layout | title | pbs | pbjs | media_types | biddercode | tcfeu_supported | usp_supported | coppa_supported | schain_supported | pbs_app_supported | gvl_id | userIds | sidebarType |
bidder |
tappx |
true |
true |
banner, video |
tappx |
true |
true |
true |
true |
true |
628 |
all |
1 |
Please contact [email protected] to get set up.
{: .table .table-bordered .table-striped }
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
tappxkey | required | An ID which identifies the adunit | 'key1' | string |
endpoint | required | Endpoint provided to publisher | 'endpoint1' | string |
host | required(pbjs) optional(pbserver) | Tappx host | 'host1' | string |
bidfloor | optional | Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM (USD) | 1.2 | number |
mktag | optional | An ID which identifies a group of adunits | 'key1' | string |
bcid | optional | Block list of CID | ["1234"] | array of strings |
bcrid | optional | Block list of CRID | ["1234"] | array of strings |
Use the official test parameter specified in the oRTB standard (
- Parameters host is required in prebidjs and the old versions of prebid server. In case of doubt, always add the parameter.