instrumentation uniformly. And it is easy to expose variables to MPI-T interfaces and it is efficient to access variables through MPI-T interfaces.

Old MPICH Parameter and MPI_T Control Variable Design

The document Parameters_in_MPICH describes requirements and a potential design of MPICH parameters. However, the current MPICH code doesn't follow this design. Currently, all MPICH parameters are declared in mpich/src/util/param/params.yml 1 in a markup language, which then is parsed and the results are dumped into two files: mpich_param_vals.h/c. The main data structure is a static array MPIR_Param_params[], which is initialized to hold info for each parameter, such as its name, data type and a pointer to the parameter. The current code connects a cvar handle to its corresponding element in MPIR_Param_params[], which makes MPI-T cvar implementation straightforward.

Problems of the Old MPI-T cvar design

  • cvars are statically defined, thus not supporting dynamically adding / removing cvars through dynamic loading libraries.
  • => It seems this ability is not needed in MPICH. => One place that it may come up (and does in other implementations of MPI) is in the dynamic loading of communication or file I/O code; for example, if netmods could be loaded dynamically or if ADIO device implementations where loaded depending on the file system accesses. Having the option to support these would be good but not essential.
  • Do not support MPI object binding.
  • => Currently, all cvars have attribute MPI_T_BIND_NO_OBJECT. Do we want to have such object-binding cvars? => Interestingly enough, we do have a set of control vars that does have a binding: the option for functions to replace the collective and topology routines. These are not available through the parameter interface, but could be considered developer-level control variables.
  • Not very efficient when accessing a cvar due to datatype dispatching.
  • For example, to read a cvar, the current code does
int MPIR_T_cvar_read_impl(MPI_T_cvar_handle handle, void *buf)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    struct MPIR_Param_t *p = handle->p;

    switch (p->default_val.type) {
        case MPIR_PARAM_TYPE_INT:
                int *i_buf = buf;
                *i_buf = *(int *)p->val_p;
                double *d_buf = buf;
                *d_buf = *(double *)p->val_p;
  • =>Promote all cvars to either 64-bit long (MPI_INT64_T, MPI_DOUBLE), or 128-bit long (for a range), or anything else (e.g., string), so that we can do very fast dispatching.
  • Do not properly indicate the scope of the variable. This is related to deficiencies in the parameter handling implementation, which fail to provide this information
  • Provide no category or hierarchy information. Also a deficiency in the parameter handling implementation.
  • Descriptions of the control variables rely on correct text in the flat file describing the parameters. As there is no obvious link to the use of the control variable in the source file, these get out-of-sync easily. Other, more robust designs for the parameter definitions would keep the definitions closer together.

Old MPICH Instrumentation and MPI_T Performance Variable Design

The document Internal_Instrumentation describes MPICH instrumentation requirements and a possible design. Current code (src/include/mpiinstr.h) loosely implements this design. Two types of instrumentation are defined: one is timer and the other is counter. They are heavily used in RMA code, ch3u_rma_sync.c2. However, current MPICH MPI-T pvar code neither makes use of the instrumentation interfaces nor exposes those variables. See MPIDI_CH3U_Recvq_init(void) in ch3u_rma_sync.c 3 to get a sense of how it works (note that some of the definitions use counter types that are not valid according to the MPI specification). An MPI component needs to register its pvars in a table, which in effect is a dynamic array storing information, such as datatypes and pointers of all pvars. An MPI_T_pvar_handle points to a pvar, so that accesses to the pvar can be done.

Problems of the Old MPI-T pvar design

  • Do not support the semantics of MPI_T session.
  • MPI-T standard provides a construct MPI_T_pvar_session. Users need to create a pvar session, then allocate pvar handles in the context of a session. Accesses to the same pvar in different sessions must not conflict. However, current MPI_T pvar code does not have such ability. Accesses are always made to the original pvars.
  • Accessing a pvar is inefficient.
  • Even though most pvars are a single element, the code uses a memcpy to read / write them into / out of user buffers.

New MPI_T Control Variable Design

To make it easy to sync between descriptions and actual usages, the centralized parameter (cvar) file is abandoned. Instead, cvar descriptions are spread out to their corresponding source *.h or *c files as special comment blocks. A script (extractcvars) then parses source files (under specified directories specified in the script) to extract the descriptions and generates C code (src/util/cvar/mpich_cvars.c ) to setup cvars and categories.

A cvar description block has the following format

 <<In alltoall.c>>
categories :
   - name : COLLECTIVE
     description : A category for collective communication variables.

     category  : COLLECTIVE
     type      : int
     default   : 256
     class     : device
     scope     : MPI_T_SCOPE_ALL_EQ
     description : >-
        the short message algorithm will be used if the per-destination
        message size (sendcount*size(sendtype)) is <= this value

     category  : COLLECTIVE
     type      : int
     default   : 32768
     class     : device
     scope     : MPI_T_SCOPE_ALL_EQ
     description : >-
         the medium message algorithm will be used if the per-destination
         message size (sendcount*size(sendtype)) is <= this value and
         larger than ALLTOALL_SHORT_MSG_SIZE


  • Use BEGIN/END_MPI_T_CVAR_INFO_BLOCK to tag a cvar info block. The parsing script depends on these two tags. A file can at most have one such block.
  • Enclosed are descriptions for categories or cvars in Perl YML format, where indentaattion is used to express hierarchy.
  • Use "categories: \newline" or "cvars: \newline" to start a section. A block should at least have one section.
  • Use "-(space)" to start a new entry in a section. key-value pairs in an entry must be aligned, but their order is irrelevant.
  • Use ">- \newline" to start a multiline description.
  • Users should put cvar info blocks close to cvar usage points. cvars in multiple files can belong to one category. Putting the category description in any file is fine. The script checks if categories referenced by cvars exist.
  • The script puts comments in the generated .h file (i.e., src/include/mpich_cvars.h )on where a cvar is found. So if duplicate cvar info blocks exist (and triggers compilation error), users can easily know where to fix.

Fields of a category:

  • name, description are mandatory.

Fields of a cvar:

  • name, category, type, default, class, verbosity, scope, description, class are mandatory.
    • cvar names usually have a prefix MPIR_CVAR_. Suppose there is a cvar with name MPIR_CVAR_XXX, during initialization, the generate C code will assign the cvar with its default value, then try to overwrite the default value by retrieving values of environment variables MPICH_XXX, MPIR_PARAM_XXX, MPIR_CVAR_XXX if any, in ascending priority order.
    • class can be device or none
    • type can be int, boolean, double, string or range.
      • For boolean type, default values can be true or false
      • For string type, default values can be NULL or a non-quoted string
      • For range type, default values are in format low:high, where low and high are integer
  • alt-env is optional, which lists alternative env names to set the cvar. For example,
    - name        : MPIR_CVAR_CH3_PORT_RANGE

New MPI_T Performance Variable Design

To be consistent, we call instrumentation variables and performance variables uniformly pvars. Pvars have two clients: MPI tools (Tools) and MPI components (Components). Interfaces exposed to Tools are defined in mpi.h with prefix MPI_T_. Interfaces exposed to Components are defined in mpit.h with prefix MPIR_T_, which are actually macros so that they have zero overhead when instrumentation is disabled. Data structures used by MPIR_T are defined in mpit_internal.h. We make two assumptions

  1. Pvars are frequently updated by Components, but much less frequently accessed (e.g., read) by Tools.
  2. In real environment, one pvar session (instead of multiple) is the most common case.

We should optimize towards these assumptions.

Pvar Classes

MPI_T defines the following pvar classes: MPI_T_PVAR_CLASS_{STATE, LEVEL, SIZE, PERCENTAGE, HIGHWATERMARK, LOWWATERMARK, COUNTER, AGGREGATE, TIMER, GENERIC}. pvars of COUNTER, AGGREGATE or TIMER represent an aggregate value during a period. Their basic operator is +. We say these pvars are SUM. Note that instrumentation variables in the old MPICH code are either COUNTER or TIMER. pvars of HIGHWATERMARK or LOWWATERMARK represent the max/min value during a period. Their basic operators are Max/Min. We say these pvars are WATERMARK. These operators have a big impact on implementation of pvar sessions (see below).

Pvar Metadata

MPI_T defines a rich set of properties about pvars, including their name, description, verbosity, class, binding, category and various flags (continuous, readonly, atomic) . Unlike the old code, we do no store these metadata along with pvars themselves (for instance, use a big struct to represent a pvar). The storage of metadata is separately and dynamically allocated. Because metadata accesses are likely on cold paths, separating pvars and their metadata can improve locality of critical paths that access pvars (for example, when Components declare a bunch of pvars one time, as in the current RMA code).

Pvar datatypes

PVAR class

Types allowed by MPI3

Types provided by MPICH

Abbreviation in the code



(all on left)




(all on left)




(all on left)




(all on left)






Pvar Storage

Pvars can be a single element, or can be an array of elements. In the old mpich instrumentation code (mpiinstr.h), all instrumentation variables are declared as global variables with fixed sizes. To be more general, in the new implementation, we extended it with two additions:

  1. Support dynamic storage, i.e., pvars can be allocated at run time with variable sizes. 2) Pvars are not necessarily contiguous. Components provide callbacks to assemble data and return it to Tools (e.g., when MPI_T_pvar_read() is called).
  • For statically allocated pvars, provide interfaces to declare them as static or extern
#define MPIR_T_PVAR_INT_STATE_DECL_impl(name_) \
    int PVAR_STATE_##name_;
#define MPIR_T_PVAR_INT_STATE_DECL_STATIC_impl(name_) \
    static int PVAR_STATE_##name_;
#define MPIR_T_PVAR_INT_STATE_DECL_EXTERN_impl(name_) \
    extern int PVAR_STATE_##name_;

Components register static pvars using interfaces like

#define MPIR_T_PVAR_STATE_REGISTER_STATIC_impl(dtype_, name_, initval_, etype_, verb_, bind_, flags_, cat_, desc_)
  • For other types of pvars (i.e., dynamic allocated, or accessed by callbacks), Components are responsible for memory allocation and register them using interfaces like
#define MPIR_T_PVAR_STATE_REGISTER_DYNAMIC_impl(dtype_, name_, addr_, count_, etype_, verb_,  bind_, flags_, get_value_, get_count_, cat_, desc_)

Pvar Interfaces to Components

Depending on pvar classes, provide different sets of methods to initialize and operate the pvar. Components should only use these interfaces.

PVAR class How to initialize Methods
TIMER Call INIT() to init to zero INIT, GET, START, END, ADDR

Pvar Handles

MPI_T says "... To avoid collisions with respect to accesses to performance variables, users of the MPI tool information interface must first create a session. Subsequent calls that access performance variables can then be made within the context of this session. Any call executed in a session must not influence the results in any other session." "Before using a performance variable, a user must first allocate a handle ... for the variable". MPI_T also defines continuousness of a pvar. If a pvar is continuous, it is "always active and cannot be controlled by the user". These statements basically mean a pvar can show different values in different sessions, depending on its continuousness. We may need to cache the value in a pvar handle. We are going to support these combinations:

  • Non-continuous SUM pvars
  • We store in each pvar handle three values of such a pvar, namely, accum, offset, current. When a handle is allocated, accum is initialized to zero. When a pvar is started, its current value is cached in offset. When a pvar is stopped, we read its current value into current and do update like "accum += current - offset". When reading a stopped pvar, we return accum. When reading a running pvar, we return accum + (current - offset). Such design has a low overhead and Components can update their pvars very fast, in regardless of how many pvar handles are allocated.
  • Non-continuous WATERMARK pvars
  • We can not apply above approach here, since there is no offset value for Max or Min operations. Instead, we have to design special non-continuous watermark pvar types. When a handle of such a pvar is allocated, we need to register the handle to the pvar so that whenever the pvar changes, we can update values (e.g., accum) in their handles accordingly. When a handle is freed, we need to unregister it from the pvar. When pvar handles are stopped, we should not update values in these handles. This approach is not scalable. But we can optimize for the single pvar session cases.
  • Continuous SUM pvars
  • Even though a continuous pvar cannot be started or stopped by the user, MPI3.0 requires the starting value of such a pvar to be zero. It looks as if the pvar is started implicitly at its handle allocation time. Depending on the exact time of pvar handle allocation, users can observe different values of the pvar in different sessions. So the implementation is almost as same as that for non-continuous SUM pvars.
  • Continuous WATERMARK pvars
  • Similar to continuous SUM pvars, MPI3.0 requires the starting value of a watermark is "the current utilization level of the resource at the time that the starting value is set". So again, depending on the exact time of pvar handle allocation, users can observe different values of the pvar in different sessions. Thus the implementation is almost as same as that for non-continuous WATERMARK pvars.
  • Continuous pvars of STATE, LEVEL, SIZE, PERCENTAGE
  • These pvars does not have "memory" (i.e., no history). They reflect the current state of a certain resource. So all sessions will read the same value of such pvars. Therefore, caching in pvar handles is not needed and the implementation can be simpler. We can also know, non-continuous versions of these pvars do not make sense and therefore are not supported.

Memory allocation for caches in pvar handles: As discussed above, sometimes we need to store cached values in pvar handles. For single-element pvars, it is simple. We just reserve fields for them in pvar handles. For multi-element pvars, we store in pvar handles pointers to buffers for cached values. But we do not need to separately allocate buffers. Since when a pvar handle is going to be allocated, its all information is known, including its bound object if any. So we know buffer sizes at that point. We can allocate buffers alongside the pvar handle using one malloc. Consequently, they can be freed in one free().

Pvar Sessions

Pvar sessions are simply a list of pvar handles. Each time we allocate a pvar handle, the handle is linked into its session.

Category:Design Documents