diff --git a/docs/blog/rendering-images/index.qmd b/docs/blog/rendering-images/index.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4392e3038
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+++ b/docs/blog/rendering-images/index.qmd
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+title: "Rendering images anywhere in Great Tables"
+html-table-processing: none
+author: Jerry Wu
+date: 2024-12-13
+freeze: true
+jupyter: python3
+ html:
+ code-summary: "Show the Code"
+Rendering images in Great Tables is straightforward with `GT.fmt_image` and `vals.fmt_image()`.
+In this post, we'll explore three key topics:
+* Four examples demonstrating how to render images within the body using `GT.fmt_image()`.
+* How to render images anywhere using `vals.fmt_image()` and `html()`.
+* How to manually render images anywhere using `html()`.
+## Rendering Images in the Body
+is the go-to tool for rendering images within the body of a table. Below, we'll present four examples
+corresponding to the cases outlined in the documentation:
+* **Case 1**: Local file paths.
+* **Case 2**: Full HTTP/HTTPS URLs.
+* **Case 3**: Image names with the `path=` argument.
+* **Case 4**: Image names using both the `path=` and `file_pattern=` arguments.
+::: {.callout-tip collapse="false"}
+## Finding the Right Case for Your Needs
+* **Case 1** and **Case 2** work best for data sourced directly from a database.
+* **Case 3** is ideal for users dealing with image names relative to a base directory or URL (e.g., `/path/to/images`).
+* **Case 4** is tailored for users working with patterned image names (e.g., `metro_{}.svg`).
+### Preparations
+For this demonstration, we'll use the first five rows of the built-in [metro](https://posit-dev.github.io/great-tables/reference/data.metro.html#great_tables.data.metro) dataset, specifically the `name` and `lines` columns.
+To ensure a smooth walkthrough, we’ll manipulate the `data` (a Python dictionary) directly. However,
+in real-world applications, such operations are more likely performed at the DataFrame level to leverage
+the benefits of vectorized operations.
+# | code-fold: true
+import pandas as pd
+from great_tables import GT, vals, html
+from importlib_resources import files
+pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 150)
+data = {
+ "name": [
+ "Argentine",
+ "Bastille",
+ "Bérault",
+ "Champs-Élysées—Clemenceau",
+ "Charles de Gaulle—Étoile",
+ ],
+ "lines": ["1", "1, 5, 8", "1", "1, 13", "1, 2, 6"],
+data = {
+ "name": [
+ "Argentine",
+ "Bastille",
+ "Bérault",
+ "Champs-Élysées—Clemenceau",
+ "Charles de Gaulle—Étoile",
+ ],
+ "lines": ["1", "1, 5, 8", "1", "1, 13", "1, 2, 6"],
+Attentive readers may have noticed that the values for the key `lines` are lists of strings, each
+containing one or more numbers separated by commas. `GT.fmt_image()` is specifically designed to
+handle such cases, allowing users to render multiple images in a single row.
+### Case 1: Local File Paths
+**Case 1** demonstrates how to simulate a column containing strings representing local file paths. We'll
+use images stored in the `data/metro_images` directory of Great Tables:
+img_local_paths = files("great_tables") / "data/metro_images" # <1>
+1. These image files follow a patterned naming convention, such as `metro_1.svg`, `metro_2.svg`, and so on.
+Below is a `Pandas` DataFrame called `metro_mini1`, where the `case1` column contains local file
+paths that we want to render as images.
+# | code-fold: true
+metro_mini1 = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ **data,
+ "case1": [
+ ", ".join(
+ str((img_local_paths / f"metro_{item}").with_suffix(".svg"))
+ for item in row.split(", ")
+ )
+ for row in data["lines"]
+ ],
+ }
+::: {.callout-tip collapse="false"}
+## Use the `pathlib` Module to Construct Paths
+Local file paths can vary depending on the operating system, which makes it easy to accidentally
+construct invalid paths. A good practice to mitigate this is to use Python's built-in
+[pathlib](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html) module to construct paths first and then
+convert them to strings. In this example, `img_local_paths` is actually an instance of `pathlib.Path`.
+# | eval: false
+from pathlib import Path
+isinstance(img_local_paths, Path) # True
+The `case1` column is quite lengthy due to the inclusion of `img_local_paths`. In **Case 3**, we'll
+share a useful trick to avoid repeating the directory name each time—stay tuned!
+For now, let's use `GT.fmt_image()` to render images by passing `"case1"` as the first argument:
+GT(metro_mini1).fmt_image("case1").cols_align(align="right", columns="case1")
+### Case 2: Full HTTP/HTTPS URLs
+**Case 2** demonstrates how to simulate a column containing strings representing HTTP/HTTPS URLs. We'll
+use the same images as in **Case 1**, but this time, retrieve them from the Great Tables GitHub repository:
+img_url_paths = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/posit-dev/great-tables/refs/heads/main/great_tables/data/metro_images"
+Below is a `Pandas` DataFrame called `metro_mini2`, where the `case2` column contains
+full HTTP/HTTPS URLs that we aim to render as images.
+# | code-fold: true
+metro_mini2 = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ **data,
+ "case2": [
+ ", ".join(f"{img_url_paths}/metro_{item}.svg" for item in row.split(", "))
+ for row in data["lines"]
+ ],
+ }
+The lengthy `case2` column issue can also be addressed using the trick shared in **Case 3**.
+Similarly, we can use `GT.fmt_image()` to render images by passing `"case2"` as the first argument:
+GT(metro_mini2).fmt_image("case2").cols_align(align="right", columns="case2")
+### Case 3: Image Names with the `path=` Argument
+**Case 3** demonstrates how to use the `path=` argument to specify images relative to a base directory
+or URL. This approach eliminates much of the repetition in file names, offering a solution to the
+issues in **Case 1** and **Case 2**.
+Below is a `Pandas` DataFrame called `metro_mini3`, where the `case3` column contains file names that
+we aim to render as images.
+# | code-fold: true
+metro_mini3 = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ **data,
+ "case3": [
+ ", ".join(f"metro_{item}.svg" for item in row.split(", ")) for row in data["lines"]
+ ],
+ }
+Now we can use `GT.fmt_image()` to render the images by passing `"case3"` as the first argument and
+specifying either `img_local_paths` or `img_url_paths` as the `path=` argument:
+# equivalent to `Case 1`
+ GT(metro_mini3)
+ .fmt_image("case3", path=img_local_paths)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="case3")
+# equivalent to `Case 2`
+ GT(metro_mini3)
+ .fmt_image("case3", path=img_url_paths)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="case3")
+After exploring **Case 1** and **Case 2**, you’ll likely appreciate the functionality of the `path=`
+argument. However, manually constructing file names can still be a bit tedious. If your file names
+follow a consistent pattern, the `file_pattern=` argument can simplify the process. Let’s see how
+this works in **Case 4** below.
+### Case 4: Image Names Using Both the `path=` and `file_pattern=` Arguments
+**Case 4** demonstrates how to use `path=` and `file_pattern=` to specify images with names following
+a common pattern. For example, you could use `file_pattern="metro_{}.svg"` to reference images like
+`metro_1.svg`, `metro_2.svg`, and so on.
+Below is a `Pandas` DataFrame called `metro_mini4`, where the `case4` column contains a copy of
+`data["lines"]`, which we aim to render as images.
+# | code-fold: true
+metro_mini4 = pd.DataFrame({**data, "case4": data["lines"]})
+First, define a string pattern to illustrate the file naming convention, using `{}` to indicate the
+variable portion:
+file_pattern = "metro_{}.svg"
+Next, pass `"case4"` as the first argument, along with `img_local_paths` or `img_url_paths` as the
+`path=` argument, and `file_pattern` as the `file_pattern=` argument. This allows `GT.fmt_image()`
+to render the images:
+# equivalent to `Case 1`
+ GT(metro_mini4)
+ .fmt_image("case4", path=img_local_paths, file_pattern=file_pattern)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="case4")
+# equivalent to `Case 2`
+ GT(metro_mini4)
+ .fmt_image("case4", path=img_url_paths, file_pattern=file_pattern)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="case4")
+::: {.callout-warning collapse="true"}
+## Using `file_pattern=` Independently
+The `file_pattern=` argument is typically used in conjunction with the `path=` argument, but this
+is not a strict rule. If your local file paths or HTTP/HTTPS URLs follow a pattern, you can use
+`file_pattern=` alone without `path=`. This allows you to include the shared portion of the file
+paths or URLs directly in `file_pattern`, as shown below:
+file_pattern = str(img_local_paths / "metro_{}.svg")
+ GT(metro_mini4)
+ .fmt_image("case4", file_pattern=file_pattern)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="case4")
+**Case 4** is undoubtedly one of the most powerful features of Great Tables. While mastering it may
+take some practice, we hope this example helps you render images effortlessly and effectively.
+## Rendering Images Anywhere
+While `GT.fmt_image()` is primarily designed for rendering images in the table body, what if you
+need to display images in other locations, such as the header? In such cases, you can turn to the versatile
+`vals.fmt_image()` is a hidden gem in Great Tables. Its usage is similar to `GT.fmt_image()`, but
+instead of working directly with DataFrame columns, it lets you pass a string or a list of strings
+as the first argument, returning a list of strings, each representing an image. You can then wrap
+these strings with [html()](https://posit-dev.github.io/great-tables/reference/html.html#great_tables.html),
+allowing Great Tables to render the images anywhere in the table.
+### Preparations
+We will create a `Pandas` DataFrame named `metro_mini` using the `data` dictionary. This will be used
+for demonstration in the following examples:
+# | code-fold: true
+metro_mini = pd.DataFrame(data)
+### Single Image
+This example shows how to render a valid URL as an image in the title of the table header:
+logo_url = "https://posit-dev.github.io/great-tables/assets/GT_logo.svg"
+_gt_logo, *_ = vals.fmt_image(logo_url, height=100) # <1>
+gt_logo = html(_gt_logo)
+ GT(metro_mini)
+ .fmt_image("lines", path=img_url_paths, file_pattern="metro_{}.svg")
+ .tab_header(title=gt_logo)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="lines")
+ .opt_stylize(style=4, color="gray")
+1. `vals.fmt_image()` returns a list of strings. Here, we use tuple unpacking to extract the first
+item from the list.
+### Multiple Images
+This example demonstrates how to render two valid URLs as images in the title and subtitle of the
+table header:
+logo_urls = [
+ "https://posit-dev.github.io/great-tables/assets/GT_logo.svg",
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio/gt/master/images/dataset_metro.svg",
+_gt_logo, _metro_logo = vals.fmt_image(logo_urls, height=100) # <1>
+gt_logo, metro_logo = html(_gt_logo), html(_metro_logo)
+ GT(metro_mini)
+ .fmt_image("lines", path=img_url_paths, file_pattern="metro_{}.svg")
+ .tab_header(title=gt_logo, subtitle=metro_logo)
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="lines")
+ .opt_stylize(style=4, color="gray")
+1. Note that if you need to render images with different `height` or `width`, you might need to make
+two separate calls to `vals.fmt_image()`.
+## Manually Rendering Images Anywhere
+Remember, you can always use `html()` to manually construct your desired output. For example, the
+previous table can be created without relying on `vals.fmt_image()` like this:
+# | eval: false
+ GT(metro_mini)
+ .fmt_image("lines", path=img_url_paths, file_pattern="metro_{}.svg")
+ .tab_header(
+ title=html(f''),
+ subtitle=html(f''),
+ )
+ .cols_align(align="right", columns="lines")
+ .opt_stylize(style=4, color="gray")
+Alternatively, you can manually encode the image using Python's built-in
+[base64](https://docs.python.org/3/library/base64.html) module, specify the appropriate MIME type
+and HTML attributes, and then wrap it in `html()` to display the table.
+## Final Words
+In this post, we focused on the most common use cases for rendering images in Great Tables, deliberately
+avoiding excessive DataFrame operations. Including such details could have overwhelmed the post with
+examples of string manipulations and the complexities of working with various DataFrame libraries.
+We hope you found this guide helpful and enjoyed the structured approach. Until next time, happy
+table creation with Great Tables!
+::: {.callout-note}
+## Appendix: Related PRs
+If you're interested in the recent enhancements we've made to image rendering, be sure to check out
+[#451](https://github.com/posit-dev/great-tables/pull/451) and
+[#520](https://github.com/posit-dev/great-tables/pull/520) for all the details.
diff --git a/great_tables/_formats.py b/great_tables/_formats.py
index 5c4bf0832..91157e985 100644
--- a/great_tables/_formats.py
+++ b/great_tables/_formats.py
@@ -3688,7 +3688,8 @@ def fmt_image(
In the output of images within a body cell, `sep=` provides the separator between each
- An optional path to local image files (this is combined with all filenames).
+ An optional path to local image files or an HTTP/HTTPS URL.
+ This is combined with the filenames to form the complete image paths.
The pattern to use for mapping input values in the body cells to the names of the graphics
files. The string supplied should use `"{}"` in the pattern to map filename fragments to