Version 2.3b - Remove Anti-tamper code viewed as a virus by windows *Removed anti hacking code that was viewed as a virus by windows. *Windows only.
Version 2.3 - Optimizations up to 10% *General optimizations from 5% and up, depending on cpu and mem speed *Default mining cpu count is All CPU instead of 1 *Remove requirement of command line options -cpu and -cputhreads *Network stability improved !
Version 2.2b - Removed from DevPool list *Improved pool connection *code cleanup and minor improvements (linux and macos)
Version 2.2 - New optimizations up to 55% faster. *Added major optimizations. (55% on Platinuim, 50% on i7 and i5) *Tested on i5, i7, Epic and Xeon *Added version in log and submit chrono
Version 2.1c *Fixed miner stalling after 24+ hours *Fixed miner crashing when resizing terminal *Fixed screen -r making miner stop *Fixed terminal randomly closing *Fixed linux caching error that give out litle more than 2% more speed. *Validated by tclark70
Version 2.1
- Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
- Fixed linux binary where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
- Linux zip files now contain rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
- FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders
Version 2.0
- Added RandomHash2. Up to 110% Faster than the reference miner.
Version 1.5.3 - 8 Jul 2019
- Added MacOS support and binaries. (Tested on High Sierra and El Capitan)
- Added internal cpu throttling option to slow down mining.
- Fixed: No more dulicate shares
- Fixed: EthMan API : sent config.txt was ignored when restarting miner on Linux.
Version 1.5.2 - 16 May 2019
- Fixed Xml parsing of config file. Some options where skipped.
Version 1.5.1 - 14 May 2019
- Support for CUDA 10.1 with drivers 419.x(Windows) and 418.x(Linux)
- Added suppot for Nvidia Turing architecture (GTX 20xx) Untested.
- Fixed : Cannot Disable gpu mining when using config.txton gpu binaries. Now you can simply empty the value of "gpu" and "gputhreads" to disable gpu mining on gpu binaries. Ex: "gpu":"" and "gputhreads":""
- Little performance boost on linux binaries (CPU and GPU)
- Added missing screensaver source files
- change line ending in many files
Version 1.5 - 2 April 2019
- Added ETHman and AwesomeMiner support (miner_getstat1, miner_restart, miner_reboot, miner_file, control_gpu) It is strongly recommented to NOT put rhminer in a loop in a script if you intend to use EthMan or AwseomeMiner. The restart option will close the instance and restart a new one. So if rhminer is in a loop, it will start another new instance everytime.
- Added Pascal Coin ScreenSaver V1.0 - Windows
- Now starting rhminer without parametres will automatically use config.txt.
- Added support Maxwell architecture 5.3 (Tegra Tegra (Jetson) TX1 / Tegra X1) on windows
- Re-added Pascal architecture 6.0 (Quadro GP100, Tesla P100, DGX-1) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4
- Re-added Pascal architecture 6.2 ( Integrated GPU on the NVIDIA Drive PX2, Tegra (Jetson) TX2) that was mistakenly removed in 1.4
Version 1.4 - 3 march 2019 *Major gpu optimizations: Gtx 1060 3gb 280 threads +196% Gtx 1070 8gb 384 threads +218% gtx 950 2gb 140 threads +226% [linux]
- Fix : On linux, rhminer stall for ever when network is lost (cable unplug or switch/router crashes).
- Fix : On very rare occasions, rhminer would stall at startup.
- Fix : Opensource pool bug where work-ID stuck to the same ID, creating many invalid shares.
- Fix : Duplicate/stale shares was high on cpu with with core count.
- Add -configfile option with a config.xml example
- Add extra option (+) to -cputhreads to enable mining on more threads that system's core/hyperthreads count (ex: on a i5 with 4 core -threadcount +7 will mine on 7 threads instead of 4)
Version 1.3 - 11 Jan 2019 *Major CPU optimizations. Up to 260% on some CPU
- +155% on Xeon E52665
- +260% on Intel i5 2th gen
- +195% on Intel i5 4th gen
- +250% on Intel Core 2
- New commandline option -sseboost. This option will give up to 10% on some cpu. BUT can also make it slower on other. TEST it before using it, to assert it gives a boost to your cpu.
Version 1.2 - 13 dec 2018
- Major optimization on cuda miner (+32% on gtx 1070 8gb, +37% on gtx 1060 3gb, +40% on gtx 950)
- Simple optimization on Linux. Up to 5% depending on the cpu
Version 1.1.1 - 6 dec 2018
- Critical Fix for memory corruption on Linux
- Fixed cross server shares submission
Version 1.1 - 5 dec 2018
- Optimization up to 7% faster on cuda (Tested on gtx 1070 8gb)
- Optimization up to 5% faster on cpu (Tested on Xenon and i5 7th)
- Fixed "unknown error" when disconnected from pool
Version 1.0 - 30 Nov 2018
- Fixed network error with coinotron and f2pool where miner was in limbo after pool disconnected.
- Fixed miner not starting on cpu without SSe4.1
- Fixed error where miners was rejecting shares due to wrong work package data.
- Fixed 'Exit on too many rejected shares' that was not working properly
- Added SSe detection
- Fixed connection error when coinotron and f2pool randomly closing socket.
- Minor memory optimizations
Version 0.9.4 - Nov 27 2018
- Fixed wrong hashrate on linux. (a thread-concurency bug made H/S show-up higer on linux.)
- Minor code optimizations (up to 5% on certain system, more when not mining on all cores)
- Fix failover server feature
- Fixed "no work timeout" that was exiting application instead of reconnecting to server.
- Fixed testperformance feature so it show pure hash performance instead of raw simulation of solo/pool mining.
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed processpriority 2 that made Windows GUI lags. Performances may reduce, over time, if this processpriority is chosen. NOTE: New default processpriority is now 3.
- Added processpriority 3. All miner threads are on high priority. Give a gain on certain system. Can create GUI lags.
- Added "zero speed" watchdog. Miner will exit when speed is at zero for 60 sec
- Added More stable hashrate
- Added Faster work transfer time to miner threads
- Added Faster share submition time
- Change Speed output to show SMA20 of past raw speed readings
Version 0.9.3 - Nov 20 2018
- Graceful handling of recurrent assert (m_fullHeader.size() == PascalHeaderSize)
- Add work timeout so miner exits if pool or wallet is stalled. see -worktimeout option.
- better handling of wallet/pool disconnection
- Removed temperature output. (Will be done later on.)
- Corrected share/block output stats depending if you mining locally or on pool
- Devfee watchdog timer to assert devfee time in all possible situations
- Updated windows/linux script example. Now linux script works properly.
Version 0.9.2 - Nov 13 2018
- Fixed processproprity bug on windows
- Clarify and update documentation
- change -disabledevfee to -devfee so good souls can donate more than 1%
- fixed miniweb exception when running more than one instance
- change agent name and display title so it contain cuda arch
- output available logical core on CPU, when calling -completelist
- fixed reconnect bug when wallet crashes