Example showing cookie
storage for user id data for each of the submodules
userSync: {
idPriority: {
uid2: ['uid2', 'liveIntentId']
userIds: [{
name: "33acrossId",
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "33acrossId",
expires: 90,
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600
params: {
pid: "0010b00002GYU4eBAH" // Example ID
}, {
name: "pubCommonId",
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "_pubcid",
expires: 60
}, {
name: 'dmdId',
storage: {
name: 'dmd-dgid',
type: 'cookie',
expires: 30
params: {
api_key: '3fdbe297-3690-4f5c-9e11-ee9186a6d77c', // provided by DMD
}, {
name: "unifiedId",
params: {
partner: "prebid",
url: "//match.adsrvr.org/track/rid?ttd_pid=prebid&fmt=json"
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "unifiedid",
expires: 60
}, {
name: "id5Id",
params: {
partner: 173, // Set your real ID5 partner ID here for production, please ask for one at https://id5.io/universal-id
pd: "some-pd-string" // See https://support.id5.io/portal/en/kb/articles/passing-partner-data-to-id5 for details
storage: {
type: "html5", // ID5 requires html5
name: "id5id",
expires: 90, // Expiration in days
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600 // User Id cache lifetime in seconds, defaulting to 'expires'
}, {
name: "ftrackId",
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "ftrackId",
expires: 90,
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600
params: {
url: 'https://d9.flashtalking.com/d9core', // required, if not populated ftrack will not run
name: 'identityLink',
params: {
pid: '999', // Set your real identityLink placement ID here
// notUse3P: true // true/false - If you do not want to use 3P endpoint to retrieve envelope. If you do not set this property to true, 3p endpoint will be fired. By default this property is undefined and 3p request will be fired.
storage: {
type: 'cookie',
name: 'idl_env',
expires: 30
}, {
name: 'liveIntentId',
params: {
publisherId: '7798696' // Set an identifier of a publisher know to your systems
storage: {
type: 'cookie',
name: '_li_pbid',
expires: 60
}, {
name: 'criteo',
storage: { // It is best not to specify this parameter since the module needs to be called as many times as possible
type: 'cookie',
name: '_criteoId',
expires: 1
}, {
name: "czechAdId"
}, {
name: 'mwOpenLinkId',
params: {
accountId: 0000,
partnerId: 0000,
uid: '12345xyz'
name: "merkleId",
params: {
refreshInSeconds: 10 // Refreshes the id based on this configuration, else by default every 7 days
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "merkleId",
expires: 30
name: 'uid2'
}, {
name: 'euid'
}, {
name: 'admixerId',
params: {
pid: "4D393FAC-B6BB-4E19-8396-0A4813607316", // example id
e: "3d400b57e069c993babea0bd9efa79e5dc698e16c042686569faae20391fd7ea", // example hashed email (sha256)
p: "05de6c07eb3ea4bce45adca4e0182e771d80fbb99e12401416ca84ddf94c3eb9" //example hashed phone (sha256)
storage: {
type: 'cookie',
name: '__adm__admixer',
expires: 30
name: "kpuid",
accountid: 124 // example of account id
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "knssoId",
expires: 30
name: "dacId"
name: "gravitompId"
name: "mygaruId"
syncDelay: 5000,
auctionDelay: 1000
Example showing localStorage
for user id data for some submodules
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "33acrossId",
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "33acrossId",
expires: 90,
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600
params: {
pid: "0010b00002GYU4eBAH" // Example ID
}, {
name: "unifiedId",
params: {
partner: "prebid",
url: "http://match.adsrvr.org/track/rid?ttd_pid=prebid&fmt=json"
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "unifiedid",
expires: 60
}, {
name: "pubCommonId",
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "pubcid",
expires: 60
}, {
name: 'identityLink',
params: {
pid: '999', // Set your real identityLink placement ID here
// notUse3P: true // true/false - If you do not want to use 3P endpoint to retrieve envelope. If you do not set this property to true, 3p endpoint will be fired. By default this property is undefined and 3p request will be fired.
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: 'idl_env',
expires: 30
}, {
name: 'liveIntentId',
params: {
publisherId: '7798696' // Set an identifier of a publisher know to your systems
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: '_li_pbid',
expires: 60
}, {
name: 'sharedId',
params: {
syncTime: 60 // in seconds, default is 24 hours
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: 'sharedid',
expires: 28
}, {
name: 'id5Id',
params: {
partner: 173, // Set your real ID5 partner ID here for production, please ask for one at https://id5.io/universal-id
pd: 'some-pd-string' // See https://support.id5.io/portal/en/kb/articles/passing-partner-data-to-id5 for details
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: 'id5id',
expires: 90, // Expiration in days
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600 // User Id cache lifetime in seconds, defaulting to 'expires'
}, {
name: 'criteo',
storage: { // It is best not to specify this parameter since the module needs to be called as many times as possible
type: 'html5',
name: '_criteoId',
expires: 1
name: "merkleId",
params: {
refreshInSeconds: 10 // Refreshes the id based on this configuration, else by default every 7 days
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "merkleId",
expires: 30
}, {
name: 'admixerId',
params: {
pid: "4D393FAC-B6BB-4E19-8396-0A4813607316", // example id
e: "3d400b57e069c993babea0bd9efa79e5dc698e16c042686569faae20391fd7ea", // example hashed email (sha256)
p: "05de6c07eb3ea4bce45adca4e0182e771d80fbb99e12401416ca84ddf94c3eb9" //example hashed phone (sha256)
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: 'admixerId',
expires: 30
name: "deepintentId",
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "_dpes_id",
expires: 90
name: "kpuid",
accountid: 124 // example of account id
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "knssoId",
expires: 30
name: 'imuid',
params: {
cid: 5126 // Set your Intimate Merger Customer ID here for production
name: 'connectId',
params: {
pixelId: 58776,
he: '0bef996248d63cea1529cb86de31e9547a712d9f380146e98bbd39beec70355a'
storage: {
name: 'connectId',
type: 'html5',
expires: 15
name: "qid",
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "qid",
expires: 365
syncDelay: 5000
Example showing how to configure a value
object to pass directly to bid adapters
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "pubCommonId",
value: {
"providedPubCommonId": "1234567890"
name: "id5Id",
value: { "id5id": "ID5-abcdef" }
name: "netId",
value: { "netId": "fH5A3n2O8_CZZyPoJVD-eabc6ECb7jhxCicsds7qSg" }
name: "criteo",
value: { "criteoId": "wK-fkF8zaEIlMkZMbHl3eFo4NEtoNmZaeXJtYkFjZlVuWjBhcjJMaTRYd3pZNSUyQnlKRHNGRXlpdzdjd3pjVzhjcSUyQmY4eTFzN3VSZjV1ZyUyRlA0U2ZiR0UwN2I4bDZRJTNEJTNE" }
name: "novatiq",
value: { "snowflake": "81b001ec-8914-488c-a96e-8c220d4ee08895ef" }
name: 'naveggId',
name: 'lmpid',
syncDelay: 5000
Example showing how to configure a `params` object to pass directly to bid adapters
pbjs.setConfig({ userSync: { userIds: [{ name: 'tncId', params: { url: 'https://js.tncid.app/remote.min.js' //Optional } }], syncDelay: 5000 } });