diff --git a/dev-docs/faq.md b/dev-docs/faq.md index 1d723362f9..bb53686c44 100644 --- a/dev-docs/faq.md +++ b/dev-docs/faq.md @@ -176,20 +176,16 @@ For historic reasons, Prebid will resolve the AUCTION_PRICE macro. Google is developing this technology to help publishers create and manage line items in bulk. This should enable more publishers to integrate their sites with header bidding on the open web. Here is Google's [official blog post](https://blog.google/products/admanager/improved-header-bidding-support-in-google-ad-manager/) on yield group. This feature is currently in beta production. What we know about yield group feature: -- The beta is limited to which publishers are involved. -- The feature is limited to premium GAM accounts. -- The [Prebid Universal Creative](/overview/prebid-universal-creative.html) is not supported. Google has ported some portions of the PUC to an internal creative. -- GPT reads Prebid.js objects directly from the 'pbjs' global. -- Not all Prebid bid adapters are supported. -- While detailed performance testing has not taken place, we hope that the improved auction dynamics from no longer using price bucketing will have beneficial effects on auction outcomes. - -What we don't know: -- Whether all use cases currently work well when using yield groups. e.g. [Native](/formats/native.html), [video](/formats/video.html), [AMP](/formats/amp.html), [Post-Bid](/overview/what-is-post-bid.html). -- Whether utilizing the feature might cause an impact to some analytics scenarios. -- Whether GPT can find Prebid at a global other than 'pbjs'. -- Google's timelines for adding publishers to the beta or making the feature Generally Available. - -When we have solid information to share with the community, we will create additional [AdOps pages](/adops/before-you-start.html) and update existing ones. +1. The feature is limited to premium GAM accounts. +1. The beta is limited to which publishers are involved. +1. These use cases currently don't work with yield groups: [Native](/formats/native.html), [video](/formats/video.html), [AMP](/formats/amp.html), [Post-Bid](/overview/what-is-post-bid.html). Google is open to feedback from the community about these scenarios. +1. The [Prebid Universal Creative](/overview/prebid-universal-creative.html) is not utilized. Google has ported some portions of the PUC to an internal creative. For safeframes, the special creative calls postMessage, or if not a safeframe, it calls pbjs.renderAd() in the parent frame. +1. The in-page Google Publisher Toolkit (GPT) reads Prebid.js objects directly from the 'pbjs' global. If window.pbjs does not exist, it attempts to locate a non-standard Prebid global via window._pbjsGlobals; looking for the first instance that exists with the required functionality. +1. Not all Prebid bid adapters are supported. +1. Aliases are not currently supported, but Google aims to support aliases that are commonly used. There may be future updates to support custom aliases. +1. GPT determines bid values using pbjs events, specifically creating auctionEnd, bidTimeout, bidRequested, and noBid event handlers. +1. If a yield group matches, it takes precedence over any price-priority line items that may match. In other words, there's no need to deactivate existing line items. +1. While detailed performance testing has not taken place, we hope that the improved auction dynamics from no longer using price bucketing will have beneficial effects on auction outcomes. ## I'm a developer - how do I change the name of my module?